Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Cuti cuti Malaysia

Where should I start? I guess I’ll start the story from Sunday the day we were so busy with cleaning and packing. Our flight was the tengah malam buta nya flight which I kind of like but kind of not like at the same time. I like it sebab I could still pack and clean the house the whole day and night as well and tak payah nak rush like mad to do every thing. But I don’t like it sebab it means The Little Misses would miss out on a good night sleep and so would we. Macam mana lah kan nak tidur sebab by the time they took off and then finished serving supper, it was already nearly3 in the morning. Pastu cuma tidur2 ayam aje for a few hours before  landing time. So, the whole day yesterday was spent ‘recovering’ from the lack of sleep lah :-).

A miracle happened on Saturday and Sunday, we managed to pack everything within the allowable weight limit of 80kg! Punyalah terkejut we all sebab as you could see, punyalah banyak kan barang2 atas futon tu, hehehe. The Other Half lah yang sangat2 terkejut sebab he was so sure that it was going to go way over the limit :-). In the end, we had 3 big boxes and 2 big suitcases to take back to M’sia (tak termasuk our hand luggage lagi tu). But yang nak tergelak nya. Our barang2 and baju cuma 1 big suitcase aje, the rest tu was barang2 for other people. So, balik Perth nanti, memang lenggang kangkung lah we all, hehehehe.

Psst… The Other Half tak tau lagi yang I tengah berfikir2 nak penuhkan one of the suitcases dengan barang2 baking, hahahaha….

Anyway, we landed safely (Alhamdulillah) and now are taking things slowly in the kampung before the big day. The Little Misses are so happy just running around the house, playing with the kittens and cats and panjat pokok rambutan sambil makan buah rambutan. Tapi yang teramat lah tak best nya kat kampung sekarang ni are the swarms of mosquitos! I rasa sebab musim hujan kan sekarang so jentik2 pun berlambak2 lah and baru aje sampai dah penuh dengan bintit2 merah kat satu badan Miss 6. Yang heran nya, Miss 10 tak kena gigit teruk sangat banding dengan Miss 6. Maybe nyamuk2 tu excited sangat tengok kulit putih dia tu lepas hari2 tengok kulit hitam jowo kat rumah ni, hehehehe… Nasib baik lah we brought along tropical strength mosquito repellant so it’s been much better today.

Masa sampai pagi2 tu kat kampung, the first thing that caught our eyes was the brand new KFC kat pekan Ijok ni which is situated tak jauh dari kedai mamak favourite we all. Menjerit kegembiraan semua sebab tak payah lah we all kena pergi Shah Alam semata2 nak makan KFC. And then bila dah habis makan breakfast kat kedai mamak, bolehlah we all berjalan pergi KFC pulaknya, hahahaha…. Uwwaaaahhhhh, macam mana lah tak gemuk kan duduk M’sia ni :-D.

And like I said, kalau kat M’sia ni, my photos will mostly be of The Little Misses lah kan (and not of food sebab I tak masak kat M’sia ni, hehehe). But rasanya nanti on the wedding weekend ni, we hope to take loads of the kenduri photos lah including photos of the lauk pauk jawa :-). So, layan gambar The Little Misses..


Our first breakfast, roti canai and cempedak goreng!!! Yeay!!! Miss 10 makan habiskan 2 keping, The Other Half makan 3 keping and Miss 6 makan 1 keping. I makan goreng cempedak ber’keping keping’, hehehehe…


Miss 6 finally lost her tooth on Sunday tapi tooth fairy tak datang sebab we were on a plane that night and tooth fairy takde ticket nak naik plane, hehehe. Takpe, we’ll give it to her in Perth nanti :-).


Kat belakang rumah Atuk and Nenek nak pergi kutip rambutan. Patung tiger tu fungsi dia untuk menakutkan monyet2 from stealing the rambutans. People say it works but God knows…..


  1. lama2 monyet tu dh tak heran dgn rimau..jadi gang plak heheh.tetibe MJ tanya...tak nak pegi ke wedding kakak yg kawin mat salleh tuh?heheh d sentence klakar kan?mcm k.minnye wedding jer..jgn lupa besanding sekali lg ye k.min..

  2. serius harimau tu nampak real

  3. pandai gak TLM makan malaysian food ye walaupun hari2 mummynye msk western food yg sedap2... sbb tgk blog u ni, hari2 i dinner ngan western food...

    dtg le visit perak...

  4. Alhamdulillah dah sampai pun.. Mesti happy sakan tuh..

    Kenduri tu Ahad ni kan? Hmm... memang tak bleh la na join, sbb ada big event kena handle dgn anak2 yatim di Dengkil

    Next time jumpa ler nampaknya Min...

