Every year in July, The Other Half and I will always have the same conversation that goes along like this:
The Other Half: What do you want for your birthday?
Me: I don’t know. What do YOU want for your birthday?
The Other Half: I don’t know either and I asked you first so you have to tell what you want first.
Me: I’ve told you already, I don’t know. There’s nothing I really really need and want that I can think of. Just buy whatever.
The Other Half: I don’t like it when you say whatever because that’s not an answer :-). I don’t know either what I want that won’t break the bank. I know what I dream of buying though :-).
Susah kan bila our birthdays fall 5 days of each other but senang sebab tak payah buat 2 birthday parties, buat 1 aje pun dah cukup, hehehe. Sebab I jugak yang kena masak for both :-).
Then we selalunya ended up not buying anything sebab we just couldn’t figure out what we want. Yang kesian nya The Little Misses lah sebab diaorang lah yang beria nak belikan presents for us. We normally bila dah tak larat kena pester just say, ‘Just buy Lindt chocolates.’
But this year, we did end up buying something for both of us which is a quite a big deal jugak lah for us, hehehe. Itu pun sebab last night, The Other Half was browsing through this catalogue and saw something that really caught his eyes. Which means something gadgety and tech stuff lah kan. Then I said to him, “ Why don’t you buy it so we can make it as a birthday present for you.” Then he said, “Do you want 1 too. Then we can both say that it’s our birthday presents and have matching things at the same time!” I pun toleh lah ke benda yang dia tengah tengok ni and terminat lah jugak kat benda ni so I pun kata ok lah aje. Ringan sikit kepala I sebab tak payah susah payah fikir nak benda apa as present kan.
This is our presents, a Palm Treo 500, one for him and one for me. Kalau you all nak tahu, we all berdua ni memang bukan mobile phone addicts. Our mobile phones tak pernah yang canggih manggih, basically cuma boleh call and SMS aje, camera takde, radio takde and we all akan cari yang paling murah sekali, hehehe. Pernah sekali aje dapat phone canggih, itu pun sebab we all tukar plan and it came with the nice phone. So for us to buy this palm smartphone which cost more than $100 kiranya memang dah caya abis lah, hahaha. Orang lain dah tak heran tengok phone canggih and spend thousands of dollars on phone, we all baru spent more than $100 and tengok ni aje pun dah awe-struck and siap masuk blog lagi tu, wehehehehe :-).
Ini lah first time my phone ada camera you, rasa macam apa aje, hahahaha. Now, tinggal nak belajar cara2 nak pakai benda ni aje so happy weekend for me playing with my new toy :-). The Other Half pun dah happy sangat2 sebab dapat a new toy as well.
(but lagi best kalau The Other Half can cook all my favourite dishes and bake a cake for me on my birthday. Itu lagi lah caya giler nya present, hehehehe)
Bila bday ni..??July ni ker..?? syok ler bday dekat2...celebrate sekali harung je.
ReplyDeleteakak pun bila bab hp, asal boleh sms n call pun dh cukup dah. lst week hubby belikan akak hp LG KP500. touch screen. pd akak dh terlampau canggih dah utk housewife mcm akak ni. tak tau nak guna. end-up I still use my old hp.
psst....Hp bday in advance!!!
Kak Ain,
ReplyDeletemy birthday coming very soon, then hubby's nya bday 5 days later, tu yg mmng boleh sambut sekali harung, hehehe. Wahh, best nya dpt touch screen phone, awat tak guna, rugi rugi, hehehe. Mcm I jugak lah, tak tau nak buat apa dgn all the extra functions tu :-).
happy birthday in adavance to kak lemongrass n encik lemongrass...
ReplyDeleteHi LG,
ReplyDeleteHappy advance bday to u and yr significant other....just in case i miss reading it..and nice phone. Let yr S.O read all the 'know-how' back to back and then show u how....easier, faster, isn't it?
