Friday, 6 November 2009

What happened to my sewing time?

You all rindu tak kat celoteh I sebab dah 2 hari I tak post entry :-)? I pun dah naik bosan bila bangun pagi bukak my blog, asik tengok gambar and entry yang sama aje, hehehe. Even The Other Half tadi pun suruh I tulis something tonite sebab dia nak ‘baca’ cerita lain (macam lah dia paham apa yang I tulis most of the time anyway, hahahaha). But to tell you the truth, I’ve enjoyed not having to blog the past 2 nights. Maybe agaknya I ni boleh katakan hari2 I buat entry sampai otak I tak ‘larat’  nak cari idea so bila 2 malam tak duduk depan pc, rasa kurang sikit my brains nak berfikir. Dapatlah otak I rehat kejap, hehehe… ;-).

So, you might be wondering how many dresses I’ve successfully made and finished so far. The answer my friend is NONE! A big fat zero! Agghhhhh!!!! I had so many other things to do that the sewing had to be put aside. Dah lah cuma waktu malam aje yang I boleh menjahit ni. On Wednesday night, I was happily sewing when I got interrupted for a while. Bila nak sambung balik menjahit, dah lewat malam and I was so tired already. Malam tadi pulak I had to watch CSI so mana sempat nak menjahit lagi lepas tu kan :-). And malam ni, after swimming and cooking dinner and then baking cakes for the school fete tomorrow and blogging, mata I dah kuyu sangat2 ni. Macam mana I nak menjahit kan. Nanti herot berot jahitan I and entah apa2 kaler benang I guna so might as well postpone it to another day right.. And esok pulak I kena bangun pagi2 sebab ingat nak buat makanan berat for the fete as well. Hajat hati nak buat nasi lemak/mee goreng tapi tengok lah esok pagi macam mana…. Petang kot baru boleh start menjahit balik kalau takde gangguan lain… I just hope my adik2 and kakak tak baca this entry, hehehe….

Anyway, on a brighter note….


Miss 10 got accepted into the Gifted and Talented Education Program at the school of her first choice!!!!!!!! Alhamdulillah, our prayers have been answered. Punyalah I yang melonjak2 bila dapat the offer letter and then terus called The Other Half to tell him the good news and dia pun melonjak2 sama, hahaha. Thank you so much for all your prayers and thoughts for her :-D. She’ll be starting the program in 2011 in her first year of high school. She was so ecstatic and so excited to get the offer letter. I guess sebelum ni dia tak rasa dia pandai kot but after she got good results for the test and then got the offer in the first round, baru dia rasa she’s smart enough. Hopefully lepas ni, dia akan rasa bersemangat sikit lah nak buat homework and nak study and tak payah lah we all nak push her everytime to do her homework. We told her yang they can kick her out of the program kalau her results are not good. Takut jugak dia bila dengar, hehehe….

She also sat for the arts exam but we have no idea what her results are for that sebab we chose academic program as her first choice so dapat yang tu lah instead of the arts. Takpe lah, the high school has a good arts program as well so kalau dia betul2 berminat in arts, she can take it as an extra subject I guess.

And bila I tanya dia where does she want to go for her celebratory dinner, do you know what she said? Dia kata, “I know! I want to go for a picnic by the river to celebrate. That would be so much fun!” Alahai anak oi, kalau kita pegi celebrate kat restoran, tak payah lah Mummy masak. Kalau pergi picnic utk celebrate, Mummy still kena masak :-). Takpelah, nak buat macam mana, that’s her choice but nampak sangat yang we all ni jarang pergi restoran kan, hahahaha…. I think it is sweet that she would rather go for a picnic than go to a restaurant to celebrate :-). Budak2 kan, they will choose to have fun than sit in a fancy restaurant any time :-)…


  1. Memang rasa lain cik lemon tak berblog sebab jarang miss...rasa cam kureng lak bila xde n3 terbaru. tahniah untuk Miss 10!

  2. I ulang alik your blog tengok if ada entry baru..caya tak?hahaha..congrats to dear miss 10 yeah.mesti happy emak dan bapaknye ye?

