Saturday, 19 December 2009

Malaysian drivers!!!!

The Other Half had to drive to Melaka for our cuti2 sebab I lagilah malasnya nak drive on Malaysian road after so many years tak drive kat sini. He doesn’t mind driving kat M’sia but at the same time, kalau ada choice, he would rather not. Kenapa we all tak suka drive kat sini, let me list down the reasons:

Reason No. 1:

Apa guna ada speed limit on the highway when most people just ignore them anyway! Kalau speeding sikit2 tu takpe lah gak, but sampai 150-160 km/hr on a 110 km/hr road nak buat apa. Kat Perth pun ramai speedsters ni but mostly cuma lebih 10kms camtu aje and late at night.

Reason No. 2:

What is it with the Malaysian drivers and flashing lights! I betul2 tak paham why they have to flash their lights nak warning kita suruh kita bagi laluan for them when they are speeding! It really drives me insane! Macam lah VVIP mana aje konon2 nya itu jalan diaorang and other people have to give ways to their speeding cars. Can’t they use their brake to slow down. Tak kan tak tau brake kat mana ye tak.

Reason No. 3:

Tailgating! Dah lah drive laju giler, pastu tail gate kereta depan lagi. Wanna bet their reflexes are not that good. Kalau orang depan tu tiba2 terbrek (like what The Other Half did yesterday just to spite them), kelam kabut they braked and you could here their tyre screeching, hehehehe. Bukannya highway tu jam giler2 that they had to be so close to the car infront. It was quite lengang yesterday but they still had to tailgate. I think diaorang tailgate to force us to move to a different lane so bagi laluan ke diaorang. Banyak lah cantik muka diaorang, they want to speed, they find their own lane!

Reason No. 4:

Kata M’sia ni semua berhemah and very polite, I didn’t see any yesterday while driving on the highway. I thought it’s common courtesy kalau kita bagi kereta dia masuk dulu, the least they could do was to put up their hand to say thanks. Tapi semalam, all the drivers were so totally engrossed with being first that they forgot to say thanks or to acknowledge their gratitude with even a nod.

Reason No. 5:

Masih ada lagi ke lesen kedai kopi ni? Obviously banyak lagi kot sebab ramai lagi yang I tengok semalam yang tak tau the road rules. Sebab when it was obviously our right to enter the street, the other drivers just buat derk  dengan selambanya aje menonong masuk the street without even any glance at us. We had to brake just so tak cium kereta diaorang.

Reason No. 6:

Why can’t people queue when there’s a jam? I’m so amazed at people yang guna bahu jalan or the emergency lane untuk mencilok masuk ke depan. Dia ingat orang lain yang duk baik2 in the queue waiting for their turn to move duduk saje2 je ke kat dalam kereta tu. Macam lah diaorang aje yang sangat2 penting and kena pergi their destination on time. Pastu bila kita tak bagi dia masuk, sikit nya marah ke and jeling bagai nak giler. What did they expect?

Ada banyak lagi tapi I’m not going to make all of you M’sian drivers mad at me for venting out my frustations :-). I think I would rather face  and deal with Perth drivers daily than deal with Malaysian drivers, hehehe.


I’ll post another N3 lepas ni with photos and our jalan2 cari makan kat Mydin Ayer Keroh…


  1. If it was me i would curse a lot..hahaha but no point doing that cuz he/she wouldn't hear a thing since i'm in d car...

    how was the trip? sayang i dah pindah dr melaka kl tak boleh jumpa kak Min kat Mydin....rumah I dulu dekat je ngan Mydin tu..dekat Taman Tasik Utama..Jalan TU 19..

  2. By the way, my baby dah nak masuk 4 mths old...insyaallah 26 Dec ni genap 4 bln..he's doing fine alhamdulillah cuma i ni je tak cukup kaki tangan sbb busy dr pagi sampailah ke malam....

