Thursday, 11 June 2009

The Other Half’s flown off to Darwin this morning for a training job.  When he’s not around, it’s my job to do the homework with The Little Misses. And eveyr Friday, both of them will have spelling tests at school. Miss 5’s spelling words are really easy and normally by Wednesday, she can remember all of them by heart and will write the words down without being told. But with Miss 10, her words have been getting longer and harder and a lot more and she’s only able to bring the words home on Thursday for a practice run at home. So, tonight I had to do the words with her.

Don’t get me wrong, I like doing their school work with them and I’m quite good at spelling (much better than The Other Half!). Mana lah tak nya kan, dari primary school dulu dah selalu sangat kena buat spelling tests at school and kena rotan kalau silap so memang dah sahih lah terer spelling lepas tu, hehehe. I rasa budak2 skolah kat M’sia semua terer spelling kan! The Other Half pun slalu tanya I how to spell words :-). But when it comes to pronunciation tu yang kadang2 I stumble a bit. Kadang2 I have to think for a few seconds on how to pronounce the words correctly before I can tell it to Miss 10. One word I really have trouble with is ‘academic’ as in people who teach at uni. I slalu terlupa where the ‘stress’ is and how to pronounce it correctly. It really pis**s me off sebab The Other Half is an academic so bila people tanya I what my husband is, I slalu tersangkut nak jawab and have to resort to saying, “he’s a lecturer” . Hampeh betul lah! Even though I slalu sangat dengar the word being pronounced by The Other Half, I masih terlupa jugak cara nak sebut dia, I really tak tau kenapa lah I have problem with that 1 small word, hehehehe….

I rasa English ni kan is quite a complicated language. The other day, Miss 10 had to do ‘perumpamaan’ or simile in English. I ni dah lah perumpamaan in Malay pun tak pass lagi, ni nak buat perumpamaan in English pulaknya, memang setakat cukup2 makan aje boleh lah, hehehe. And since The Other Half wasn’t there, I had to help her. She said to me, “ Mummy, I know it’s as fat as a hippo and as sick as a parrot” Dalam hati I ni tertanya2 jugak bukan ke ‘as fat as a pig’ so I asked her to change it. I tanya lah dia, mana dia tau ‘as sick as a parrot?’. Dia kata she read in somewhere in a book. I pun accepted it lah sebab ye lah books don’t lie kan, hehe ;-). Then bila The Other Half balik, dia gelak aje sebab dia kata tak pernah dia dengar orang kata ‘as sick as a parrot’, yang dia tau ‘as sick as a dog’. Terpaksalah Miss 10 changed a few things yang dia dah buat with Mummy’s ‘help’ , hehehe….

Another thing yang I menyampah is idioms. Dah lah a lot of them don’t make sense, pastu bukannya I boleh translate peribahasa melayu straight to english, ada lah yang akan gelak golek2 kalau dengar nanti. Ada setengah idioms tu yang I’m so used to using the english versions, bila nak guna dalam BM, memang pening kepala nak fikir the equivalent in malay…. Teruk kan, hehehe….. Tapi bila I dapat jumpa the equivalent peribahasa in Malay, seronok giler2 I, sebab perasan terer banget, hahaha……

But I’m thankful lah jugak sebab kawin dengan The Other Half yang mother tongue dia English so tak perlu lah I susah payah belajar another language kan, hehehe…

Sebelum I merepek lebih jauh, this was my dinner tonite. Mee tomyam chicken and seafood. The Other Half tak suka sangat tomyam ni so memang lah I akan buat bila dia takde aje. For The Little Misses I buat mee sup, senang kerja I, hehehe….



  1. akak pun kdg2 having poblem in pronouncation. ada certains words yg susah nak disebut. bab similies and idoms tu mmg kena bukak buku ler. kdg2 akak pulak tanya balik ngan dia org.hehe

    nmpak mengancam mee tomyam min. lidah thai le malam ni ye.

  2. Salam LG....taktau nak komen apa...bila cakap bab2 bahasa etc ni, let the pro do the comment etc la nak jgk komen ni....sedap plak tgk mee tomyam u hehehe ;p

  3. Kak Ain,
    I pun kdg2 seriau betul bab pronunciation ni tu yg kdg2 kena fikir dulu sebelum berckp, hehehe. Dah lama I tak mkn tomyam sbb hubby tak suka so bantai tomyam 1 mangkuk mlm ni, hehe

    salam :-). I pun tak pro langsung bab bahasa ni, neither English nor Malay, haru betul ,hehehe.. Jom mkn mee tomyam!

  4. ai kak LG..hihihhi bila my kids da besa nnt mgkin br ada pngalaman dlm bab bahasa mcm nak layan tomyam je lahhh sbb sungguh yummy...:)

  5. kat sini selalu kena tegur ngan anak2 yg sy jaga..dorang kan british ascent..

    kita ni ckp ikut american..kdg2 boleh jd gaduh plak..mana satu yg betul..hehe

    tak pun bila sy nak tiru bunyi depa, x betul2 jugak, depa yg jd geram balik..keh keh keehh.

    tp sy suka sangat dengar anak2 kalau sembang..bunyi dia ada lagu2..hehe

    haiii...terliur plak tgok mee tu..tunggulah hujung minggu ;D

  6. Wah akak...meriahnye dedaunan kat atas mee tomyam tue...hehehe

  7. Mummyseri,
    Bila Seri dah masuk sekolah baru lah start you pening2 lalat mcm I nanti,hehehe...

    I dgn my hubby takde sgt Aussie accent yg pekat and my kids gi skolah agama yg students dia mcm2 bangsa so tu yg aussie accent diaorang pun tak pekat sgt. Nasib baik lah u,hehehe..
    Ramai jugak ye yg minat mee tomyam ni :-).