  3. Syukur.. tahniah to MISS 10. Agaknya result tu lebih kurang macam point yg budak2 U kat sini kena dapat kot.. kalu cemerlang dapat 4 Flat, kalu bawah 2.5, scholarschip kena tarik balik.. lebih kurang kot konsep nyer..

    LM.. U story ler apa pun, asal ada gambar, tetap sedap mata membaca.. betullll....hehehe..

  4. kak min... terharu le dgn kisah anak akak ni... syukur alhamdulillah.. berkat usaha dia dan doa kite semua... dia layak utk itu... amin... Miss 10... Aunty lia pun hepi tau....

  5. Congratulations Miss 10!!!

    Kak LG, you must be very happy....i pon tumpang happy dengar the good news!!

    good job Miss 10!

  6. salam min..congrats tu miss 10, mesti the whole family seronok..the other cute misses sonok gak ke?..hehe..bangga dgn pencapaian anak melayu..hehe walaupun mix, darah melayu tu tetap ummmph kan..tahniah again...p menjahit cepat2 min nnt tak sempat..lagi herot petot jahitannya..hehe

  7. Congrats Miss 10. Kak Lg, you must be a proud parent. Well done!!

  8. congrats to miss 10!
    soo cute bila dia choose nk pegi picnic instead of restaurant...hihihi nampak sangat she loves ur cooking compared to those restauramts..kikiki

  9. Alhamdulillah!! tahiah utk miss 10. semoga terus berjaya nanti!! bestnya nak gi piknikkkkk!!! auntie sokong sgt2 idea ni. auntie pun lama dahhh x gi piknik,rindunya nak pi piknik!!!!

  10. Mrs G:

    Congratulations - Tahniah to Miss 10 and ofcourse, the proud parents!

    Judging from the cooking you've done so far and the opportunity to play vs sitting down in a restaurant, I'd ask for the same thing.. ;p

    Maybe you save the celebratory restaurant meal when you've finished your sewing..hahahaha..(from one that never sews, I think that is a HUGE feat!),,

  11. Congrats congrats congrats to Miss 10 and to u guys! well done!

  12. Tahniah utk Miss 10, untuk mak dan abah dia sekali. LG, nak celeb kat but still mak kena masak, itu maknanya mak dia punya masakan memang best compare to restoran yang ada kat sana tu ;)

  13. congrats! ehe boleh la pindah sydney first eh :p for a year

  14. Cik Moon,
    I guess sbb I selalu letak N3 so bila xde N3 baru, memang rasa lain sikit :-). Thanks for the thoughts :-).

    hahahaha.... you salah seorang yg keboringan takde bahan bacaan ye? ;-). We all excited and happy for her sebab she finally realises that she can do it when she tries her best :-)

    Kak Azie,
    Probably lah lebih kurang mcm kat Uni, kena pass setiap masa klu tak nak kena kick out.
    Next time, I letak gambar aje lah kan so tak lah kena spend too long depan pc mengarang cerita,hehe

    We all pun memang rasa happy sgt sbb she's finally come to the conclusion yang if you do your homework and study hard, memang akan nampak hasil, hehehe

    alhamdulillah kan, lega hati we all as parents sbb tak payah susah2 fikir about her high school skrg :-).

    Kak Azah,
    Adik dia tumpang seronok sbb dia tau the reason kakak dia dpt the offer sbb kakak dia worked hard to prepare for the test. So, hopefully lepas ni, dia pun akan rasa teruja nak belajar lebih2 :-).
    Takut I bila orang sebut pasal jahit ni, hehehe

    tu yg susah kat Australia ni kan. Either you send them to private school or make sure you can get them into a good program like this. We are so glad we can keep our money for the time being, hehehe...

    pergi picnic means they can run around at the beach main air and then dah penat main air, boleh lari2 kat playground. Klu pergi restaurant, kena duduk baik2 aje, panas bontot diaorang duduk aje hehehe...

    thank you :-)

    Kak Ain,
    Diaorang suka lah pergi picnic, Mummy pening fikir nak prepare the food. Nasib baik lah tekak mat saleh semua so buat sandwiches aje dah ok, hehehehe...