  3. hahahahahahha =))
    gelak golek2 sye bace post ni kak min.
    mmg malaysian drivers ni giler2 n tak berhemah (including me :D)

    saye kerja kat tgh2 kl, to be exact kat chow kit.seriously sy rase sy boleh giler lama2 kalau drive kat Kl ni! mmg stresssssssss!

    i once driver yg berhemah.but it took me almost 1 hour n half nk sampai tempat kerja.6.30 kene bertolak dh nk dkt kul 8 baru sampai opis.then pk2 mmg membazir mase sbb kite je kene kasi jalan kat org laen..geram bagi menjimatkan mase kul 6.50 bertolak kul 7.30 dh smpi..terpaksa jd giler kak,kalau tak kite je saket ati n punch kad asik merah je..huhu

    tapi,kat kl je la sy drive mcm org giler.hehe

  4. hahah.. what can I say other than, "Welcome back to Malaysia" ;).

    However, it's not only you who feel that way.. the rest of us yang memang stay kat Malaysia ni pun feel the same..:p

  5. Salam kak LG,
    Kasihannya dgar cite.
    Actually, My Hubby pun dlm kategori fast driver jugak. Tapi masih berhemah, dan ikut limit speed.

    Memang style driver lelaki Malaysian dan perempuan Malaysian terlalu jauh sgt beza. Tak mcm kat oversea. Mgkin driver tak berhemah yg Kak LG jumpe kebanyakn lelaki, rite?
    yang speed over limit atas highway, keta BMW, Mercedes, Myvi, Perdana...biasanya.
    Kalu yg drive menonong tak tgok kiri kanan, biasanya ladies...kikiki.yg saya slalu tgok la.

    Saya pun slalu geleng kpala. My Hubby cakap,signal2 suh bagi laluan tu, bcoz mmg itu style driving kat Malaysia. Mula2 tak caya gak, tapi, bila tengok org lain pun ada yg lagi fast dr kami, memang kena bagi laluan. Trpaksa mengalah.

    Kalau 110, kena ikut, sbb kna Speedtrap..hahaha.

  6. Salam LG (:-D

    Well, that's the taste of home for you. It's like dia punya stress masa congestion hari2 nak gi kerja tu dia release masa kat highway kut? When we were travelling in Malaysia, we used to travel very early in the morning and hardly during school holiday. Sebab nak elak sakit jantung; nak elak guna perkataan yang tak baik; nak elak dari berdoa benda2 tak baik terjadi kat driver2 yang macam dia orang punya jalan tu! Memang sakit hati, kan? Macam tak de ingat keluarga langsung! My husband was saying, dia orang macam ada nyawa spare that's why tak takut kut.

    Well, can't wait for your photos (:-D

  7. Nasib baik I wasn't driving on the highway masa you guys were there. Kot tidak, mesti serba sedikit terasa.. Hahaha.... I drive fast, tapi still berhemah. I don't flash, I don't honk. I give way to people... so now, mama masuk kategori driver yang macam mana ye? Haha... Enjoy the rest of your holiday in Malaysia!

  8. Kak Hottie,
    Me memang pemandu yang berhemah...
    Actually, mmg driver kat Malaya ni sadis...apa yang u coretkan tu sangat betul. Setuju 100%.

    My hubby pun tak suka drive kat Malaya ni jugak...dia kata sangat berbeza kalau drive kat negara omputih..lagipun dulu my hubby pun study kat Birm, UK...kiranya ala2 driver British gituuu...

  9. I fast driver juge, tp seriously i hate ppl use emergency lane. :D tp drive nie mmg kene banyak bersabar. ehehe jgn tense2. :D

  10. kalau cuti lama lama camni org melaka biasa nye takut nak keluar. penuh sesak bandar melaka. so shopping pun kat kedai kedai kampung je. anyway, welcome to melaka.

  11. ahaks.. welcome to the malaysian life..
    yang speed kete besar2 ni tak heren.. yang kelakar.. tu kete kancil pun laju giler.. siap bagi signal suruh ketepi..
    dulu tu geram gak, kekdg kejar.. tapi la ni.. sabar.. cakap. maybe driver tu nak terkucil kot.. cari toilet.. tu yang laju giler.. hehehe
    by the way, you kena try kat mekah nye driver.. huh!! lagi la mak oiii. ingat KL teruk... sana lagi berpinar mata.