    Tu sbb nak mengabiskan daun ketumbar sebelum dia layu so since I suka daun tu, bubuh lah banyak2 kat atas mee :-)

  8. Hi there...i have been your silent reader for quite a while..salam perkenalan! You daughters are gorgeous....tak puas pandang..

  9. tgk menu akak malam ni, dr yang tak minat mee tom yam pun jd terliur... hehehe

  10. hey now u dont say "as fat as" anymore.. nanti kena saman. Now you say "as horizontally challenged as a well-fed, happy with herself, confident hippo".. there you go ahaks!

  11. salam k.min...

    semlm ayu takde keje so ayu dok melangut depan pc baca ur post from beginning.seblm ni klu baca n3 akak suka main lompat katak n lompat kijang.mcm biasala...hehehe...

    hm...klu bab spelling kan hb ayu suka tnya ayu.kdg2 dia tnya tu time kita tak ready or tgh buat keje t'kial2 gak nak eja sbb kita tak focus kan.

    akak suka mee eh? serupa la kita.ainnur pun suka mee.kuah mee bandung n mee kari dia leh hirup mcm tu je.kira still leh geng dgn zahra la sbb depa kan like anything n everything.hehehehe...

  12. My hb pun hampeh spelling dia. I jadi cikgu spelling dia kkdg. Tp sebab dah lama tak kerja kkdg gagal gak.

    My hb masa mula2 balik dari Msia, kekawan dia complaint accent dah hilang. Tp semenjak dua menjak ni dah bunyi aussie balik. My anak2 lak mcm anak2 you lah. Sekolah agama, memacam bangsa kkdg ckp bunyi american adalah sbb byk tgk cartoon.

  13. mynn,
    teringat masa standard 1 Pn.Karpal Singh dan standard 2 Puan T.Nagula bagi spelling test. Salah je kena rotan kat tangan(mengikut jumlah ejaan yang salah).Memang betul kita selalu ada spelling test masa sekolah rendah kan.Mynn,zana selalu bayangkan you kena masak mee tom yam ke atau mee goreng ke untuk seorang makan,zana biasa kena masak untuk 6 orang atau lebih, kalaulah tiba-tiba kena masak sikit je macam you mesti akan jadi kekok.:-)

    P/s-nanti balik BB nak cari gambar-gambar masa sekolah rendahlah.

  14. Kak LG...katak_ayu oso sgt tak suker idioms..slalu bukak internet nak check skul kids plak slalu tanya tu n ini..sooo challenging..u r rite..yg bahasa melayu pun still tunggang langgang! Dinggg!!!...hahaha

  15. Hhehehe... Maklong pun slalu jugak kena diperbetui oleh Paklong. Masa mula-mula kawin dulu Paklong selalu gelakkan Maklong sebab salah sebut. Dah tua-tua ni pulak tergeliat lidah nak membetulaknnye. Tapi yang paling Maklong takleh lupa.. ada satu ketika anak sedara Maklong mintak tolong kat dia, "Paklong... open the light", mula-mula terpinga sekejap die lepas bile dia dah faham apa yang kawan tu maksudkan, tergolek-golek Paklong tergelak. hahahaha

  16. Diari hati seorang pensyarah,
    terliur ye tengok mee tomyam tu? ;-)

    slm perkenalan n slm singgah. Thank you for the compliment :-).

    udang n sotong tu ye yg buat u terliur? hehehe...

    Wei Bro,
    of all the similes that I gave as examples, awat lah ter pilih yg both ada pig n dog eh, hehehe... It's the same lah with me, I get 'offended' when people call me short ye, tapi klu they say 'vertically-challenged', rasa mcm tak pendek aje, wakaka...

    brapa jam ambik masa abiskan semua N3? Dah abis ke belum? Sanggup kamu, hehehe.... Wah, Ainnur ni mmng lah, mee kari n mee bandung yg pedas tu pun dia boleh hirup ye, Zahra pun tabik spring lah kat dia, hehehe...

    anak2 you ada neutral accent ye?:-). My hb sbb campur kiwi n oz tu yg takde accent sgt, hehe. I pulak ter asian-nised bnyk, hahaha

    tu lah sbb nya kita terer spelling sbb masa skolah rendah dulu mmng slalu sgt ada tests kan, sampai dah lali dgn tests, hehehe. I slalu masak tomyam or laksa penang yg cukup2 utk sorang mkn, klu tak, mesti terbuang. Bila masak utk ramai, tu yg kekok, hehehe...

    I nak buatlah every nite 1 idiom in English with the equivalent in Malay, sure teruk otak I kena fikir, hehehe....

    Hahaha... tu lah kan, kat M'sia slalu ckp open the light, patutlah PakLong gelak golek2, hehehe..

  17. k.min...lom khatam lg la kak.baru smpai May-Jun 2008.hahahaha.....
