Saturday, 31 October 2009

Perth, Sydney, The Little Misses and a song

Picked The Other Half at the airport this morning after his 2-day trip to Sydney. I asked him what the verdict is with the Sydney move after his chat with the DVC at Sydney. He said 60-40 so far but only if I’m 100% behind him. I know he’s getting more excited with the prospect of this 1 year ‘adventure’ to explore a new place and also to explore the east coast as a family. If only we can get some major things sorted out here, then we would be very happy to make the move.

In a way, I’m feeling excited as well sebab next year will be the best year for us kalau nak travel anywhere sebab Miss 10 won’t have started high school lagi. Once dia dah start high school, memang susah sikit lah nak jalan mana2 unless it’s during school hols or nak pindah ke mana2. It’s also the perfect opportunity for us to take The Little Misses travelling up to Brisbane and Gold Coast and down to Canberra and the snowy areas. Perth is too far away from the other capital cities so kalau nak pergi travel makan angin ke Gold Coast or Brisbane memang lah kena keluar duit banyak sikit. Bila dah kat Sydney, it’ll be so cheap to fly to Gold Coast! And The Little Misses pun tak pernah bermain2 dengan snow so it will be fun to take them skiing during the winter season. Kalau duk Perth ni, it’s cheaper to pergi makan angin ke Bali then pergi makan angin ke Melbourne or Sydney! But, we are not interested to go to Bali so tak guna lah kan murah pun, hehehe…..

But, we just realised yang kat NSW (which Sydney is in), their high schools start in Year 7 while kat WA ni, high schools start in Year 8. I know memang pelik sikit kan, walau 1 negara yang sama, system sekolah setiap negeri berbeza beza. Next year, Miss 10 will be in Year 7 and kalau we all pindah ke Sydney, she has to enrol into high school which will be a bit of a shock for her lah kan. Pastu after that 1 year, bila pindah ke Perth balik, dia akan masuk Year 8 which is the start of high school again! Kalau jadi pindah Sydney, memang ada kemungkinan besar lah yang I akan home school both of them next year so they can still follow the WA syllabus. Can you imagine me as a teacher? Adalah yang nangis hari2 nanti kat dalam kelas sebab asik kena marah dengan Muumy aka Teacher Garang, hahaha. Miss 6 tak lah susah sangat sebab baru Year 2 aje pun next year. Kat Australia ni tak guna Standard 1 to 7 untuk primary schooling and Form 1-5 for Secondary schooling. Dia cuma guna kindy, pre primary/reception and then Yr 1 to Yr 11/12. There’s a big exam in Year 12 (kalau kat WA ni) for University entrance. Susah betul kan, pindah dalam negeri pun banyak masalah, hehehe….

And then kalau we all jadi pindah, we have to move in early-late January which is only 2 months away. And we intend to spend the whole December kat M’sia so bila masa nak pack barang2 semua? Hiring people to pack our stuff will definitely be included in our asking contract, hehehe. Tak kuasa lah I nak pack barang2 kat rumah ni, too many things/junks!

I pun baru perasan yang I haven’t put The Little Misses photos for quite a while now sampai Auntie Eryn and Auntie Sue dah kangen kat diaorang, wehehehe…

For them..



1 mata bulat, 1 mata sepet…. :-)


Orang kat rumah ni kan tak jemu2 makan pizza. Every week I kena masak pizza. I slalu beli bread flour yang 5kg nya pack and kadang2 tu sekejap aje dah habis padahal 4 orang aje pun yang makan, hehehe….

Oh lupa pulak nak cerita, I’m going to my food photography lecture/workshop esok. Can’t wait!

Alamak, nearly forgot……

The Other Half beria2 suruh I letak Cat Stevens’ song ‘I’m looking for a hard-headed woman’ in this entry. He thinks this song describes our relationship well and why he’s happy (most of the time) he married me. To people who know us (you know who you are :-)), do you think it’s true?


  1. betullah min..bila nak pindah2 ni byk sgt perkara yg nak ditimbang tara. apa2 pun akak doakan min jumpa penyelesaian yg terbaik!!

    cutenya ur little misses. dua2 memang berbeza but still punya kecomelan yg tersendiri!!!

  2. Advance wishes to Ur 1 year exploration in Sydney!!! ;) Wow bes kan. My Hubby said Sydney is definately a place to visit. He's been to Perth as well. ;) Kita jer jakun, tak gi mana2 lagi! hehehehe!

