Sunday, 5 July 2009

Today I’m another year older but probably not another year wiser kot :-). Early this morning, The Other Half and I were sleeping and suddenly dia terjaga around 5 in the morning, and I pun terjaga sama sekejap. Dia terperasan yang I opened my eyes, terus dia ucap, “happy birthday!”. At 5 o’clock in the morning, what do you think my respond was? Obviously lah I just grunt and said, “uh!” which meant ‘thanks’ if I was more awake, hehehehe. Luckily lah I still ‘jawab’ his wish instead of just jegil biji mata ke dia sebab wished me pagi2 buta :-). But he did wish me again when we were both more awake at 6.30 wish I answered with a smile and a proper “thank you Dear!” :-).

Then it was The Little Misses’ turns to wish their favourite Mummy a happy birthday with presents from them (bought by The Other Half obviously). I asked him apsal beli hadiah lagi when we’ve bought the Palm Treo as our birthday presents. Jawapan dia, “I bought these things before we decided to buy the Palm.” Unbelievable, my hubby bought my birthday presents weeks in advance! Selalunya, sehari sebelum my birthday baru lah dia kelam kabut beli the present (or after my birthday!), hehehe.



Can you see the birthday card my bertuah Other Half gave me with the number 40 infront? Do you know what he said? Dia kata, saje je bagi card tu sebab then I have 1 year to get used to the idea of turning 40 next year! Ada ka! Nasib baik lah wife dia ni malas nak cari gaduh and merajuk on her birthday, so I buat tak tau aje bila dia cakap macam tu. Menyampah betul!!!!! Probably, dia nak jimat duit kot so he can give me the same card next year!! Gelak aje my bertuah Other Half tu bila baca the above sentence…..

Then, we had breakfast (prepared by me, siapa lagi kan!). I wanted to have kaya toast with teh tarik (macam kat kedai mamak tu :-)) so semua orang kena lah bersarapan dengan kaya toast pagi tadi which they enjoyed, hehehe.


Then lunch was leftovers from last night (again reheated by me!). Bila lah agaknya I’ll get to just lepak2 without having to lift a finger to cook on my birthday ni ye :-)? Then, I made doughnuts for afternoon tea sebab dah lama tak makan doughnuts ni.


Tapi tercair pulaknya the choc ganache and malas pulak I nak betulkan, hehehe….

Then followed by dinner which was also cooked by me. I nak makan dishes yang I really like tonite (since it’s MY birthday) so kalau I suruh The Other Half masak, he’ll cook dishes yang he can cook which is highly probably not the same as dishes that I like so baik I aje lah yang masak kan! At least, I know I will enjoy the dinner :-). He owes me BIG! (Dah berapa minggu dia tak cook dinner on Saturday night ni so memang lah dia akan kena cook every weekend for the next few months, hahahaha).


I kan memang suka sangat2 noodles ni so malam ni I masak mee goreng, makan pulak dengan honey chicken. Actually honey chicken ni memang kegemaran semua orang so bukan I sorang aje lah yang makan beria2 tadi, even Miss 10 pun makan banyak you :-). (Miss 5 and The Other Half tu tak payah cakap lah kan, memang hari2 pun makan banyak, wehehehe).

And then, sure you all tertanya2 kan, what about the birthday cake? Dulu masa kecik2 kalau buat birthday party, mesti mintak kek span yang jual kat kedai kek tu with mocked cream and bunga wafer. Lagi besar the flowers, lagi sedap sangat2 rasanya the kek. Padahal, tak sedap pun but it’s the size and the deco that counts right, hehehe. Tapi, bila dah tua ni (39 ok not 40!), dah malas nak buat birthday cake for me sebab bukannya susah sangat nak buat cake ni, kalau bukan on birthdays pun boleh buat, betul tak (cuma bab men deco cake cantik2 yang I still tak pass2 lagi, hehehe). And tak sanggup I nak meniup 39 batang lilin, maulah kek tu nanti basah denagn semburan air liur aje (uweekkkk, tak lalu I nak makan!). So, tadi as a cake replacement, I made apple pie. I lagi suka makan apple pie ni dari makan kek, tambah2 lagi kalau makan dengan vanilla ice cream, memang heaven……. :-).


My simple birthday ‘cake’.

So, itulah saje cerita what happened today on my birthday. Kesimpulannya,

1.The Other Half tak sabar nak tunggu I turn 40 (rolling eyes now!!!!)

2. I still kena masak on my birthday (more rolling eyes!!!!)

3.I still love them dearly though, hehehehe

p/s to all my family and friends yang wished me a very Happy Birthday, thank you very much for your kind thoughts.

pps I ada citer lagi best nak khabaq kat sini but nanti lah ye, closer to the date :-)


  1. Salam..
    nampaknya your birthday sama tarikh ngan birthday anak pompuan kakliza...
    anyway..kakliza ucapkan HAPPY BIRTHDAY to U..
    semoga sentiasa bahagia sehingga akhir hayat...

