Wednesday, 9 September 2009

I’m just flabbergasted (I love this word) and flummoxed (I love this word too) with the response I got from the lucky visitor competition. I boleh terbayang macam mana perasaan Mawi n Ekin bila dikerumuni peminat2 masa wedding diaorang sebab that’s how my blog must have felt like tadi, wehehehe…. Tetiba aje jadi blog sensasi masa kini :-P.

I dah suruh Sue n Ara jadi pak guard tak bergaji jaga pintu ‘rumah’ I tadi ni, tapi maybe sebab diaorang jaga lemah lembut kot dengan suara lemak merdu (or maybe sambil tidur sebab penat puasa:-P) tu yang buat berpusu2 orang datang melawat rumah I tadi di saat2 genting. Nasib baik lah I ikut cakap the Third Little Pig yang bina rumah dia dari batu so walaupun berpusu2 orang datang and walaupun the big bad wold huffed and puffed, rumah I especially pintu I tak roboh, hehehehe… Terkejut betul I bila bukak pintu rumah ni tadi, tetiba ada one time tu sampai 50 guests tercongok depan rumah I. Kelam kabut I tutup pintu balik, seriau I tengok ramai2 orang kat luar rumah, hehehe. Entah2 pak guard2 tadi pun terkejut tengok ramai sgt orang agaknya :-). Pastu nak jadi cerita, I dah suruh pak guards tak bergaji tu jual tiket 1 by 1 and tulis nombor lain2 kat tiket2 tu tapi mesti ada orang jual black market tickets agaknya sampai berduyun2 visitors dapat nombor tiket yang sama :-). Taubat I tak nak buat competition lagi lah macam ni, hehehehe…… ;-).

I think this was what happened, yang membuatkan more than 1 person who got the lucky number. Since my counter tu is a unique visitor counter, this type of thing can happen. I pun tak tau macam mana nak explain the phenomenon but I’ll try my best to explain it. I think (correct me if I’m wrong), cuma seorang saje yang sebenar2nya yang arrived at that precise moment at the lucky number of 234 567. But if let’s just say they were 15 people who were already looking at my blog at that time and they hit the refresh button, the didn’t get counted as a new unique visitor so the actual number on the real counter didn’t change. But they would have seen on their PC screens the most recent unique visitor number which was 234 567. So, tu yang boleh ramai visitors dpt the same number. Did I make sense? Boleh faham tak my explanation ni? I don’t know how else to explain it…

Dulu masa I ada the old bean counter, yang bila tekan butang refresh pun dapat tukar number, incident like this will never happen. Tapi asik hilang aje pulak counter tu sebab tak dapat accept heavy traffic. This new bean counter is very good with heavy traffic tapi can give out the same number so many times, hehehehe. I think since dah takde competition, I’ll change my counter back to the old one :-).

So, as it is too complicated (which translates to taking too much time to investigate 1 by 1 and I don’t have that much time sebab dah nak dekat Raya kan :-)) for me to ascertain who’s the legitimate/ actual unique winner, I have decided in consultation with The Other Half to award it to everyone who has emailed me the correct appropriate proof at . But we’ll judge it whether the photos are genuine or not ok! And since it’s going to be quite a lot of people, I won’t be able to post the gift straight away because the postage cost will be exorbitant :-). Nanti harga stamp lagi mahal dari harga barang nya, hehehehe…. So, I have to find a way to get it across to M’sia so my crony kat M’sia boleh tolong pos kan untuk I. This might take a while which I hope the winners out there won’t mind. But don’t worry, I won’t forget.

Congratulations to the lucky winners. What a nice way to remember 09/09/09 on my blog :-).


  1. Salam LG, mmg kecoh ofis saya pagi tadi sbb nk try to get that 234567. Rakan seofis, jap-2 kuar, masuk, kuar, masuk blog you. Thanks to her. Saya cakap klu ditakdirkan terpilih, klu kuih raya kenalah share tp klu dapat mcm mug, kena letak kat ofis, buat kenang-an penangan no. tu pada tarikh 09-09-09.

    Apa-2 pun it all up to you. Thanks 4 making us happening today.

  2. betoi dah apa yg u xplain tu LG..seb bek time cikmin wat ari tu..x ramai yg hits..dan kebetulan xde yg snap pakai amat la mudah tuk di post mortem...klu x..jenuh nak ngelak..
    taubat dah ye?ekekekekek...buat la yg terbaik..cikmin redha je...