    Mrs G,
    You are right, I should save the celebratory meal kat restaurant tu lepas I dah habis menjahit sbb memang I betul2 deserve it kan seba tak perlu resort tu using stapler for the dresses, hahahahaha.....

    thank you thank you thank you :-)

    agaknya lah kan my food lagi sedap ;-). But I rasa diaorang dah biasa sgt2 makan my cooking and pergi picnic tu yg for them Mummy macam magic boleh prepare pcinic food, hehehe..

    thanks. Tu lah kan, memang boleh pindah Sydney for a year sebelum dia kena pulun belajar bagai nak rak, hehehe

  15. congratulations to alya, dan tak lupa utk mummy dn daddynya jugak ya... :)

  16. Kak LG,

    Congrates to Alya.. :) and all the best to u.. utk menghabiskan ur sewing session..;)

  17. kak lemongrass...jgn ah off blogging...boleh demam den nih hehheheh.kak,congrates for the Miss10 tuhhhh...i rather to choose picnic than pi bring my family kat tmpt2 moden for any celebration/vacation.bgus ape!!!tp malangnya sy pun blum kawin...berangan lebih after read all your post.kak...cepat2 jahit.xde mase dah nih..

  18. Kak Nor,
    ALhamdulillah lah sbb lega sikit skrg dah hilang 1 masalah :-).Thanks ye :-)..

    Thanks but sewing session tu ntah bila lah nak abis. Mau agaknya hari nak balik tu pun still menjahit lagi gamaknya, hahahaha..

    wakakaka... kalau sampai boleh demam ni maksudnya dah jatuh cintan lah dgn blog I ni ye? ;-P.
    I pun tak tau lagi bila nak pergi picnic ni sbb weekend lah nak menjahit giler2. Sian Miss 10 ntah bila we all boleh pergi picnic :-)

  19. Congratulation sweetheart!!! Em glad to hear that. Congrats gak kat LG n TOH coz dianugerahkan anak yang bijak dan baik. Alhamdulillah syukur kehadrat Allah SWT. Tahniah sekali lagi. Kisses for Miss 10. Muahhhsssss..!!!

  20. Congrates Miss 10..hermm..memang tertunggu2 hasil jahitan akak tuuu;P

  21. Bravo, Ms job! well done!
    Parents must be very happy indeed.
    We're happy to hear the gd news too ;)

  22. Tahniah untuk Miss 10..semoga terus berusaha sehingga berjaya.

  23. Congrats to Miss 10...dapat jugak akhirnya :-)

    Kak min, ara ni huru hara sket lah sehari dua ni....dapat pulak berita yang mengejutkan....

    Dan preperation utk bertunang adik ara pon akan tertangguh....adoiii..

    Nak tau apa, nnt baca blog ara k :-)

  24. Abbot,
    Thank you. Alhmadulillah atas rezeki ni :-). Memang we all harap2 sangat yg Miss 10 dpt tapi tak put up our hopes too high sebab takut tak tersampai.. Lega sgt rasa hati skrng :-).

    Thanks. Hasil jahitan? Boleh aje nak tunjuk tp yg separuh siap lah, hehehe...

    Yat Maria,
    Thank you :-). The first emotion was sheer relief that the waiting is finally over, hehehe. Then only came the joyous and happy feelings :-D.

    thanks and hopefully lah she'll do well in this program. Takut jugak kena tendang kan ;-).

    Tahniah to you too. Takpe Ara, kuatkan semangat and think of it as a promotion lah kan :-).

  25. Wow, congratz dear Miss 10!!! U made it! Bravo! ;) All the best for ur new school, hope U'll do better n better to remain. I know U will. :)

    Kak LG, hehe mlm nih ada sewing tak kak?