  2. Salam Kak Liza,
    terima kasih for the ucapan and amin... Anak Kak Liza tu sure teramat lah mudanya lagi banding dgn saya kan? :-). Happy birthday untuk anak Kak Liza too.

  3. Happy Birthday and many many more to come :)

  4. selamat menyambut ulangthn ke 39 kak LG!!!

  5. Mynn,
    Kita serupa...I am also the same age, but my birthday falls in March.Hubby kita pun cakap lebih kurang mcm hubby you juga, dia kata tak sabar nak sambut birthday kita yg ke 40. Kita dah lah sedih,it is the last of my thirties ,dia pulak macam enjoy jer, mentang-mentang lah dia muda setahun dari I.Anyway, it was good to see that you were well celebrated by all your loved ones, that is just how it should be, except the bab yang you kena masak sendiri...keh,keh,keh,it is the same everywhere !

  6. Ann Kay,
    thank you for the kind words :-).

    Nasib baik you tulis 39, bukan 40, hehehe..but thanks ye for the wish :-)

    I know how you feel :-). My hubby pun tak sabar nak tunggu I turn 40 because like yr hubby, mine pun years younger than me :-). I pulak sedih sbb it's the last number with 3 in front. I kena tunggu my daughters besar kot baru boleh relax fr cooking on my birthday, hehe

  7. K myn, happy birthday... semoga panjang umo, murah rezeki n sihat selalu... moga happily ever after with ur happy family... :)

  8. Aymy,
    thank you, thank you...Amin.... :-)

  9. happy birthday LG.. k.nor pun tak sabar nak tunggu 1 more year, nak terima borang dr LG hehehehe... wish u happy always ya..:)

  10. Kak Nor,
    hahahaha...nak join kelab KRS ye ;-). Tahun depan bolehlah saya bertanding jadi president ye?hehehe. Terima kasih for the wish ye :-)

  11. kak LG,

    happy 39th besday..

    and may God bless you & family...


  12. jaja,
    thanks for the wish...amin...

  13. K.LG Happy birthday, moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.

  14. alloo...happy bday my sis(from akeem&ros)..saje je wish lambat skit..sume org asik wish awal2 je.akeem pun tak sabar ni dgn cite angah yg mane akeem dah tau dah ape cite nye..heheh..

  15. selamat hari tua... heheheh selamat hari jadi semoga murah rezeki dan di rahmati oleh Allah s.w.t selalu insya allah amin.

  16. sanah helwa LG...
    happy birthday...
    selamat hari lahir...

    semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki...serta bahagia with the other half, and the little misses...

  17. Huhuhu..not 40 yer!! going to be ekkk...Hepi Belated Birthday Kak LG...x worry about the number..well, it is just a number..we can create our own number if we wish to..haha...x kesah la umo bape pun ..yg penting......Tuhan masih bagi kita hidup kat bumi ni and dapat tingkatkan lagi amalan kita kan! Hepi birthday once more!!

  18. sanah helwa ya jamilah...
    senyum selalu :)

    bila nak tambah ahli baru? ;)

  19. happy birthday! nak present birthday meh balik malaysia i blanja makan! hehehehe...

  20. Jamie,
    thanks and amiiin....

    hahaha.....apa lah wish lambat2...

    umur makin tua, hati makin muda ye, hehehe. Thanks and amiin....

    Mrs. FHM,
    thank you. Amiin...Semoga makbul lah doa kamu :-).

    betul tu, nombor aje kan, apa nak heran, hehehe...

    thanks for the wish :-).

    thank you.. Ahli lama tak nak tambah ahli baru, hehehe..

    best nya ada orang nak belanja I makan, hehehe...

  21. Hepi belated besday k.lg... sorry lmbt wish... Lia kesibukan spjg mgu lepas :-) Moga k.lg bertambah bahagia disamping yg disayangi

  22. hi kak myn,
    happy burfday..belated pun nak wish jugak..

    anyway u do not look like 39, i thot baru 35YO..