  12. saya pakai kerete buruk jek...jadi sudah semestinye lah tidak termasuk dalam kategori2 yg diperkatakan ni...eheheheee
    tak nak mengaku atau nak mengelak? hahahaaa

  13. Hi Mynn,
    I yg duduk kat sini pun pening, I only drive dalam Subang Jaya/USJ and to work in S.Alam. Itu pun dah tension giler..Memang kita stress habis kalau drive kat sini. ANy long distance driving hubby jer..I memang tak berani.
    I tergolek2 gelak baca kisah you kat PKNS..I memang selalu alaminya..actually I suker pergi sana once a year jer..dlm bulan puasa and I know how it feels when orang sibuk tanya soalan cepumas..after staring at me and hubby..Itu anak akak ker? And bila Qtn is putihnya dia ..kenapa yer ?
    Bangang punya soalan...anyway enjoy yr trip to Malacca.

  14. The problem with malaysian drivers is that we were not taught road ethics masa driving lesson and test. This is from my experience lah yg dah buat both version of tests. Just recently passed my WA test and I can tell you my instructor here ajar cara bersopan di jln, like always give way to pedestrians, never block an entrance/ exit if you are stopping at the lights, must be 2 seconds or more from the car infront, never go over the speed limit and masuk bahu jln is just unheard of..., kalau tak ikut mau nya fail test nanti...hee..hee.. anyway, enjoy your trip :))

  15. LG, I think it's abt who we are as a person, tul tak? Ajarlah road ethics, kasilah saman ... they will not bother.

    I hate most bila diorang tak guna signal light appropriately dan teramat berasap when they dont bother to 'say' tq when we give or forced to give ways to their penyamun-like mannerism.

  16. Salam LG,
    akak pun benci dgn org yg berlagak tak bertamadun ni...tak reti nak ikut speed limit..dah tu kuat suka mencucuk lagi...itu la jadinya bila penguatkuasaan kurang, lagi la ramai org tak berdisiplin ni..keta besa ke, kecik ke, sama jer.. perangai..kadang tu kat kete tampal mcm-mcm sticker yg baik2, macam insaf jer siap ada ayat suci lagi tapi memandu macam hmpeh!

    apapun LG..selamat bercuti & menyaksikan "The gelagat or the truly asian"

  17. salam kenal kak Mynn,

    selama ni jadi silent reader aje..hari ni baru tergerak hati nak menegur ( sebenarnya nak tegur lama dah cuma tak mulakan aje...heheheh)
    fyi...saya dah baca setiap n3 yang akak tulis from the start ( last year)----marathon lagi..baca tak henti2..n seronok dapat kenal akak, the other half n the litle misses...

    semoga enjoy dengan percutian kat msia kali ni....
    saya link akak ek...

  18. I always say this when i am driving...

    You can meet the nicest Malaysians dalam masjid, or at family gatherings...

    You can see the worst Malaysians kat Jalan Raya, 2 years ago, when i started driving i thought i want to be pemandu berhemah... but i blame other drivers... they will not give you the chance...

  19. haha.. mmg camtuh kot kat malaysia ni kak. kalau kita berhemah sgt, nasibnye kite kena pijak ;)

    sbb ramai lagi yang xde kesedaran tu =D

  20. Agree with Kak Min, memang rata2 Malaysian drivers are the worst in the world. bila orang ngata macam tu diorang marah melenting tapi masing2 takde pon nak judge diri balik, tenung balik cara pemanduan mereka..Kalaulah semua orang Malaysia memandu secara berhemah, mesti statistik kematian masa Ops sikap (betul ke) masa perayaan akan menurun kan..kan..kan..

  21. huhu..bersabarlah. welcome home! :D

  22. Mira,
    we all pun brapa bnyk kali menyumpah seranah those drivers, hehehe. Memang driving kat M'sia ni kurang betul pahala I ;-).
    Is yr MIL still here to help you look after your son?

    Kalau tgh jam sesak tu maybe kot I can understand orang mencilok masuk tp bukannya jam pun semalam tp still nak guna emergency lane tu jugak..heran betul :-D. I rasa lah kan klu I kena kerja tgh2 KL tu, maunya I ambil public transport aje lah, tak kuasa I nak naik blood pressure mengutuk orang hari2, hahahaha

    tu lah, I said to my hubby, I tak tau mcm mana orang M'sia boleh tahan sabar tengok drivers yang memang kurang ajar ni. Sbb I memang betul2 tension, hehehe

    diaorang ingat agaknay diaorang drive kereta mahal2, jalan tu bapak dia punya kot, tu yang kita kena bagi laluan ke dia, hehehe.
    I pun tak paham betul signal flashing light tu sbb memang sgt2 annoying!