    Tks for coming all the way from Perth to wish me yest. Hehe ;)

  26. Hey, congrats to your girl. Bagus tu dpt. Tak yah keluar duit puluh2 ribu setahun. So one year plus lagi lah before high school. Cepat tul besar budak2 tu. U choose sekolah mana tu? NOR or kat SOR

  27. Love,
    Thanks. We hope so that she does her best in that program..
    Psst.. malam ni menjahit sikit aje, hehehe

    Tu lah kan, syukur betul dia dapat. Tak lah pening we all nak hantar dia gi the best school which we don't have the money for :-). We chose Willeton SHS sbb ada GATE program kat situ and not far fr our house. We wanted to put Perth Modern at first tapi susah pulak nak menghantar dia and nak mengambil hari2 nanti, tu yg tukar Willeton. She's still too young to catch the train alone in our opinion.

  28. wah...saya dah lama baca blog akak..suka betullah, best bab akak pandai n selamba aje menulis..hehe..tahniah gak tuk anak dara comel akak tu..budak mix memang bijak..hehe...tahniah (miss 10 x reti pun kan apa maksud tahniah?hehe)..mummy dia kena translate lah..hehe...salam tuk miss 5 yg comel gak..

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  31. suka sgt2 bc blog akak especially bc pasal miss 10 and miss 6..chumel sgt2.smpaikan klau satu ari xbaca mcm xlengkp ade family yg happy mcm fmly akak...insyallah fmly akak akn bhgia hingga akhir...akak xnak tambh akak lelaki ka?heheheh...congrats miss 10 =)

  32. Tyea,
    thanks ye sbb sudi singgah and baca my blog :-). Miss 10 pun kata thanks :-).

    Thanks sbb suka baca coretan Akak yg entah hape2 ni. InsyaAllah apa yang you doakan tu akan jadi kenyataan, amin.... Tapi bab tambah anak lelaki tu rasanya tak lah kot, cukup lah 2 orang ni, hehehe

  33. kak lg,

    Please send "congrats" wish to miss 10 ;)...

  34. Hari ni baru boleh tgk your blog coz baru balik from KL. Firstly, Congratulations to your daughter! Dapat jugak masuk sekolah yg dia idam2kan. Hopefully my daughter pun dpt jugak masuk MRSM in year 2011 after UPSR exam next year. Insyaallah.

    Bestnya gi picnic kat tepi sungai sambil makan sandwiches. Kat sana seronok gi picnic coz weather tak panas sangat macam di Msia.

  35. Azreen,
    thanks ye :-)

    Tu lah, memang syukur sgt2 sbb dia dapat masuk skolah tu. Tak payah lah susah payah lagi we all nak fikir about her high school :-).
    InsyaAllah your daughter pun dpt apa yg di idamkan :-).

  36. congratulations miss 10 and the proud parents. kena cepat2 gi picnic sebelum mood hilang. Kat sana ada tak area bbq, so blh buat picnic + bbq... amacam? (tapi x surelah mcm mana nak bawa your bbq kettle tuh, atau guna yg disposable je kot ;-D ) so at least the daddy can contibute something... bestnyer... tak sabar nak tunggu for that entry.

    oh... mmg seronok baca your blog.


  37. Noor,
    thanks. Tu lah kan, kesian pulak klu tak pergi picnic until next year sbb Mummy sibuk,hehehe. Kat sini memang setiap park/playground ada BBQ area siap dgn gas and semua lah. My Hubby jenis yg tak kuasa nak memasak kat park tu.Dia lagi suka bawak makanan siap dr rumah so dia tak payah masak nanti, hehehe....

  38. congratulations!!!!
    what agreat news...!!
    org lain dh berpulun bg comment..kite br terhegeh2 nk bg comment...
    selamat berpicnic nnt yer..

  39. Shafa,
    thank you. Tak tau lah bila sempat pergi picnic ni, hehehe

  40. salam k.min...

    aaddeehh...kebizian melanda.baru ni la dpt jln2 ke umah akak.bkn bz apa jaga anak2 yg sakit.lps tu masuk je keje dah kena pi kursus.badan ni pun dah naik sengal sana sini.

    pape pun tahniah buat alya!! ayu tumpang happy dgn good news tu.nak hadiah ke? hahahaha....