  23. Happy belated b'day akak!So,mcm2 hadiah la dpt sempena b'day this yr ek?Tak gi romantic candle light dinner berdua2an ke?ekekek...ala like they always said, age is juz a number...yg penting kita enjoy ngan kita punya life n always think positive..tu yg nampak 10 thn muda lagi tu!!!
    Haha, last week was my MIL birthday.Since she's here we planned a surprise party for elder twin sis and i buat kat my house..hehhe dengan siap gantung belon n happy b'day banner lagi!when she stepped in kami jerit 'SURPRISE'!!! nasib baik la my MIL takde heart problem..kalau tak maunya gi sepital time tu gak!ahaks!
    Anyway, that apple pie looks drooling..nak recipe leh? :)

  24. hepi besday cik lemon.... :)

  25. LG
    happy besday to you.. semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki selamanya!

  26. Happy Birthday Mate. Jgn takut, belum tua lagi tu. Lagi pun u ni awet muda. Kalau I, lainlah cerita.

    My birthday was last month. I declared the month of June, sbg my month. Hb tak bagi present, dia bagi I permit je. Permit to go shopping kat stocksale. Skrg ni I tgh ada withdrawal syndrome. Takut nak ke kedai.

  27. Salam Mynn,

    Happy belated brirhtday ya...mcm tak percaya jer umur u 39...awek muda tu..kasi skit rahsia bleh...

    Anyway nak jemput u dtg rumah I esok utk minum ptg k...dtgla dlm pkl 2 gitu....pls txt me at 0450686296 so that I can send u my add....

  28. Happy Belated Birthday to u LG.. nampak sedap apple pie tu.

  29. Hepi belated birtday akak...smg pjg umur, murah rezeki dan menjadi isteri, ibu dan nenek (bkn le skrg..hik hik) mithali..umur doesn't matter kan..yg penting...looks forever and ever mengancam!.. ;)muaaahhh

    p/s : caya la akak dpt 2 presents sekali...ahaks

    Semoga panjang umur dan diredhai Allah sentiasa..
    Sorry lambat wish busy makan doriyan!Now ni musim durian...everywhere DURIAN!
    Next Year you join the MIDI world?

  31. LG, We wish you happy birthday and may your everyday will always fill with wealth, love, laughter and blessing from Allah.

  32. happy birthday akak LG..
    wish u all the best n happy ever after with ur family..
    semoga birthday terakhir utk 30-an ini (*giggle) meninggalkan seribu satu kenangan yg manis utk akak..

  33. salam min...HAPPY BELATED BDAY DEAR!!
    sorry I missed ur bday yesterday. a bit busy!! Semoga Allah panjangkan usia min, murahkan rezeki min, berkati hidup min dan melipat gandakan kebahagiaan min sekeluarga. Amin!!!!

    syoknya dpt mcm2 hadiah. sedapnya apple pie min tu!!!!

  34. salam k.min...

    huhu...ayu dah wish b'day kat akak dlm entry seblm ni.mmg style ayu akan baca previous n3 dulu baru yg latest.tu yg t'salah park tu.hahahaha...

    pape pun happy b'day again to u! all the best ye! kesian akak....awal2 lg dah dpt card ke 40thn.huhu...ayu lak ada bebrp2 bln lg nak masuk more 20 kat depan tu.iiiissskkk....

    aaddeehhh...tgk tayangan amal akak,perut ayu yg lapar ni mkin teruk bunyinya.the roti kaya...donuts...mee goreng etc.iiisskkk...lps ni nak kena pi kantin gak.tokleh jadik! btw resepi honey chicken takde ke kak? mana la tau kot lain versinya ke.nak gak ayu try...

  35. Happy birthday mynn,kita sebayakan tapi lagi lima bulan zana akan masuk angka 40 maklumlah lahir bulan satu,tapi mynn untung orang kecil molek ni lambat nampak tua tau.Zana ini sekarang pun anak-anak tanya kenapa mak lagi tua dari abah(sebabnya rambut zana lebih banyak uban dari abahnya)tapi memang betul really banyak uban tau ikut mak zana.Sebenarnya perangai anak-anak zana tu lagi menyebabkan uban banyak almaklumlah semuanya lelaki.Walaubagaimana pun mynn zana ucapakan sekali lagi happy birthday umur itu sekadar angka nikmati hidup ini:-)

  36. eloooooooo.... besday gurl.. :)
    ahakss... selamat menempuh alam yang baru... alarrr... sekadar nombor jer tu... selamat panjang umo, sehat tubuh badan, murah rezeki serta dilimpahi kap ba ro kap ta alip nun dariNYA... Amin...

  37. salam kak LG..

    semoga panjang umur + dimurahkan rezeki.. :)

  38. Lia,
    Thanks for the wish, amin...

    I thought mcm baru umur 29, hehehe.. ;-). Thanks for the wish :-)

    sure skrg u dah jadi menantu tersayang ye sbb dah berbulan MIL duk dgn you,hehehe...Nasib baik lah dia takde heart prob kena surprise, hahaha. I nya jiwa sentiasa muda but kdg2 tulang temulang ni aje yg protest sikit bila buat kerja perasan muda ;-).