  5. comel ajer la si kecik kena terkam rimau tu... ehehehe... pandai bebenor posing :-)

  6. dah sampai msia dah!!! mesti seronok sakan le especially bab2 makan nanti. hehe

  7. salam. udah sampai ya? selamat bercuti2 mesia..

  8. Tak pe Alhamdulillah Min dah selamat landing...and..since tak ada live telacast...liputan siaran tertunggak pun acceptable...hehehe!!!

  9. Alhamdulillah..dah selamat sampai.

  10. Selamat cutu2 Msia...eh rimau tu mengingatkan kak rose ngan rumah atok mak kita.... ada rimau gak tuk halau monyet...its work u!

  11. Sampai sudah malaya ya...alhamdullillah...Kak Hottie, enjoy ya sempena cuti2 malaya ni...makan puas2, enjoy puas2, lepak puas2 'kay..
    We all tak sempat nak join the kenduri, got something else. Selamat pengantin baru to Akeem n her wife ya.
    Oh ya, Edelyn tak sabar2 nak jumpa Alya n Zahra...nanti kita set date untuk jumpa2 ya.....till then

  12. Wow, glad U guys reached here safely! I'm sure Ur gals gonna enjoy to the max! So do others, coz Ur gals got lots of admirers kan! kekeke!

    My advance wishes for the wedding...and Happy Holidays to U 4! Take care...and beware of those mosquitoes! :)

  13. Mynn.. miss u already ;p have fun!

  14. alhamdulillah ye kak min sekeluarga selamat sampai ke Malaysia :-)

    ara lak naik flight..opsttt...silap, hehehhe...naik bas kul 07.30 esok for kenduri sabtu ni....semua dah berangkat balik kampung ye...hehehe

  15. salaam.

    Oowwhh..! Kak LG sekeluarga suka lepak mamak Zafarullah tu? Ada stu kedai india selang bbrp unit dari situ, sedap gak roti dan kari dia. Kedai lama..

    Enjoy makan-makan!

  16. Burst out laughing looking at the menacing tiger 'mauling' the cute kid pretending to be terrified...whilst the sis 'relak' & poses for the camera, muah ha ha ha...

    Glad that all of u arrived safely ;)

  17. Emy,
    Adik I nya wedding tapi I n hubby nanti yg lagi glemer,hehehe..

    I pun masa first time tengok rimau tu, terkejut jugak lah sekejap :-)

    diaorang suka makan asian food ni cuma Mummy dia aje yg malas masak asian food slalu,hahaha...

    Kak Azie,
    Memang yang paling seronok bebudak tu lah sbb tak berenti main aje :-). InsyaAllah, 1 day nanti kita jumpa jugak ye :-)

    kalau pasal posing, memang bagi aje kat diaorang tu :-)

    Kak Ain,
    How's Doha and cuti2 Turki?Seronok? :-). Skrg my turn pulak cuti2 M'sia, hehehe..

    wasalam. A'ah, baru aje sampai semalam, masih penat lagi ni :-)

    Kak Watie,
    Nak buat live telecast hari2 rasanya tak larat I lah, hehehe. Kita buat ulasan berita seminggu sekali lah ye ;-)

    alhamdulillah :-)

    Kak Rose,
    tu lah kan, heran kan monyet2 ni takut jugak dgn rimau toy ni :-).

    Memang I tgh puas makan ni, takut nak tengok scale, hehehe.. Alah, you tak dpt dtg ye? Takpe, nanti kita set date ye jumpa kat KLCC insyaAllah :-)

    thanks :-). I've forgotten how berani M'sian mosquitoes are! They are a real pain in the you know where :-)

    Sian you kena tinggal 'sorang'2 :-). Takpe, Jan nanti kita buat date back to school shopping ye!

    wahhh..kamu pun dah busy giler lah ye, hehehe. Adik beradik I balik Jumaat ni, tu yg I busy sikit kena tolong Mak sorang2, hahaha

    hehehehe... You pun tau ye Zafarullah tu? :-)Zafarullah tu kiranya kedai mamak paling dekat dgn my parents' house so tu yg hubby n the kids suka lepak situ. Food dia tak lah sedap sgt2 but the roti canai n tosai are sedap enough for us, hehehe..

    Yat Maria,
    Miss 6 tu sometimes can be a bit of a drama queen and loves to play acting. Kakak dia sometimes tak larat tengok dia:-)

  18. Wah, buah rambutan, my favorite (*_*). Mesti semua saudara mara gembira dapat tengok u, hubby and the kids rite?. (*_*).

  19. Hi LG...

    Rindunyer tunggu n3 u... welcome back to our tanahair.. Malaysiaku tercinta...

  20. abesla si misses tu gemok balik malaysia.
    oh kak.
    u stay kat aust?