  3. LG, nasib baik warga emas paun step back not joining the rat race if not, I jadi ayam penyet!

  4. Adnazthie,
    brapa orang kat ofis u yg baca my blog? ;-)hehehe...At least u dpt the number ye so bolehlah share dgn yr ofis mate hadiah nya. Jgn lupa email I tau the proof.

    thanks ye sbb sudi explain ke I so I boleh lah explain ke orang lain :-). Taubat dah, whahahaha

    Kalau u jadi ayam penyet tadi, mmng nangis lah orang kat rumah u :-) sbb takde sape nak bangun pukul 3 pagi nak masak sahur for them , hehehe

  5. aaaaa, dah lebih dahhhh ;p. pening juge i nak paham sebenanye ;p

  6. kak LG, i am one of ur blog reader yg ter'capture' the lucky number tu, tp i rasa mmg ada salah perhitungan kot, btw i x kisah pun psl hadiah, i just suka2 menyibukkan diri kunun2 nak dpt nombor bertuah tu..hikhik, just for fun, ur blog mmg hot gila.. tp jgn la serik buat contest lagi...hikhikhik...

  7. I pun setuju ngan JULIE tu, sesaja menyibuk nk bagi hot kat blog ni. Seronok tengok member yang nak dapatkan angka 234567.
    Betul..betul..betul macam UPIN n IPIN, jgn serik nak bagi hadiah kat peminat-2 blog U..he he he

  8. huhu sedey je bila balik keje nengok dah miss the number. Ntah ape la akak buat kat saya sampai jadi kemaruk nak be the winner. Hehehhe obviously the prize & such an easy contest. tak kesah la ape pun. Takpe la... to the winner tahniah.

  9. Eh dah habis sapa yang menang ni hem bz sangat wat kuih raya... I duk tunggu Irma wat lintas langsung dari London...LG you hantar kangaroo sekor ke hadiah dia...:)
    Anyway congrats to the winner nanti letak gambar besar2 ye...

  10. alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...katak_ayu dah terlewat..hari2 aku bukak....last2 tak hit jugak...

  11. Salam your silent reader most of the time..akak tersenyum sorang2....haha...i help them win..coz siap keluar check on the numbers..dah hit ke belum...very interesting contest...jgn leh taubat nak conduct are such a great host...Cingratulations to the winner!..& To Min & family...Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin!...from Kak Watie...Penang.

  12. there's another way to counter check who's the real winner, itupun klu betul pemahaman i ni. u ada feedjit tu kan? it tells u dr mana pengunjung tu dtg but still very subjektif esp klu org tu blog hopping.
    owh btw, i'm not one of the lucky winner. once is enuf, tak larat rasa berdebar2 tunggu no hahaha mcm loteri lah plak

  13. sebelum ni hari2 bukak blog akak tade nak kesah pon kat counter tghari td bila bukak, pastu try check kat counter tu, dah tak jauh..saje je dok bukak,tutup,bukak tutup...sekali dapat nombor tu..heheh..saje2 try je.. tapi pape hal pon, saya tetap akan jadi pengunjung blog akak ni :)

  14. ehm...sebenarnya saya lagi seronok tengok org yg masuk memeriahkan blog akak ni..

    kalau balik msia wat gathering sure havocs...hehee

  15. hehehe...I missed it!!!.congrats to the winner!! sapa ye..??

  16. janganle tobat kak LG, meriah woo...nengok orang memeriahkan blog akak!

    bedesup-desup orang mengumumkan bahawa mereka adalah bakal pemenangnya sampai mr. shoutmix tak boleh nak terima! akekeke

  17. ahaha..tukar nama Kak Lg glems la pasni..

  18. fewittttt...nama ara disebut...diappreciate jd guard umah kak min...muahahah..

    tengah dok kalut2 dgn visitors, sue pulak pi pos ofis pos kad raya...hadoiii...

    bean counter & shout box kak min terus wengggg semalam...

    congratssss kpd pemenang..tapi kalau cik min menang, ara ngan sue dpt tempias sket...muahahaha

    takpe lah kak min, jgn tobat cepat ngat, buatlah lg...ara pon nk gak adiah dr kak min next time...hehehe

    nnt ara & sue pi Perth merasa jd guard umah kak min sejam...kuikuikui

  19. Salam Ramadhan LG...

    wpun end up segalanya agak rumit untuk U uruskan, tapi I harap semua ini akan menyeronokkan U...

    Bagi yang menang, tahniah. Bagi yang tak bernasib baik (mcm I), toksah risau.. Kan kita suker suker jer... Happy dan senyum selaluuuuu...

  20. akak..

    memang meriah lah masa tu lebih dr hari raya org dok pusu2 nak masuk umah akak ni..tu lum tau ag hadiahnye lau tau maunye masing2 berebut panjat ikut bumbung agaknye..hehe

    cayaaaalahh..ramai tul pengunjung bog akak ni..
    salam ramadhan n selamat hari raya aidilfitri..

