Monday, 28 December 2009

Continuation of our cuti2 KL

Dah nak dekat seminggu I tak update blog and The Other Half pun dah bising suruh I update (sebab dia kata, kesian kat the blog readers ternanti2 :-)). Dia yang hari2 bukak my blog pagi2 to see if there are any new comments or chats while I pulak tengah malas sangat2 nak tengok blog ni. Kalau ada new comments or chats, dialah yang akan bagitau I but everytime I asked him to tolong jawabkan the comments and chats on my behalf, dia gelak guling2 aje. Hehehehe….. :-).

I ni kan sekarang jenis yang kalau buat entry, sikitnya panjang I mengomel and mengarang cerita. So, bila terfikir yang kadang2 it might take me a looong time to tulis a few sentences, tu yg terus malas balik nak buat entry. Tak best pulak rasanya kalau takde cerita di sebalik all the photos kan ;-).

So, where did I stop last time? Oh ye, our stay at Duta Vista kan. Anyway, we were quite disappointed with that hotel. The only good bit was, it had 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms. Patutlah it was really cheap for an apartment. The service was horrendous especially when it comes to towels and toiletries. I thought semua hotel or self serviced appartments ada sediakan toiletries kan, but at this place, diaorang cuma sediakan sabun aje. And then, don’t get me going on the towels! Towels dia very very threadbare, kalau I letak kat depan lampu, sure boleh nampak bayang kat belakang dia! Dah lah very threadbare, pastu we didn’t have any towels for about 5 hours kot even though dah 2-3 kali we all called to ask for them. I had to go down to reception to complain, baru lah dapat towels.

Then, we had a change of plan requiring us to extend our stay there for 1 night. So, The Other Half went to the Night Manager to ask if we could extend for 1 night. The Night Manager said yes and even told us yang it’s confirmed. But the next morning, I asked The Other Half to reconfirmed our bookings and surprise surprise, the Day Manager kata, we can’t extend our stay sebab their rooms are fully booked! And he had no idea what the Night Manager did telling us our extension was confirmed. Punyalah menyinga I masa tu, geram giler2 with the service. But The Other Half kata, tak guna mengamuk kat diaorang sebab there’s nothing to be achieved. The only thing we can do is to permanently put a black mark against that hotel and not to go there ever again. My hubby ni memang macam tu, malas nak menyinga unlike the wife ni, hehehehe…. We just checked out without saying anything in the end.

Dah lah service dia really bad, pastu kitchen dia ada cockroaches and the bathrooms banyak bugs pulak tu!!! Eeeekkkkk……..

And then, my sister came to the rescue. She managed to secure a room for us (via rellies and cable pulling :-)) at Darby Park Suites which was 100X better than Duta Vista. Nice towels, nice service, nice toiletries :-). We had such a wonderful time there that we stayed there for 2 nights, hehehehe…. And breakfast was also included in the room rate which was great (unlike Duta Vista!). Pastu boleh jalan kaki aje pulak tu ke KLCC and ke kedai roti canai :-D.

So, next time we all balik M’sia, I think we’ll definitely stay there again kot sebab it was right smack in the middle of everything instead of kat tengah2 hutan belantara tu….

Layan lah some photos of us kat Darby Park and also at Pavillion (bukan nak bershopping, tapi cuma parking and makan aje kat situ, hehehe).



I told you, we like it so much, kat dalam bilik pun sempat lagi berposing tu, hahahahaha….. Mengabadikan kenangan bercoti2 kan (and mengabadikan kenangan pipi I bagai di pam2 dgn pam basikal!). Takpe, The Other Half kata azam tahun baru ni is to lose weight. Sebab dia kata balik M’sia ni semua orang dah gained weight except Miss 10. We’ll see how long that will last for, hehehehehe……



Orang lain pun beria2 ambik gambar depan Pavillion, we all pun tak ketinggalan lah jugak :-).


Ini pulak, at KLCC food court while waiting for Asilah and family to come.


the 2 families without the hubbies who had to be the cameramen that day. Memang terasa macam celebrities aje kat food court tu masa tu sebab 2 cameras ber klik2 non stop, wakakakaka…

Thanks ye Asilah sbb sudi jumpa I n family .

Lepas tu kan, masa I and Asilah dah habis bersalam2an kat depan escalator to get back home, ada 1 lady ni datang tegur I kata dia kenal I n family sebab kadang2 singgah ke my blog. Termalu I kat situ sekejap, hehehe. The Other Half dah senyum2 sinis aje kat I masa tu. Thank you so much ye to this lady (maaf ye sebab I betul2 lupa nama you) sebab sanggup tegur I. Lepas tu The Other Half tanya I, “Do you feel famous suddenly?” I gelak aje dengar soalan cepumas dia tu, ada ke tanya that silly question, hahahaha.

And thank you to Wan Razihan n family sebab sudi datang jenguk we all kat Ijok on Saturday. Berjumpa juga kita akhirnya ye, hehehe.

