Friday, 1 January 2010

Home sweet home finally

We are back home finally, Alhamdulillah :-D. The plane landed at 11.45 mlm tadi and we ‘celebrated’ the arrival of 2010 at the airport baggage carousel waiting for our luggage, which was so much fun, hehehe ;-). But by 12.45 pagi, we were already at home, thanks to abundance of taxis at the airports. Most probably, the taxis would rather wait at the airport to ferry passengers returning home from overseas than to ferry drunken yobs at Northbridge and Fremantle home kot. Kalau I jadi taxi driver pun, I would rather wait at the airport for my fares than wait in the city.

I was so happy bila sampai rumah sebab bila bukak aje pintu depan, I could see that the house was really really clean and spotless. Obviously our house sitter did a spring cleaning just before he left which was really good of him. But now, the house is messy again thanks to The Other Half and The Little Misses!!! Hmmm….. Pastu, this Monday we are having our 3 monthly house inspection pulak tu so weekend ni memang lah tak boleh nak rehat sangat sebab kena kemas rumah again which is such a tedious chore to do especially when you are dead tired from lack of sleep. Oh well, what to do, dah duduk menumpang kan, so kenalah buat cara orang menumpang, hehehe….

But sebelum tidur malam tadi, we all sempat keluar tengok ‘kebun mini’ we all yang dah dekat sebulan kena tinggal tu. Our flowery garden kat depan rumah dah mati kering semuanya which is so so sad (including our lone lavender plant :-(). But The Other Half obviously did a good job setting up a timed watering system before we left for M’sia for our mini kebun sebab all our plants are doing really well. He was so impressed with his handiwork, hehehehe. Let me show you how our mini kebun looked like this morning…


This is the general view. Tengok lah betapa ijo nya pokok2 tanaman ni semua. Memang sungguh menyamankan mata memandang :-D. Tau tak pokok apa yang menjalar kat atas simen tu?

IMG_1083  IMG_1084

Ini lah dia hasil tanaman yang menjalar tu. Ada 2 biji watermelon yang tengah membesar. Sebelum we all pergi bercuti hari tu, cuma baru putik aje yang keluar and now nearly 4 weeks later, dah besar lah jugak our melons ni. But rasanya masih belum boleh dimakan lagi kot. I kena google to find out how long we have to wait before we can pick it. Tak sabar nak tunggu nak makan our own home grown watermelons :-D.

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Sungguh cantik dan gumuk betul I rasa pokok kunyit and pokok daun kesum I ni but bila lah agaknya we all nak guna ye? Sebab, dah gerenti we all tak makan nasi for 1 week ni, hehehehe…


Ini pulak salah satu dari 3 pokok chili we all. And again, entah bila lah I nak guna chilli ni. I suka sangat2 tanam pokok chillies but jarang guna chilli, hehehehe. Nampak gayanya I akan buat jeruk aje lah sebab jeruk can keep for a very long time :-).

And seperti yang telah di jangkakan, our dinner tonite was pizza!!!! The Other Half said to me on the plane last nite, “do you know what we would like for dinner for our first night at home?” I dengan muka selamba macam ahli nujum yang sangat pandai pun berkata, “pizza right?” He just burst out laughing and said, “you obviously know us so well :-D.” Lerr, bukan susah pun nak teka kan, hahahahaha….

Setelah 3 minggu tanpa gambar food, let me present to you our dinner…



BBQ chicken pizza. I korek our magic freezer and found a 1/4 BBQ chicken in it and carik2 isi dia and voila, jadi lah chicken pizza ni. After we had our first bite, everyone collectively said, “Ohhhh, yummmmmmm!!!!!!!!” I buat 2 largeish sized pizza and tadi cuma tinggal 5 keping aje. The Little Misses had 3 pieces each! And Daddy The Little Misses pulaknya sikit nya kontrol makan ke tadi. I could see it in his face betapa lah susahnya dia kena kuatkan semangat tak nak membedal habis2an tadi, hehehehe. Kiranya macam orang melayu dah 3 minggu tak jumpa nasi lah, wakakakakakaka……..


  1. Takde rezeki gak nak jumpa Kak Lg satu family..Amazing!sume tanaman jadi. saya tanam serai pon kojol..apa lagi cili..yang bertahan daun kari je..huhu..

    Pizza pon sedap! tapi dalam pantang la plak..he3..