  21. salam ramadhan

    alahai ramai lak ya winnernyer.. anw, tahniahla pada semua pemenang.. mommy cuba2 gak tp xdpt.. hehe:)
    ramai btol org terjah umah u..sapa xterjaga 'pintu' yer?

    i rasakan hit counterpon fening kot.. ari nih i tgk umah i tetiba byk lah hit no.. sblom ni no ciput tetiba byk..hehe:)

  22. wakaka..smalam i pon beriya2 gak masuk keluar ur blog.. eheheh.. x menang x kisah.. but i enjoy the games lah.. seronok.. congrats to the winner..

    sis, post kan kengaroo sekor for the winner.. mana taw raya nanti bole ler buat rendang kangarooo.. ahaks

  23. Nadia,
    I pun pening gak nak memahami nya but pahamlah jugak :-). Next time mmng lah I akan guna my old bean counter yg snng sikit nak guna tu,hehehe...

    Blog I semlm mmng perasan femes n hot sekejap, hehehe.Takpe, tunggu aje lah hadiah tu but most probably lambat sikit lah. Takpe kan? U dah email the proof to me ke?

    I tak sangka lah mcm tu punya panas semalam, ingat biasa2 aje, hehehe... Lambat lagi lah rasanya I buat competition again, bagi sejuk dulu blog I ni ;-). I dah dpt email you, thanks. Nanti I reply ye!

    I pun tak tau knapa ramai sgt yg mem visit blog ni semalam. Padahal I tak bagitau lagi pun hadiah nya apa, hehehe. Maybe next time ye :-)

    berapa bnyk kuih raya u dah buat? Sure sedap2 ni kan :-). Wknd ni lah I akan bertungkus lumus buat kuih raya, hehehe

    my hubby pun hari2 bukak my blog tp dia pun tak dpt the lucky number gak, wakakaka

    Kak Watie,
    Memang boleh gelak sorang2 kan tengok havoc nya my blog semalam, hahaha... I pun tak larat nak gelak dah :-). Takpe lah, next contest kena tunggu next year lah baru buat :-).
    Selamat Hari Raya utk Kak Watie sekeluarga juga. Dah bnyk buat kuih raya ke?

    feedjit like you said susah jugak nak tau klu blog hopping n I malas actually nak siasat thoroughly ni, hehehe. Busy lah sekarang ni ;-). You were the winner of the first contest and masa tu tak seramai skrg ni kan, hehehe

    thanks ye sbb sudi singgah my blog n sudi ikut contest ni. I dah dpt yr email, thanks. Nanti I reply ye.

    Tu yg my hubby suggest kan, semua winners kena tunggu bulan Dec nanti utk jumpa I n dpt hadiah personally face to face dgn I :-). Memang sure havoc 1 KL tu, wakakaka

    Kak Ain,
    bukan sape, tapi sape dan sape dan sape dan sape, hahahah. Ramai yg menang you :-).

    rasanya kena bagi bean counter tu n shoutbox tu cool down dulu baru boleh buat another contest, hehehe. Memang betul2 mcm Sogo Sale aje kan, meriah dgn visitors semlm, hehehe. I dah dpt ye email, thanks. Nanti I reply k!

    I dah dpt yr email,thanks ye. Nanti I reply k. Pandai aje u bagi nama I glems, wakakaka...

    cuba lah buat muka bengis semalam, sure orang takut nak berpusu2 masuk rumah I. Ni buat senyum2, sambil gelak2, takde sapelah yg takut, hahahaha... Memang takde ciri2 jadi pak guard lah ,hehehehe

    memang betul apa u cakap. Competition ni pun sbb nak seronok2 sambil kenal2 dgn ramai orang kan :-). Menang tak menang tu biasalah kan, hehehe...

    tu lah kan, tu belum tau hadiah nya apa lagi dah berpusu2. Nasib baik tak roboh semalam kan, hehehe. I dah dpt email you, thanks ye. Nanti I reply k!

    Memang lah I rasa bean counter tu mengong sikit kot. I nak try bean counter yg lain lah, mana tau, ada yg kebal sikit utk di gunakan, hehehe

    klu buat rendang kangaroo, 1 kampung boleh makan kan, hehehe... Memang kelakar bila ingat kisah semalam, hahahahaha

  24. akak...
    Gelak sorang2 sy kt ofis bl dpt email pic counter fr Nona, she is e lucky winner...hehehehe
    Blog akak mmg best ;-)

  25. salam k.min....

    huhu...havoc tul umah akak on that day.ayu pun tumpang sibuk gak tp disebabkan asyik dc je so ayu trs log off.takpela....jd penyumbang p'gerak bean counter tu pun dah ckup bagus dah.hehehehe...

    pd yg b'jaya hunting that lucky no....congrats!!!
