Saturday, 16 January 2010

Jom tengok wayang!


We all takde TV canggih, neither plasma nor LCD nor LED. Our fanciest TV is a  6-year old Sony Wega which is a crt only. Setiap kali pergi Harvey Norman or JB Hi Fi or Dick Smith, memang meleleh air liur tengok all these LCD and LED TVs that are on display. And everytime we feel like buying one, we always step back and said to ourselves, “we don’t watch much tv at all. the only time we watch tv is when the cricket is on and when we want to watch a movie so why do we need a bigger fancier tv?” So, we always ended up not buying one, hehehe.

Until a few weeks ago, when we found something more precious to us. We bought a projector! Definitely not the high end variety which cost $3k+ but the low end one aje :-). Since that day, we’ve had a couple of movie nights where we would set the lounge room to resemble a movie theatre. Ye lah, setengah orang ada their own special home theatre room but we all cuma ada lounge room aje, hehehe. But we love it so much sebab we finally could watch all our favourite movies on ‘big screen’ :-D. The Other Half setiap 10 minutes will say, “have I told you how much I love our projector?”  Oh Man, I truly agree with him, memang best giler ada projector ni, segala benda nampak besar giler, hahahahaha.. Tak boleh dah rasanya tengok movies on our ciput TV tu!

The Little Misses pun punyalah seronok tengok movies sekarang ni. But we could only watch it at night so far sebab nak make sure it’s dark so baru lah terasa macam kat cinema kan. And we love our off-white walls sebab tak payah susah payah beli screen, just project it onto the walls aje. Kalau lah tuan empunya rumah ni kalerkan walls dia green ke, purple ke, pink ke, memang tak jalan lah our home cinema, hehehehe..

And ini some photos I took of our movie session tonite (saje nak bagi adik beradik I jeles, hehehe). I tried using DSLR but I malas nak bega and nak adjust the light so tu yang ada gelap and cerah. The Little Misses siap ada tempat baring2 lagi nak tengok ‘wayang’, mana boleh baring2 kat cinema kan, hehehehe… And then bila I buat popcorns to eat during the movie, memang terperasan sungguh macam kat dalam cinema, hikhikhik…


See how dark it is. We had to shut the blinds, switch off all the lights, shut all the doors so less lights come in.


Our lounge room cum home theatre area :-D.


  1. wow!bestnya...dah kira home theatre lah tu kan.. :-)

    psst..dah mkn nasi ke blm??mcm blm lg je ;)

  2. Wah sangat seronok ber'projector' dirumah. Nampak macam your little misses tu bentang gebar depan skrin dah... salah salah terus tertido depan tuh...hehehehe

  3. wah.. best tu.. ada 'panggung wayang' sendiri..

    jimat sejimatnya... jimat masa nak beli tiket (if kena beratur laa), jimat duit nak beli popcorn, jimat masa nak kluar umah..

    bijak.. bijak kak LG ni... :)

  4. LG,

    Waaahh! Cosy nye cinema LG sefamili! Movies apa yg dah tayang? :D

  5. Zarin,
    mini home theatre ;-).
    Psst... belum makan nasi lagi ni! Caya lah kan, hehehe

    Kak Acik,
    Memang siap dgn blanket n pillows lagi tu! :-).Tu yg diaorang seronok sgt sbb dpt baring2 sambik tengok wayang kat 'cinema', hehehe

    Yang paling best nya, nak pakai singlet dgn shorts aje pun boleh masa tengok 'wayang' kat rumah ni. Pastu, klu nak pergi toilet, siap boleh pause lagi, hahahah

    Sekarang ni we all tgh kemaruk beli dvds so bnyk jugak lah yg we all dah tengok on our 'big screen' cinema, hehehe

  6. brilliant idea,kak...jimat lagi macam tu kan..wah, jelesnya saya ye. kat rumah tu, rasa macam nak sangat beli LCD tp hampa, nanti2 la bila saya dah kerja, mesti nak beli juga..