And for the next few days before balik ke kampung Perth this Thursday, we all akan lepak2 aje lah kat Ijok ni. Nak bagi chance kat Atuk and Nenek main dengan cucus puas2 sebab entah bila nak jumpa lagi kan :-).

And to everyone yang letak comments kat my previous entries, minta maaf banyak2 sebab tak sempat jawab your comments lagi ye. I will answer them slowly, don’t worry, hehehe. And to everyone who wished us a Happy Anniversary, thank you so much. We hope every one of your doas will come true, insyaAllah….


  1. Seronok nyer ... LG awak tak gemuk lah, badan awak okay apa, bergetah lagi hehehehe.. tu yang TOH sayang tu.

  2. we all klu pi KL mmg dok darby park aje sbb hubby staff sime darby, so ada le special rate. dulu suka dok micasa, now micasa tengah upgrade, so dok darby park je.

  3. salam k.min...

    puas tak jln2? ayu yg 1 hari jln ke 2-3 tmpt rasa mcm nak t'cabut lutut,apalg klu b'jln2 berhari2.mau ada yg 2-3 hari t'lantar atas katil.hehehe...

    kak...nak tau x,brg yg akak belikan tu dah slamat 1 block! yg lain tu kena mkn dgn b' kan...aritu ayu pi usha lg hat serupa tu,dia trn harga daaa...semenya rm10.90.iiissskkk...rasa mcm nak tmbh koleksi je.hahahaha....

  4. salam LG,
    lamanya tak dgr khabar ...kat msia ye.. dah nak balik pun rupanya.. kalau ada pergi pkns shah alam lagi-boleh la roger2..nnt i pun pergi sana boleh jumpa..takpun nak dtg rumah pun ok. 5-10min je dari rumah.lepas tu boleh la i tak segan nak jumpa u kat perth ..hehe..

    hana- 0123871796

  5. Hi kak Hottie....
    Nice to meet u too....Sekejap ja u n family dah nak balik ke Perth 'kan....anyway kalau ada rezeki lagi...insya-Allah, kita akan berjumpa lagi...
    p/s:...mmmm so, any comment for the orange chiffon cake???????

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. mari boikot hotel itu... dia tak tahu ker sapa kak min tu..glamer tau ngalahkan artis...hehehehe

  8. hi kak LG,
    akak stay kt darby park? saya keje area situ la...hehehe, dah dekat sgt la tuuu...

    slmt beristirehat yer...

  9. salam :-)

    actually, remember the offer about the hotel?

    i was going to recommend Darby Park :-)

    mmg sgt convenient and great service, so mmg puas hati.

    glad to hear you enjoyed ur stay there, i'll definitely mention it to the ppl there.

  10. salam perkenalan kak LG..
    sejak sy jumpa blog akak last 2month,sy sentiasa follow blog akak jdk silent reader je.hihi..

    anak2 akak cute sgt..suka tgk pic dorg tu.

    duta vista tu buruk kan otel dia?sy penah pg skali klu tak silap tp tak tdo.temankan my niece pg swimming kat situ..
    boikot la duta vista pasni..bad bad service.

    anyway selamat berehat2 n selamat kembali ke perth ye...

  11. dh bsr anak2 kak asilah yea.

  12. salam

    eemm seronoknya bercuti.. suka sangat tgk gambar miss 6.. makin tembamnya dia.. tolong cubit pipi dia siiiikiitt noo...

    sy bila jln2 KL, selalu berdoa dgn harapan agar terserempak dgn kak LG, tapi tak ada rezeki lagi rupanya..

    Selamat pulang ke kampung halaman.semoga selamat sampai..

  13. I pernah stay kat Duta Vista 5 yrs ago. The apartment condition memang tak terjaga lah. Carpet dlm bilik pun berbau. Sekali tu je lah stay kat situ. La ni dah tak ada masalah utk gi ke KL, stay kat my bro's apartment, ala2 macam sewa apartment jugak lah coz dia pun tak stay kat situ, dok dgn parents in-law, dia just stay bila kita org dtg aje. Yg bestnya food provided, pagi2 dah tanya nak makan apa. Mengalahkan duduk di 5 star hotel. hehehe

    I baru balik dari KL semalam. I pun pergi ke KLCC but on friday evening tapi sekejap aje coz org terlalu ramai. Lepas makan kat food court, terus balik. Kalau terjumpa you, bagus jugaklah. Nampaknya tak ada rezeki.


  14. kalo ara ada situ mesti kamera jadi 3 tak henti2 snap pictures...kekeke...

    bestnya..ramai bloggers jumpa kak min kan :-) seronok. bilalah my turn...huhuhu

  15. Kalau balik bercuti ke Malaysia, maknanya kena bercuti diet sekali la... baru ada makna! Hehehe... Ala, pipi tembam la best... awet muda tau!

  16. Salam

    ini jas...i nak tanya...yang ambil gambar dengan u tu Teacher Razwani kan...dia owner Smart Reader Ukay Perdana...omg...kecik dunia...i kenal Teacher Razwani...tak sangka kakak u....

