Monday, 23 November 2009

The wise one

Tengah hari tadi I happened to be at the same place as where The Other Half was giving a seminar so I waited for him outside the lecture theatre and smsed him:

“Hi Love. I’m outside your seminar room. If you want a lift to work, I’ll take you there.”

You see, he had to rush off back to work from the seminar place and he had to catch a bus todo so. So I ni kan isteri mithali, since I was kebetulan at the seminar place just as he was finishing up, I offered to drive him back to work lah. Kesian dia, panas2 kena kejar bas :-).

But since he was giving a seminar, he had his phone switched off and so didn’t get my sms. Luckily, I saw him going out of the door so I pun berlari2 anak lah kejar dia. And then took him to work and since he had time to spare, we had lunch together at Freo berdua2an aje :-).

Then, I left him there and drove back home. Pastu masa tengah driving, I got an sms from him replying to my above sms. This was what he wrote:

“No thanks Love. Some hottie gave me a lift right to Freo!”

Hikhikhikhik… thank goodness he still thinks I’m a hottie ;-). Come on everyone, let’s go awwwww or uwekkkkkkk… (either one will do, hahaha).

Speaking of The Other Half, I’ve been telling him since God knows when that he doesn’t need to check his emails every hour especially after he comes back from work. I kept on telling him that let the students suffer and wait for a while before he answers their emails. He doesn’t need to attend to their demands ASAP. But everytime I told him that, he would tell me that it’s necessary to check his emails frequently. Until he read this blog “studyhacks” which details the life of this successful guy who’s doing his PhD while working full time and writing papers and publishing books which is currently the life of The Other Half. And one of the mottos of this guy form this blog is to only check his emails twice a day, once in the morning and once at night (or something like that). And guess what.. dengan tetiba sahaja, The Other Half has changed his email reading habit to follow this guy! Padahal, I’ve been telling him to do the same thing for yonks and he just ignored me completely! Mentang2 lah I’m not doing a PhD and working full time and writing papers and publishing books! Now baru dia tau yang wife dia ni is the wise one and is full of wisdom sebenarnya. He should listen next time butir2 wisdom ni come out my mouth kan, wahahahahaha…..

Anyway, enough of my ramblings, layan lah gambar our dinner..


Look at how much salad is on my plate, hehehehe.


  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...!!!!

  2. awwwwwwwww...hahaha :-)

    berlari-lari anak macam zaman bercinta ye...bahagianya

  3. Am, Zarin, Kak Ain, UGoGirl and Ara,
    wakakakakakakakaka... And now dah habis ber awwwwwww, let's ber uweekkkk pulak, hahahahaha...

  4. nak auuwwwwwwwwwwwww gak!!! hehehe

  5. Mcm citer hindustan lak..! ada nyanyi2 tak? Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww....!!!

  6. Hi LG

    I am good now though just recovered from nursing a cold. Got caught in a sudden heavy downpour with no brolly and no kind soul to offer me to share one.sob..sob..anyways, yr hubby is fun to get msgs like that;) and you're sweet too to offer him a ride. He appreciates it for sure..

  7. Kak Nor,
    hahahaha... ramai betul orang awww malam ni ye ;-P

    Kak Ita,
    nasib baik flat aje tempat tu, takde bukit, kalau tak, memang dah laam we all guling2 sambil2 nyanyi, hahaha

    Yat Maria,
    Poor you! I hate colds! I forgot it's the rainy season there now since it's been so hot here :-).
    He was so happy to see me as well since he didn't need to catch a bus and we could talk while driving there :-)...

  8. Aida,
    Because of his sms, sekarang ni I dah terperasan yang I'm a hottie, hahahaha...

  9. Salam kak LG,
    so sweet pasal sms tu... ;)

    pasal wisdom, saya plak sering berleter pasal instinct. Hubby saya pun macam tu,kak. Dia bole angguk2, dan cakap yes, i agree. tapi, sekadar jg hati saya. hmm...apa-apalah, janji suami tau, kita sayang dia,kan. ;)

  10. awwwwwwwww sooooo sweeeeeet la kak!!! jeles i..

  11. Awwwww, sambil berlari lari kecil ya (^_*). By the way, your dinner look yum yum.

  12. awwwwwwwwwwwwww... ;)
    tetiba bila part yg lari2 anak tu... uweeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk!! kakakakakakkakakaaaaaaaaaaaa... mcm ceta hindustan deyyy....gelak guling2.... :)) ampooooooonnnnnsss

  13. Wakakaka... ramai betul penyokong nih...

    LG.. bayangkan lah pulak, dia tak nampak U, and U pun tak nampak dia kuar.. dan dia pulak tak balas sms U?

    mesti yang auwww tu leh jadi wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kan?
    dan uwekk tu pun leh jadi jugak laa, sebab banyak sangat nangis sampai muntah..hehehehhe..

    kelakar bila kenangkan ragam kita sebagai suami isteri ni, kan?