  7. Salam LG :-D

    Very exclusive and cosy, ni kalau nak bawa kari plus nasi...opps!Naan (hehehe!) pun OK ni sambil tengok wayang

  8. SJB,
    It's quite expensive to go to the movies here, that's why we loovvveeee our home 'cinema' :-).

    Kat sini mahal gilers nak tengok wayang, kalau hari biasa it cost $19/ticket utk adult! Tu yg rasa berbaloi sgt2 beli projector ni. Cuma tak dpt lah nak tengok the latest wayang aje, hehehe

    Mia's Mom,
    Hikhikhik... kalau tumpah, cuma Mummy aje lah yg mengamuk :-D

  9. Hi Sis,

    Came across to your blog...i'm in love with your read all ur posting...

    ur girls are so cute....

    Btw, which part of Perth are you living in? My sis stays in Riverton.

    Looking to your photos, it resembles my memory when I was there back in May 2008.

    I love Perth so much...such a laid back city...rasa mcm nak migrate je...hehehehe

  10. Tak jeles pun tengok projector tu hehehe. Tapi bila la nak cukup duit nak beli home theater system nih...
    eh, ask matt when does he want us to start sending all the new divx movies to u guys. :)

  11. Takyah beratur beli tiket atau beli popcorn..

    Leh tengok wayang anytime jerrr. Takyah tunggu iklan dan semak masa tayangan.. hahaha...

  12.! best! jeles seehhh...hehehe...hb ayu sibuk nak beli plasma tv bila dah pindah umah baru nnti.mentang2 umah baru...seme nak baru eh.iisskk...

  13. Melin,
    Hi. Thanks for dropping by my blog and reading my celoteh :-D.
    We all satu family pun suka sgt2 stay kat Perth ni, memang laid back sgt2 banding dgn KL tu, hehehe. I pun duduk area dekat2 dgn Riverton tu lah.

    Wei Bro,
    sebab tak cukup duit nak beli home theatre tu lah we all beli projector aje, hahaha. Pastu Matt pasang speakers and rigged it so dpt quadrophonic sound system, lagi lah rasa mcm duk dlm cinema you!
    Kena send 1 disc with lot lot movies aje lah sbb tak nak customs tahan, hehehe...

    Kak Azie,
    Memang betul. We all tak larat adverts yg berlambak2 kat cinema tu, klu kat rumah, tak payah adiverts ni kan :-)

    we all takde semua tv tu, tu yg last2 beli aje projector ni. Lagi murah dr beli tv, hehehe. Pastu bila tayang kat dinding, memang best weh!

  14. Sis,

    Manalah tahu ada rezeki I nak ke sana lagi, boleh lah ketemu buat seketika kan...ekekeke...

    Seriously, I mmg suka Perth. Masa pi sana dulu sempat menjelajah sampai ke Augusta....cantiknya lah permandangan sepjg jalan...subhanallah....

    p/s: i suka pi Good sammy too...hahhaha

  15. Same like me... Our TV yang berfungsi hanyalah Toshiba Bomba yg amat lah ketinggalan zaman., tp about 2 years ago, my hubby beli projector, tembak to our off white wall., haaa, amik u!! Tak payah dah beratur beli tiket kat TGV.. hehehe..puas hati kan..

  16. wallaweyyyyy tayah gi tgk wayang dah!!! jimat jimat jimat...

  17. Melin,
    boleh aje :-). I tak sampai lagi Augusta tu, paling jauh ke selatan, we all pergi Cape Lleuween (tak ingat spelling mcm mana), paling jauh ke North, baru Two Rocks aje, hehehe..
    I pun suka Good Sammy, even my sisters kat M'sia pun suka Good Sammy ni! Hahahaha....

    Memang tersangat lah best nya ada projector ni kan. Rasa mcm nak tengok 'wayang' aje hari2, hehehe

    betul tu!sangat2 lah jimatnya. Duit tu boleh I guna beli toys baru kan, wakakaka