    Little Misses r so adorable..smiles CC Daddy tuh! :)

    Nak Pizza!! ada lagi ker kak??? hihi :p

  3. Hi Mynn,
    Pening gak kepala u, banyak benda kena pikiran, tapi insya Allah kita doakakn yg terbaik jer utk u.Bestnya pergi food photography workshop, lebih mengsncam lah gambo-gambo u. Meleleh air liur I nanti...

  4. salam min..lama akak tak masuk sini..tension byk exam paper yg kena tanda..tak putus2, lepas satu, satu...mesti serabut kepala min pikirkan itu ini..harap min and hubby dpt make the best decision..good luck..makin comel mereka berdua tu..

  5. Pindah randah ni memang memenatkan MIn...Akak pun dah dapat ura2..Hubby nak berpindah ke Langkawi...entah jadi entah tidak...dari Pulau Pinang ke Pulau Langkawi pun rasanya...ngeri!!

    Hope segalanya akan dipermudahkan Untuk Kita yer MIn!

  6. salam kak LG,

    ur little misses both look sweet and charming and i think miss 6 looks mature than her age.. tak tau lah kan jelingan mata dia tu yang buat dia lebih 'dewasa'.. i tgh 2 months pregnant ni.. minta2lah anak i ni kenan muka little misses kan.. hehehehe...

  7. Kak Ain,
    Klu we all ada masa panjang sikit nak fikir about pindah ni and Dec ni tak balik M'sia, probably tak lah pening sgt. Ni sbb suntuk sgt masa nak fikir, tu yg pening, hehehe. InsyaAllah, we'll make the right decision.

    1 day you should follow him everywhere, baru lah best kan merantau the whole world :-). But with kids, susah lah sikit kan, hehehe...
    Pizza dah habis lah,hahaha...

    photo workshop tadi was quite ok, adalah afew tips yg dia ajar but I ni masih tak tau lagi nak guna my DSLR so kiranya mmng tak kan jadi pro lah, hehehe

    Kak Azah,
    akhir tahun ni memang busy lah ye dgn exam n paper marking :-). Takpe, kejap lagi boleh cuti panjang, hehehe...

    Kak Watie,
    tu lah kan, bila dah lama menetap kat 1 tempat, nak pindah tu terasa susah kan sbb macam2 kena fikir especially skolah anak2. InsyaAllah lah kita akan buat keputusan terbaik utk keluarga kita. Amin....

    Salam..Wah, best nya you pregnant :-). Tahniah ye! Ramai jugak yg nak anak diaorang kenan macam rupa the girls. Ramai lah nanti yang iras2 diaorang kat M'sia tu, hehehe...

  8. hm...leceh kan nak pindah randah ni.ayu prnh rasa masa nak pindah umah dr subang ke sg besi.w/pun dekat tp byk keje nak kena buat.lak tu baru je abis pantang.lom sihat betul dah kena angkat itu ini.siap naik lori dr muar tu.klu org lain...tak sanggup kot.

    now sibuk lak house hunting.klu dah dpt umah yg dicari...of course le kena pack seme brg utk pindah ke umah baru.aadeehhh...dahle kali ni brgnya lbh byk dr seblm ni.dgn 2 org assistant yg xb'tauliah,lg melambatkan la keje pack2 brg

  9. Ayu,
    bila makin besar keluarga and makin lama berumah tangga, memang makin bnyk kan barang2 yg di kumpul. Tu yg setiap kali kata nak pindah, terasa berat aje hati sbb memkirkan betapa lah bnyk nya barang yg nak di pack! :-)

  10. Of course the pace of Sydney CBD is much faster than Perth. But life in the suburbs is as peaceful as Perth - subject to the suburb and if you're lucky enough to have a good neighbour.

    Some other things to consider:
    1. Where does your hubby work.
    2. Will he commute by Bus, Train, Ferry or drive.
    3. Weekly rental budget.
    4. Based on (1, 2 & 3) you'll be able determine which suburb to stay.

    Theres more but I'll fill you in after you guys have reached a decision.

  11. Ruby,
    thanks for the info. The problem is, we might be living quite close to the city centre since he'll be working somwhere there. Malas pulak nak duduk dekat suburb since it's just for a year. But, we might change our minds if we can't stand the hustle and bustle of living in the city :-)