  2. welcome home min.. rindu nak tengok masakan min.. dn sebetulnya sedih tk dpt gader2 :(

  3. eh eh, i pun mcm afid jugak...tanam serai pun boleh mati..yg tahan cuma pokok kari je...
    sungguh amazing ngan daun kunyit, daun kesum n watermelon itu...
    nyway seronok & sedap plak tengok pizza u itu :)

  4. Happy New Year Min & family...glad that you made it back safe & sound!!!Rehat lah....mesti letih kan!!

  5. alhamdulillah...dh selamat menikmati pizza di rumah ya? Hehe

    Saya ingat cuma saya kagum tgk pokok serai tu, x sgka afid dan zarin pun sama! Saya duk tanam serai dlm pasu lg besar dr tu pun hidup segan, mati x mau. Ingatkan serai nak ditanam atas tanah luas je...x leh jadi ni, kena challenge org perth menanam serai! Ngehehh

    Pokok2 lain tu pun sangat 'seksi'. Geram menengoknya! Cayalah kak!

  6. k.minnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....geramnya tgk akak punya pokok kunyit n daun kesum tu.gemuks giler...ayu gakle yg failed tnm kesum n kunyit.kunyit ok lg la...ada masa idup,ada masa kesum...memanjangnya kiok.aaddeehhh.....

    skrg yg leh hrp idup juz daun pandan n serai.serai tu baru je tnm so mmg tak gemuk la.aritu masa cuti raya lama,nyaris2 nak arwah.iiisskkk....

  7. dah balik K.LG yea.. tak sempat nak jumpa. Bila balik M'sia lagi? hehehhe. Jamie pun sama kalau tanam manjang mati jer.. mana taknya nak harapkan hujan jer tolong siramkan pokok kihkihkih...

  8. Kak LG,
    Alhamdullillah...semuanya selamat.
    Mesti u rindu giles kat rumah u 'kan...gerenti 110% right!!!! Damai sungguh tgk tanaman u...n don't forget about the pizza...mmmm..yummy yummy...

  9. Salam,

    Seronoknye dah sampai umah ek? Home sweet home!

    The pizzas looked great!

    Nak tanya, pokok daun kunyit tuh tanam camno ek? Benih amik mana?

  10. Afid,
    Takpe, insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki, kita jumpa next time :-). We all pulak, klu tanam pokok bunga mesti bnyk yg kojol. Tapi klu tanam sayur, ok pulak so far, hahaha...

    Kak Nor,
    I pun dah rindu sgt2 nak masuk my own dapur :-D. Nanti lah Kak Nor, one day insyaAllah kita jumpa jugak :-)

    I suka masa Summer ni sbb semua pokok naik dgn subur nya exc pokok bunga we all. Pokok sayur hidup tp pokok bunga semua mati :-(.

    Kak Watie,
    Memang penat lepas sehari suntuk pergi shopping kat Midvalley, pastu kat airport, pastu dlm plane, hehehe...

    Malam tadi we all semua kebulur sbb dah lama tak makan pizza, hahaha.
    Pokok serai ni guna banyak air so memang sentiasa kena siram esp masa tgh panas, kalau tak, dia akan kering and kecut aje, hehehe.

    We all pun tak tau kenapa kesum we all dah mcm jungle, memuncak2 naiknya :-). I rasa nak aje bukak gerai kat depan rumah ni and jual daun kesum n daun limau purut n serai, hehehehe...

    Tak tau lah bila nak cuti2 M'sia lagi ni, kena tunggu tabung ayam I penuh balik, wehehehehe...
    I pulak klu tanam pokok bunga, mesti gerenti nya mati :-)

    tu lah. memang sangat2 rindu kat rumah ni padahal bukannya grand pun rumah ni, hehehe. Masa kat M'sia, memang asik terkenang aje kat rumah ni :-D

    It's great to be back home :-). Pokok kunyit tu I tanam guna fresh kunyit. Kat Perth ni ada jual fresh kunyit and my Mak cakap, suruh tanam aje kunyit tu dlm tanah and jgn usik dia and after a few months, keluar lah pucuk dia. Samalah mcm tanam halia sbb kunyit and halia ni kan akar sebenarnya so tu yang senang nak tanam.