    Mia's Mom,
    you pun mcm I ye, punyalah bnyk sumpah seranah and doa tak baik I bagi kat the other drivers, hehehe. Tapi mmng kena buat senyap2 sbb tak nak bagi the kids dengar :-).
    Tu lah kan, the way the were driving, memang nampak mcm they have 9 lives like the cats ;-)

    you masuk kategori berhemah lah sbb walaupun you drive fast, you tak annoy the other drivers with your horn n flashing lights, hehehe

    I memang pemandu berhemah sbb dah biasa kat Perth sbb tak nak kena fine, hehehe. Tu yg like your husband, I cukup tension nak drive bila balik M'sia ni :-)

    Kenapa they have to use the emergency lane ye? Bukan ke the other people pun tengah menunggu patiently to go to other places, tu yg I heran sgt2, hehehe

    Dah lah Melaka tu memang sentiasa busy kan masa weekend n public holidays esp dgn Singaporeans yang beramai2 datang ke situ. Pastu dgn beca lagi, memang seriau nak drive kat bandar tu, hehehe

  23. Jue,
    tu lah kan, I pun gelak tengok kereta Kancil yg CC nya sgt ciput siap speeding on the right hand lane pastu siap flashing bagai, hehehe...

    Nanti I nampak kereta buruk kat highway, I nak make sure I tengok betul2 you ke bukan, wehehehe

    you lalu Federal Highway ye yang memang sentiasa jam and penuh dgn kereta tu, hehehe.
    I tadi pun asik pejam mata aje bila tengok drivers yang tak tau road rules sbb nak elak I menyumpah seranah, hehehe.
    You pun dpt gak ye soalan bangang from salespeople, hehehehe. Hamoeh betul kan diaorang ni kdg2 :-D

    hehehe, probably kot because I took my both M'sian and Australian tests as well and if I tak bersopan masa australian driving test tu, memang lah fail, hahaha.

    Kat Australia ni, they have demerit points system. Kalau you buat kesalahan on the road, your points will be deducted and kalau dah habis point, you'll lose your license. Kat M'sia ada ke? Maybe klu ada, people takut gak kan klu tetiba hilang lesen :-).
    I pun tension ya amat kat orang yang tak tau mcm mana nak guna signals, hehehe

    Kereta aje yang alim Kak Lily, tuannya perangai cam setan kat jalan raya, hehehe.

    salam singgah ke my blog and thanks ye sbb sanggup buat marathon baca my blog, hehehe.

    Melancholic fool,
    thanks for dropping by. Memang betul apa you cakap, most of these drivers are probably nice people if you meet them at other places but they become someone completely diferent on the road.

    My hubby berhemah aje mula2 drive, pastu dia naik tension sbb orang lain sikit pun tak berhemah ke dia on the road. Pastu, terus lah dia jadi singa, hehehe

  24. Zaila,
    I pun heran betul tengok road death and accident statistics kat M'sia ni especially masa cuti panjang. But bila I tengok the way they drive esp the motorcycle riders, memang lah baru I paham why. But yang kesian nya tu, kalau diaorang aje mati takpe, ni kdg2 diaorang langgar orang lain yang innocent, tu yang I geram!

    Dah sampai kampung baru lah boleh sabar, hehehe

  25. bila nak post n3 baru yang kat melaka tu?

  26. hehe setuju gak ngan komen2 akak tu..we ol pun bila balik mmg takut gak kadang2 kat jalan raya hubby mmg tak renti2 la cakap mmg x heran kalau no of people death sbb accident ni tinggi je..tekejut gak dia musim raye especially bila tgk kat tv tnjuk kes2 bwk bas pun sama.laju giler bwk bas pun.we ol haritu nyaris nk xciden ngn bas 1st day we ol smpi msia haritu.:( kalau nak compare ngn perth ni mmg jaaaaauuuh bezanyer kak.tggl lagi takut org2 yg minum bawak keta je..