Yat Maria
hi sis,
ReplyDeletehappy bday 2 both of u in advance..wah wah wah sehati sejiwa gitu ye.. present pon sama je.. alhamdullillah.. semoga sis sefamily sentiasa dilindungi Allah swt.. serta di kurniakan kesihatan ye.. seronok baca ur blog..
pls n pls write a detail story ye regarding ur bday celebre.. with pic.. lg banyak lagi bgs.. i loikeeee.. especially gamba2 ur dishes... heheheh.. n not forget gamba2 2 org anak dara ittew ya.. ;)
LG, hmmm..hmm.. (penuh makna)
ReplyDeleteakak..sy kat sini jd mangsa (baca:tukang beli) gadjet utk org2 kat msia..
ReplyDeletelg2 kat sini kan ada ebay n car boot..so masing2 semua ambil kesempatan(baca:peluang) sementara sy ada kat sini..
pastu bila sales lg la bertambah2 murah..sy yg dok sini x tau apa..yg kat msia dah kalut suruh beli itu ini..huhuu
ReplyDeletethank you for the wish :-).
Yat Maria,
My Other Half tu lagi lah susah nya nak suruh baca manual, hehe. I lah yg slalu baca manual n kdg2 have to tell him what he did wrong :-). Thanks for the wish ye!
birthday I, I yg masak, birthday orang lain, I gak yg masak, hahaha. So nanti dishes pun tengok my mood masak masa tu lah :-). Thanks ye for the wish and Amin...
hehehe..Apa yg penuh makna ni ;-).
tu lah, sape suruh duduk UK, kan mmng dah kena jadi 'tukang beli' barang2, hehehe. Dah lah kat situ semua orang tahu barang2 murah2, memang tak lepas peluang di suruh beli mcm2 lah, hehe
LG..canggih HP...saya pun mcm tu...tau tak..saya cuma ada HP sejak 2 tahun lepas..sebelum tu haramm tak de pun....
ReplyDeletehappy birthday for both of you. I suka palm treo ni compare to other gadget like blackberry ke, iphone ke..htc ke...Palm senang nak operate dan yang penting senang nak tulis msg..hehhehe..We ols laki bini pun pakai palm treo sama sepesen but yours is more advance. Happy ..happy birthday and enjoy your palm treo..really good gadget!
ReplyDeletehehehe..kiranya we all ni lagi canggih lah ye dr u sbb I dah ada hp sejak 11 tahun dulu. First hp I bagak giler2 tu, hahaha. Tapi setiap kali beli hp baru,mmng bukan yg canggih nya, asal boleh call dgn sms dah kira bagus sgt2 :-).
thanks for the wish. Oh you pun suka palm treo ye? We all pun dengar n baca bnyk good reviews about treo, tu yg beli tu n mmng snng sgt2 kan nak tulis msg,hehehe. I ni klu guna hp biasa mmng ambik masa yg lama betul nak type msg, tension sgt2 :-)
salam k.min...
ReplyDeletehappy birthday to both of u! moga dipanjangkan umur,dilimpahi rezeki,bahagia hingga akhir hayat n diberkati olehNya.kena wish awal sbb takut t'lupa je...hehehe...
wwaahhh...bestnya dpt hadiah hp.ayu pun sebnrnya mcm akak gak,asal hp tu leh buat call n sms dah ckup.hp skrg ni pun hb ayu yg sibuk srh beli.nsb baik dia yg byr so slamat la duit ayu.klu ikutkan ayu....malas nak beli baru selagi yg lama leh pakai.
ni dia dok sibuk usha latest hp..iphone etc.dia ada gak bunyi2 srh ayu tukar lain (tukar lagi?)tp ayu buat dek je.selagi yg nokia ni tak b'derai,takkan tukar lain la jwbnya
ReplyDeleteI malas betul nak guna hp canggih ni sbb mmng cuma guna hp utk buat smsm n call aje so rasa mcm tak berbaloi pulak ada function2 lain tu,hehehe. Hubby Ayu tu kesian agaknya tengok Ayu pakai hp yg dah zaman dinosaur tu yg dia asik suruh beli baru aje, hehehe...