  11. Salam LG, Alhamdullilah selamat sampai... Cantik nyer tumbuh-tumbuhan yang awak tanam tu. Nanti kalau dah belah Melon tu nanti, ambik gambar tau. Nak tengok isi nyer ;)

  12. salam LG, waa.. sonok dah sampai umah sendri ye, tidur atas tilam sendri, bantal bucuk sendri.. hehehhe.. masak kat dapur sendri.. :)

    pokok daun kesum mmg x tahan lama kalo i tanam, daun kunyit plak.. macam tu jer... x kembang2 pon.. pokok2 ni ngada2 kot..kat oberci kemain lagi gumuks, bila kat sini.. kurus keding jer.. ahahha.. :P

  13. Hi
    Happy New year...
    I was blog hopping and looking at your pokok kunyit..Wow!! how did you manage to grow such a healthy, green pokok kunyit? Mine did not survive Perth(NOR) winter...and I am trying to grow them again...and straggly shoots came out... not as healthy as yours...:( What's your secret??

  14. Hi LG

    Nothing beats yr own home, pillow,mattress,bathroom, etc,etc, rite ;)
    esp the matter how fluffy, expensive, gebu the hotel's pillow, still the best is yr own...

    welcome back!


  15. oh yummmmmmmmmmmmm!

    pizza super best! ;)

  16. Kak Acik,
    We all pun tak sabar nak makan tembikai tu tapi rasanya lama lagi kot baru boleh makan :-(

    Sebusuk2 bantal kita, itu lah yg paling sedap nak letak kepala utk tidur kan, hehehe.
    Pokok kunyit and kesum tu dah 3 tahun tanam baru lah gumuk2 mcm tu (mcm tuan yg menanam nya lah, hehehe)

    Ho Ho Ho,
    Hi. Thanks for dropping by :-). Our pokok kunyit became only that healthy after the third summer of letting it grow from just a small bulb of fresh kunyit. The first Summer's leaves were really pathetic and they fell off and 'died off' during the first Winter. The second Summer's leaves were much better but the plant 'died' off again during Winter and now the third Summer, they are just sprouting like no tomorrow :-).
    There's no secret, we just water it daily and occas. food for the soil. Maybe your turmeric will be better next Summer :-).

    you are so right with the pillows :-D. I guess it's the comforting smell of home and knowing that we can sleep soundly on it.

    Memang yummmmmm!!!! :-)

  17. Salam LG :-D

    Alhamdulillah you dah selamat sampai to your own nest. It always feels good to be back to our own dwelling ya! I ni pun sedang sibuk berkemas for inspection. My 3 month inspection will be next Thutsday kut - sebab masa deadline yang betul jatuh ke Christmas Eve. So, kena forward lah ke minggu depan.

    So, Happy Berehat ...& Berkemas at the same time (Boleh ke ya?)

  18. LG,

    Ooo so kena carik fresh kunyit la ek. Hmm tak penah jumpa lagik kat sini. Tp kalo halia tuh ada la. So buh jek dlm tanah sampai kuar pucuk ek. Orait2, buleh la cuba. Hehe..


    *Kembali rutin menjenguk menu2 LG. :D

  19. Meriahnya daun kesum u and my fav.daun kunyit..masa i dok sana..nak hilang homesick i cium bau daun2 ni lah..hehehe..terubat rindu:)

  20. welcome home and happy new year 2010 to LG and family yeah...hihihi...sori terlambat...

  21. Mia's Mom,
    It's definitely good to be back at home :-) but not so good about Monday's inspection sebab masih lagi tak puas qada' tidur dah kena kerja keras mengemas rumah, hehehe

    Kat Perth ni nasib baik ramai Asians so senang lah jugak nak cari fresh kunyit and halia. And nasib baik lah senang aje nak tanamnya.
    A'ah, you tanam aje dlm pot, but make sure you timbus semua tau tapi tak payah dlm sangat. Pastu tunggu lah a few weeks/month sampai dia keluar pucuk. Jangan lupa bagi dia minum hari2 tau! Nanti I ambik gambar pokok halia I yang tengah berdaun sekarang :-)

    hehehehe... I pun suka cium bau daun kunyit tu and daun limau purut. Rasa macam kat kampung aje kan :-)

    Happy New Year to you n family too. I dah pos parcel ke you, harap2 dapat lah ye!