    Cik Moon,
    thank you :-)

    Mommy Aqeem,
    thanks and amin...

    kita kan sama2 awet muda,hahaha. Best lah you yr birthday month falls in June, mmng rambang mata terus lah :-). I punya falls in the 'toy sale' month, hampeh betul, hehehehe...

    orang jawa memang awet muda,hahaha.. acah aje :-). Esok I kena kerja lah you sampai tengah hari sebab my colleague on sick leave, pastu ada appoinment petang tu. Sorry lah ye, maybe next time!

    thanks..for me apple pie tu lagi sedap dr kek, hehehe

    I memang sentiasa perasan awet muda,hahaha...Thanks ye for the wish :-)

    Mama Anis,
    Thanks :-)

    Mrswongjowo, nya dpt makan durian!!! Nak gak :-). Thanks for the wish :-)

    thank you for the doa and amin. Semoga termakbul doa you...

    tahun ni kena enjoy puas2 lah ye sebab tahun depan dah tua,hehehe. Thanks ye for the wish :-)

    Kak Ain,
    Thanks for the wish and amin.... Apple pie mengancam ye ;-)

    tu lah kan, hampeh betul hubby akak tu. Ada ke saje menyakat orang on my bday,hehehe... Thansk for your wish!

    tu lah kan, orang kata kalau kecik molek n muka bulat, lambat nampak tua. Alhamdulillah lah, hehehe. Tapi ada gak uban seurat dua ;-). Nanti kalau anak2 dara 2 orang tu dah besar, mau lagi lebat lah uban kat rambut I, hehehe

    Amin amin ya rabbal alamin.... :-)

    salam. Thanks for the wish :-)

  39. kak min..birhday ker.. tambah muda setahun hikss... semoga panjang umur murah rezeki dan happy sentiasa

  40. Belated Happy Birthday to you :)

    Semoga terus sejahtera dan bahagia...

  41. Shiela,
    hehehe...makin bertambah umur, makin perasan muda I :-). Thanks for the wish.

    Kak E,
    amin ya rabbal al amin... :-)

  42. Happy belated birthday, may all your wishes came true.

  43. Happy belated birthday to you. Semoga bahagia selalu and may all your wishes come true!

  44. Adnazthie,
    thank you, amin....

    Thank you for the kind thoughts :-)

  45. salam LG.....happy birthday and many happy returns to u....;)

  46. Happy belated bday LG... masih muda lagi tu.. :op

  47. Lynna,
    Salam.. Thank you

    hehehe...umr aje making meningkat but hati tetap muda :-).

  48. kak LG,
    happy birthday! Happy2 selalu..


  49. LG,
    happy belated bday... better late than never kan? ari tu dah perasan notification kat facebook, tp when the day came, terlupa plak... anyway, hope you had a beautiful celebration last sunday & here's a wish of a wonderful year ahead... TQ for being such a good friend...

    ~U know who I am~

  50. sis LG,
    your silent reader again.

    happy birthday!!


  51. "ALLAH selamatkan kamu..ALLAH selamatkan kamu...ALLAH selamatkan LG...ALLAH selamatkan kamu..."cikmin nyanyi2 la sambey taip ni ha..sori la terlambat wish ye...moga panjang umo dan dimurahkan rezeki oleh-NYA...

  52. Afid,
    terima kasih for the wish :-)

    Thank you so much for the warm wish :-). Busy ye u sekarang since dah duduk berdua? hehehe

    thank you so much :-)

    terdengar2 kat telinga ni suara gemersik CikMin nyanyi lagu untuk I,hehehe...

  53. hope its still not too late to wish u HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KAK LG..

    may ALLAH bless u and the family all the time..

    have a great and awesome birthday..

    wishing u all the happiness on your upcoming day..


  54. kak LG,
    happy birthday..
    may all ur wishes come true...

  55. Dida,
    thank you so much for the warm thoughts :-).

    thank you, thank you :-)

  56. SL,
    Walaupun dah lambat i still nak ambil kesempatan untuk ucapkan selamat menyambut ulang tahun untuk u.. and semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki..

  57. Aini,
    eh, you silap blog ke? or mmng the wish for me? Kalau mmng untuk I, thanks ye :-)

  58. alamakkkkkkkkk!! ketinggalan jamannnn!!! epi belated besday k.minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! dh tua akak yerk??! ekekeke tp mentenn slimmmmmmm!!! tuh yg jeles tuhhhh!! moga ceria2 ari tuamuuu!!! muahahahaha

  59. mmg i wish kat u la dear..
    ari tu i balik kg so lama jugak tak baca blog u..
    kalau i keja every morning i baca blog u dulu... hehehehehehe confirm tak silap..