  17. Kak Acik,
    hikhikhik..memang tak gemuk tp lagi gemuk dr first day cuti2 Malaysia :-D.

    Kak Ain,
    best kan duduk situ sbb betul2 tgh2 kota so tak lah susah nak jalan ke mana2 :-). Next time we all balik M'sia, boleh kita gather2 kat Darby Park eh ;-)

    wakakaka... Memang lah kamu ni hantu coklat :-P. Ainnur and Faris makan sama tak or Ayu makan sorok2?hehehe

    salam... Selalunya we all memang pergi PKNS tu 2-3 kali klu balik but this time pergi sekali aje haritu. InsyaAllah lah next time we all balik lagi sekali, boleh kita gather2 kat situ kan :-)

    thanks ye sbb sanggup redah parking KLCC sbb nak jumpa we all, hehehe. Kek oren chiffon you memang sedap!!!! :-). Dah habis pun dah, hehehe

    wakakakakaka... buat lawak betul lah you ni :-P

    You kerja kat Jln Tun Razak tu ye? Memang dekat lah kan. I pun x plan nak duduk situ, klu awal2 I tau, boleh kita jumpa kan lepas you balik kerja :-)

    salam... We all memang tak pernah tau pasal Darby Park tu but luckily my sister introduced the hotel to us. Memang sangat2 berbaloi tinggal kat situ sbb the service was really great.
    Next time we all balik M'sia, my hubby dah awal2 nak book that hotel, hehehe..
    If you could tell the hotel people that we really enjoyed our stay there, that would be wonderful :-)

    Mummy Irfan,
    thanks ye sbb sudi singgah and baca my blog :-). Sejak cuti2 ni, jarang betul I update entries, nanti balik Perth, kenalah bekerja keras mengupdate hari2, hehehe.
    I rasa Duta Vista masa baru2 bukak, sure glemer habis kan but skrng ni memang run down and tak terjaga which is sad.

    Anak dia yg sulung is 5 y.o so dah besar lah jugak :-)

    Miss 6 memang dah makin tembam sekarang ni sebab asik makan aje kat M'sia ni sama macam Mummy n Daddy dia, hehehe. Miss 10 aje yang maintain slim :-).
    Next time we all balik M'sia, insyaAllah we'll try to plan it better so bolehlah I announce kat blog sebelum pergi sesuatu tempat tu so snng nak jumpa kawan2 bloggers :-).

    Memang tak terjaga and rundown betul Duta Vista tu. Kalau we all tau, memang tak duduk situ dah...
    Wahhh, seronok lah you dpt tinggal kat 5 star 'hotel' siap breakfast on order lagi, hehehe..
    I pergi KLCC friday morning, but by afternoon dah balik sbb tak larat ramai sgt orang!

    wakakakaka... memang nanti surenya orang ingat kita celebrities glemer2 abis kan. Pastu, beratur panjang diaorang nak autograph kita kan, hehehe...

    memang we all bercuti dr diet, tu yang berat tetiba dgn senang nya naik, hehehe...

    You kenal Teacher Wani tu kat mana? Betul lah tu, she's my sister and adalah lebih kurang sama muka we all ni cuma I awet muda banding dgn dia, hehehehe ;-)

  18. salam :-)

    in my line of work, i have a couple of close friends who are in the hotel line so if ever you need some help, i'll be more than happy to assist.

    take care and have a safe trip home :-)

  19. LG...

    i kenal sangat Teacher Wani dari Smart Reader, my doter kat smart reader Ukay Perdana last year, kalau you mention pada T. Wani, my doter Anissah, sure dia ingat..I agak selalu jumpa Teacher Wani mengadu domba masalah my doter, heheh my doter ada masalah "middle child syndrome" he he he. My dotter anissah pun sangat sayang sangat la teacher wani dia tuuu...

  20. kak LG...
    saya dah dpt parcel dari akak...

    cute mug & key chain..
    thank you sis..

    next time bleh buat contest lagi..

    saya attach gambar mug tu kt blog saya...

  21. kak..
    selamat tahun baru... seronok tengok kebahagiaan kuarga akak..:).. kem slm kat budak berdua yang cute tu...

  22. k.min...kena la bg ainnur n faris skali.bagi dorg sorg 1 potong kecik tu n 2-3potong lg utk ibu dia.hahaha...

  23. lama nye x comment...

    kak LG,
    chubby nye pp.. dah cam nak challenge pp sy je.. hehehe.. tu baru 3-4 weeks kat kg..kalau 3-4 bulan? jenuh ler kena p slimming center plak... kekeke..

    so dah selamat sampai Perth ni jenuh laa masak ek? sy pun dah rindu nak nengok ur dinner..

    sebelum terlupa..
    Selamat Tahun Baru!!!

  24. Salam Min, dah habis cuti dah eh..sekejap je masa berlalu kan, tp mesti puashati...Selamat Pulang Semula ke Perth ya...mesti dah rindu jugak kat rumah sana.. ^_^