  21. wah akak syokknyerr.da ader kat mesia.sempat lagi mengaktifkan blog.kak makankan bebanyak buah2 kat mesia tu,terutama durian.ti hantar bau kat bertram sikit bila balik ti.

  22. Selamat kembali ke M'sia LG n Family (walau pun sekejap)....Saya doakan semua berjalan dgn lancar yea...tak sabar nak tgk mat saleh u cuci periuk..ahaks!!...

  23. Salam LG (:-D

    Found your blog through some blog-hoppings. I got hooked and spent more than an hour of my study time to read your blog from the beginning! I like your blog coz it is so frank and truthful. Anyway, have fun back in Malaysia - are you planning to travel north? Then try to singgah Kuala Sepetang for its mee udang (in case you haven't try it) - Have a good time at the wedding! I better get back to my books takut kena resit paper pulak nanti.

  24. Dearest Mynn,

    can't wait to see you guys at the kenduri. You must be really good at packing mynn that you could stuff all those things. weekend last week we all tak keluar langsung waiting for your "emergency call" hehehe

  25. SJB,
    the girls love rambutan too so they are so happy that there lots of fruiting rambutan trees at the back of Atuk's n Nenek's house :-)

    streamyx kat kampung ni kdg2 slow sgt2 tu yg malas betul rasa nak update n nak upload gambar,hehehe..

    Miss 10 gemuk takpe sbb dia selim aje..MIss 6 tu yg I seriau aje kalau lagi gemuk,hehehe.
    A'ah, I memang duk Perth :-)

    memang nak makan buah banyak2 ni tapi durian tak terjumpa lagi..Mesti nak kena cari ni sebelum we all balik Perth,hehe

    Caya lah kan, mana ada lagi orang lain masa kenduri kahwin pakai Mat Saleh jadi tukang basuh pinggan. Kat kampung Ijok ni aje yg ada, wakakaka...

    Mia's Mom,
    Oh dear! I used to do that too when I was studying, always got sidetracked, hehehe.... SSo many other interesting things to read than study kan :-).
    Probably we wont be heading up north this cuti2 sebab tak sempat kot. How I wish our holidays could be much longer so we could go around M'sia :-)

    hahahaha... Itulah, Matt n I were so shocked because we managed to pack all those things and still tak overweight! We really really hope you can make it to the kenduri too!

  26. kak min... miss 10 mmg betul2 dah mcm chinese dlm gambar kat pokok rambutan tu... dgn bracelet dia... dah mcm typical chinese tau.... hepi family there... seronoknya ade kampung

  27. salam min. alhamdulillah, dah selamat sampai kg. teringin gak nk ke ijok tp ada aral yg melintang lak. x dpt attend wedding tu pun x pe, nti upload gambar byk2 k? mcm CMG kata...x sabo nk tengok mat saleh basuh periuk!

  28. Assalamualaikum Kak LG,

    first time sampai sini, tgh syok blog-hopping skali stucked sini tarus baca ur N3(and err the archives suma skali ok), drooling over the food pics, had a good laugh over the funny things you said and geram sgt tgk your cute princesses.
    Welcome back to Msia for your holidays, have fun & looking fwd to read more of your musing in your blog.


  29. salam ziarah...
    what a nice and impressive blog...
    i link u yeah..
    have a nice day..

  30. Lia,
    my hb n I pun bila tengok gmbr Alya tu straight away kata sebijik mcm muka kawan dia yg kat previous N3, mmng anak cina lah, hehehe

    Kak Ita,
    tu lah kan, weeknds ni memang bnyk weddings n functions sbb cuti sekolah kan :-). Nanti I letak bnyk2 gmbr esp gmbr mat saleh cuci pinggan ye, hehehe


    Waalaikumsalam. Thanks for dropping by and for going through the archives :-). I wonder how long it took you to do that, hehehe.. InsyaAllah, I'll keep writing and rambling for quite a while still.

    Lady of leisure,
    thanks for dropping by my blog and salam singgah. Boleh aje nak link. I'll link yours too ok :-)

  31. Wah, sudah sampai Malaysia ya..welcome home..lately memang slalu hujan, hermm..macamana dengan kenduri??harap2 xhujanlah masa tu;)

  32. Hi kak Love,
    memang seronok sakan, kak LG ya? hihi.
    Miss 6 dan Miss 10 nampak tak kekok di kampung. Gud Girls...
    Terkejut tengok rimau tu. huhu

  33. hi k.hottie!!

    waahhh...sronok ye dpt mkn cempedak.nyum..nyum..nyum...sedap tu! ayu pun suka cempedak.

    huhu...dah ilang sebtg gigi zahra ye.fairy tooth takde passport...camne nak naik flight.hehehe....

    lawak je tgk muka zahra posing dgn rimau jadian tu.pandai dia buat memek muka mcm tu