    My hubby tak pandai sangat sms (sbb dia rabun). dia call jer.. dan leh ingat banyak nombor tefon.. tu yang tabik dengan dia tuh...hehehe..

  14. Bestnye...I would go for awwwww too, that was so sweet of him. If I got that msg I would smile for a month.

  15. Indah,
    samalah dgn my hubby jugak, bila I ckp something dia akan angguk2 nak jaga hati. Pastu bila setiap kali terbukti I betul, dia akan cakap, "you are right!". Hish, padahal kita awal2 dah tau kita betul, hehehehe...


    when you are a small kid, berlari2 anak looks so cute but bila dah besar mcm I, berlari2 anak isn't that cute, hahahaha...

    nasib baik lah xde bukit kita nak goleng2 you and nasib baik dpt caught up with him. Kalau tak, memang dah keluar lagu hindustan sure nya, wakakakaka

    Kak Azie,
    Memang betul apa you ckp, klu I tak nmpk dia and dia tak baca my sms, memang awwwwww akan jadi uwaaaaaa sbb lama gak I tercongok tunggu dia habis tu, hehehe...
    Lucky you sbb dpt hubby yg ingat bnyk phone numbers unlike most males yg susah nak ingat, hehehe

    My hubby ni bila part2 sms memang romantik sikit sbb I guess senang nak taip the words kan :-)

  16. Awwww...kekekeke! ;) So sweet of ur hubby! Akak mesti a hottie kan! :)

    Good ur hubby changed his email reading habit then! :) Sometimes, others can do what we r unable of kan. ;)

    Ur dinner, WOW!

  17. Love,
    I'm only a hottie in his eyes, wekekeke...
    I guess with some hubbies, it's easier for them to 'listen' to other people than listen to the wives nagging, hehehe..

  18. Hello kak Lg Hottie...mmm..hehe

  19. aaauuuwwwwww.....hottie u! kan skali2 dpt pujian dr hb mcm tu.

  20. So sweet dapat sms mcm tu. If my husband, confirm dia akan tulis 'ok noted'. Huhuhu..........

  21. Kak,
    that was so CUTE n SWEETttttttttttttt!

    harap my husband nnt still think im a hottie bila dh beranak pinak.hahah

  22. kak LG, bestnyer dpt msg mcm tu..

  23. hahaha...semua dah awwwwwwwwww... kak min memang hot!

    kak min leh buat club peminat lah kat blog ni. nnt wat gathering ke Perth...!!!!

    perghh!!!...dahsyat! ahaks...

  24. Hi hottie.....pergh...cayalah. Sekali sekala..apa salahnya 'kan.

  25. kak min...tye sket..kak min ni melayu ke apa ea? soklan bodo nih.. mcm penah baca yg kak min ni jawa? ke? isy..tahla..jgn mara tau..juz askg..

  26. Afid,
    panas panas... wakakakaka

    pastu dah lah tgh nak Summer skrg ni, lagi lah hot nya I kan, hehehe

    tu lah, pastu kan terus terperasan muda n bergetah lagi bila Hubby puji mcm tu, hehehe

    my hubby tu mmng mcm tu esp bila kat sms, romantik abis kat sms, hehehe

    tu lah kan, as long as hubby kita think we are always a hottie to him, tu dah cukup baik, hehehe..

    Memang senyum panjang I bila baca sms tu, hehehe

    Klu buat gathering kat Perth, sape nak sponsor ticket? hehehe.. Pastu kan sure semua orang heran bila tengok I sbb tak nampak langsung kat mana hottie nya, hahahaha

    klu hari2 hottie pun takpe kan but cuma utk hubby aje lah, hehehehe

    I ni Jawa murtad kiranya. Both arwah Atuk dr tanah Jawa, sorang arwah nenek dr tanah jawa, sorang lagi dr Malaya but my parents n we all semua lahir kat M'sia lah. So, my parents kiranya Jawa yg tau speaking Jawa but bila sampai kat anak2 diaorang, memang hampeh langsung, hehehehe....

  27. Salam LG,
    Nak cakap apa ye semua dah awwwwwwwwwwwww...So sweet...

  28. Adnazthie,
    salam... Hehehehhe :-)