  27. kak LG...
    rakyat M'sia mmg bersopan santun...tapi bukan di JALANRAYA..
    kalo kt highway mmg mcm tu la org m'sia bwk kete...suka menyondol, suka flashing light, suka hon2 mrh2..siap ajak gaduh pun ada..sebab diaorg rasa jlnraya tu bapak diaorg punya..

  28. salam...memang malu bila baca perkara ni, tapi itulah hakikat...itulah MALAYSIA!

  29. k.nor sokong 200% apa yg min kata tu.. nak buat camna itu la malaysia kita... malaysia boleh... eh silap 1malaysia :)

  30. sis lg, meh saya nak nambah list sis.

    just return home from fishing trip @ pulau aman (one of the pulau di bawah jajahan penang - hanya kaki pancing yang tau). adeh...masa tunggu boat kat jeti tu with the kids adalah sekumpulan lelaki + perempuan2 vogue ni yang dress up ala2 orang kelas atasan joined us @ the jetty. mak oi...hati saya sungguh sakit.
    my 9th yrs old boy asked me, " ibu, tak perlu beratur ke ibu?. kat sini kena rebut2 ya baru dapat naik boat." saya teramatlah malunya dnegan si kecil syaa itu. but the lelaki-perempuan vogue itu dnegan selambanya sambil peluk2 their partner berebut2 nak naik bot.
    then i replied to my boy.."irfan, this is malaysia, you dont have to just have to rebut macam kakak + abang ni". i said it very loud. geramm sungguh.

    sorry ya sis...emo terlebih. hehehe..

  31. Eta,
    hehehehe...dah letak dah :-)

    your hubby lagi lah kan pening drive kat M'sia sbb dia membesar kat Perth :-). memang betul you ckp, bas2 persiaran kat M'sia ni melurutkan jantung I aje on the highway. Siap boleh tailgate lagi tu, padahal sikitnya besar. Pastu bila dia nak tukar lane, menonong aje masuk n then expect people to give way to them!

    Tu yg I geram, kalau kat highway, memang hilang langsung kesopanan rakyat M'sia. Masuk aje highway, terus macam kena rasuk hantu kan!

    Unsung hero,
    everytime I balik M'sia, memang I noticed sgt2 gelagat drivers kat highway ni. Unbelievable, cuma boleh geleng kepala aje we all tengok!

    Kak Nor,
    I ingat I sorang aje yg terasa tensen gile rkat highway ni, rupa2nya semua orang rasa mcm I ye, hehehe

    it's so embarrasing sbb your kid yg so innocent tanya soalan mcm tu kan. Nampak sgt adults ni dah lupa adab susila. Kalau I jadi you pun, I akan say outloud sbb geram dgn perangai these people. But the sad thing is, diaorang ni jenis orang yg memang tak makan saman so sikit pun diaorang tak terasa!
    Memang memalukan betul lah manusia2 mcm tu.
    Yang I geramnya, most probably diaorang ni perasan aje loaded and VVIP, hehehe. Sebab selalunya VVIP ni berhemah habis :-).

  32. aah kak.buakn kata bas kat bighway tu je.bas yg lalu kat jalan kg tu pun,masyaallah...bunyi da mcm kapal terbang lalu pun ader heheh..ingat lagi masa family dia nak dtg merisik umah saya dulu.ada satu keta ni 'usha' pe kat keta yg abg dia bwk.hubby saya yg masa tu da la bwk mak n bpk dia dlm keta tu dia geram pegi berlumba ngn keta tu hehe..nsb abg2 dia cal suh berenti..apepun tetap rindu malaysia...

  33. k.min...

    thats why la ayu takut nak bwk keta.sbbnya...sikap pemandu lain yg buat ayu b'tambah tak confident.kita bwk elok2...dorg cari psl.dah tu bila accident,dia blame kita blk.

    klu time pi/blk keje,lg la sgt sbb ayu naik motor kan.depa nak masuk lane kita main pancung sesuka hati.tak bg signal.kita lak yg kena m'elak or brek sbb takut dilanggar dorg.abis tu signal tu nak watpe.p'hiasan agaknya...