  22. LG,

    Bagus la senang carik kat sana. Dapat la buat masak lemak cili api. Huhu!

    Orait, nanti sy tanam gitu. At least sentiasa ada stok halia pon dah kira bagus. Huhu! Sy tanam oregano tp daun dia jadi kaler nak merah2 gitu.. tak tau naper. Tp bau and rasa still sama. Lantak jek la. :D

    Nanti buh ler gambo pucuk halia tuh.. buleh tgk :D


  23. Jeles tgk pokok daun kesum you tumbuh sihat menghijau. My kesum dah lama dah mati. Mati trauma kali sbb selalu sgt pindah. Ni I tgh cari pk kesum ni nak tanam balik.

  24. Dulukan pernah jumpa pokok pegaga dijual kat Big W..pernah hanyutlak bila hujan..cariklah LG kalau minatlah pegaga..;)

  25. Aida,
    Tu yg best nya bila duk tempat ramai Asians ni,hehe. Bila teringin nak masak lemak cili api,senang lah nak cari bahan (but I pulak yg tak reti masak,hehehe).
    Nanti I ambik gmbr halia tu ye :-)

    Kalau u nak dtg rumah I, I boleh bagi you kesum free :-).

    Ada ye pegaga kat Australia ni? Sbb I memang minat pegaga and dah lama jugak lah I cari but tak jumpa. Nanti I cuba cari kat Big W kat sini, thanks ye!

  26. salam,kak...wah,lamanyalah saya x singgah blog akak ni...rindu juga..akak n the gang sihat ke? eh,kak..saya datang ni bukan sesaja nak melawat tp ada hajat..hehe..boleh ajarkan saya how to make a pizza? saya dah pernah tried once before..saya tengok pizza tu ada rupa pizza cuma inti kat atasnya spoiled bab udang dah buruk but the worst is, my sis cakap tepung pizza tu hampir2 buat dia pengsan and tersedak..huhu...

  27. LG,

    Masak lemak cili api tuh very the simple.. gerenti LG buleh buat sambil pejam mata jek. Muahaha!

    Orait, nanti bila2 buleh.. tepek la gambo halia tuh. TQ!

  28. Tyea,
    Salam.. Busy ye sekarang ni? I buat pizza guna breadmaker tapi dulu2 I buat uli pakai tangan aje.
    Kenapa pizza base you tak jadi? Keras or tak masak? I bagi you link ni
    Kalau you ikut step by step dia, insyaAllah menjadi. Topping kat atas tu depends on apa yang kita suka makan. Kalau cheese and pizza sauce aje pun dah sedap for me :-)

    Masak lemak memang simple tapi kan I tak pernah dpt buat yang kaw2 nya. Bila I buat mesti rasa dia hampeh, hehehe..

  29. Salam dear,

    Happy New Year..Many thanks for putting up yr blog. Bila I baca yr blog rasa macam I have known u for years n I normally feel good after that..of course the occasional chuckle and smile that comes with yr writing. Lovely n cute kids as well as tell yr hubby akak kata dia ok lah for a Mat Salleh..

    I don't know macamana I stumble on yr blog but I am glad I did:)

    Take care, Kak Wan

  30. Also I am amazed that u can grow all the serai, cilli and daun god..daun kesom is so susah to bela..mine never survive more than a week..

    Maybe u have green fingers lah kot ni..

    Happy Gardening lah..

  31. mueheh ckp kat TOH, bedal ajer pizza tu, sok sok, mencangkul ler..kui kui kui...owhh subur betol pokok2 kak min. Kalah org kat mesia tanam pokok kesom, aduyaiii malu seyyy

  32. Kak Wan,
    Salam. Thank you for dropping by my blog and liking it :-). I feel like that too sometimes reading some blogs, as though I've known them for a long time :-).
    Our green fingers only come out during Spring and Summer because most things grow so fast during this time, hehehe.

    You kan dah tengok saiz my hubby, tu yang dia takut2 aje nak bedal pizza tu, hehehe...

  33. Kak Wan,
    Salam. Thank you for dropping by my blog and liking it :-). I feel like that too sometimes reading some blogs, as though I've known them for a long time :-).
    Our green fingers only come out during Spring and Summer because most things grow so fast during this time, hehehe.

    You kan dah tengok saiz my hubby, tu yang dia takut2 aje nak bedal pizza tu, hehehe...
