Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Masa masak dinner tadi, I tak kisah, I masak jugak express penang laksa khas untuk I berbuka puasa. But rasa dia definitely tak se oomph kalau guna ikan kembung rebus, pastu carik isi dia pastu blend then masak dengan air ikan rebus tadi, memang lah penuh dengan rasa ikan! I punya tadi, kalau setakat nak stop air liur I dari meleleh sebab kempunan, boleh lah jugak, but memang tak boleh nak hidang kat guests lah, hehehe…. (kalau I hidang kat guests, sure orang akan kata I tak reti masak, jatuh lah saham I kan, hahaha).

And luckily the rest of the family had tekak Mat Saleh tonite and they wanted sausage hot dogs with potato nuggets aje. Alangkah bahagia nya hidup I, hehehe. But masa I tengah makan laksa tu, Miss 5 asik pandang aje I (dia terberkenan tengok mee I tu sebenarnya :-)). I asked her if she wanted some of my dinner, she quickly nodded lah. I bagi dia sikit aje sebab it was a bit hot (for them dah pedas giler lah kan :-)). Dia makan 1 piece aje terus teguk air macam lah pedas sangat, hahaha. But lepas tu, she asked for some more! I tanya dia lah whether she wanted the kuah with it or just the noodles, dengan perasan terer nya, she answered “I want the soup as well Mummy. I like the soup.” I gave her only a few drops of the kuah laksa, you should have seen how red her lips and tongue got after eating it! Hahaha… Dia kata, “my lips and tongue feel like they are burning!” I don’t think it was that hot but maybe dia tak tahan chili kot, hmmm.. Kari sikit2 takpe, chili yang tak tahan pulaknya :-)…


See, tengok lah betapa cairnya and putihnya kuah dia but she still thinks it’s hot :-).DSCF6154

Ini pulak the artery-clogging meal for The Other Half. Tengok lah banyak mana cheese dia letak!


Ini dia acting aje for the camera, lepas tu she put the spoon back down, hahaha….


She’s showing off her bowl yang konon2nya penuh dengan noodles and kuah. But tengok lah, putih aje, tak nampak langsung warna merah nya kan :-). Macam mana nak jadi anak jawa macam ni kan, kalau kuah putih mcm tu pun dah terbakar bibir and lidah, hehehe…

At least she tried lah jugak, Miss 10 won't even looked at it or tried it, memang lah a bit memilih dia tu….

Ok, enough of dinner, now mari kita belajar bahasa :-).

* The saying for tonite: thanks Ayu

Air yang tenang jangan di sangka tiada buaya

The Other Half perah otak juga fikir what’s the most similar to the peribahasa in English. At first, we thought probably ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover’ but macam tak kena pulaknya. Then we decided on

Appearance can be deceiving

Maybe some of you out there have a better one that’s more similar to the Malay peribahasa?


  1. LG...

    "Don't think clear water got no crocs" translation hentam je ni...

  2. Kak Min..i try..

    "Do not think that the placid water is without waiting crocodiles"

    papepon laksa itew sedap...:)

  3. LG
    your laksa cun lah...presentation dia cam kat Laksa Shack! Kalau you cakap rasa dia tak seperti rupanya so...Appearance can be deceiving tak kena la pulak dengan Air yang tenang jangan di sangka tiada buaya...:)

  4. LG, I think peribahasa 'buaya' tu more aptly with -> still water runs deep.

  5. anak2 akak spesis tak tahan pedas. asyik masak yg x de cili aje. bosan tekak akak.

    akak x tau buat laksa asam, selalunya kwn yg buat. pehh.kaww!!!

    psst..akak rasalah translation other half tak mengena sgt le dear. but akak x sure wat is the correct idioms in eng.soorryyyy!!!!

  6. Noorma,
    hehehe...crocs takut nak pergi clear water ;-)

    Terer Azean sepokeng london, hehehe...

    I tak jumpa lagi peribahasa tu dlm English, klu tak, best jugak kan guna tu, sebijik mcm yg Malay punya, hehe :-).

    I hari tu balik M'sia nak mkn kat laksa shack tp ada orang bagitau yg laksa dia tak brapa sedap sgt, terus tak jadi. Next time mmng definitely kena try mkn kat situ.

    We did think of 'still water runs deep' tapi lepas tu fikir balik rasa mcm 'still water runs deep' tu for someone who's nice and baik. Yg buaya tu rasa mcm utk orang jahat aje, hahaha.. Tu yg tak tau nak pilih mana, hehe

    Kak Ain,
    sama lah kita, tu yg I malas masak nasi kdg2 sbb kena buat lauk tak pedas. Klu masak western, tak boleh letak pepper bnyk2, bland betul kan :-).
    I think I kena tukar tu what Cik Somuffins ckp, 'still water runs deep'.

  7. hahaha...macam peribahasa keluar ni tapi yang familiar dont judge a book by it's cover la kak. kat opis ni selalu guna simpulan bahasa tu le..ekekek

  8. Hi LG,

    What a conicidence!! That my F-I-L happened to be collecting peribahasa dwibahasa.. He's collecting it for his Birthday in August as he plans to play the game with his cucu-cucu.. Is it ok if I extract it from u??

    Yat Maria

  9. salam k.min...

    uuwwaaa...kecur air liur ayu tgk laksa akak tu.biasala kan tekak org pose.semenya nmpk sedap.kebetulan lak ayu plan nak buat laksa weekend ni.hb yg request...selama2 ni mkn laksa yg mak masak je.tau la skit2 bahan2 n stepnya tp tak prnh lg masak s'diri.hopefully m'jadi la...klu tak cik ts la yg tlg mkn kan bg pihak kita org.masa buat tu nnti ayu nak boh daun kesom byk2 sbb suka mkn daun kesom.hehehe...

    model yg tgh suap laksa tu kemain lg eh.rasa nak picit2 je pipi gebu dia tu

  10. Salam Myn...

    Mana beli daun kesum....i buat laksa perantau tak guna daun kesum sgt tak der aroma k...

  11. Sue,
    mesti ada rahsia kat opis tu sbb slalu guna peribahasa 'don't judge a book by its cover', hehehe... Sape lah agaknya yg dimaksudkan ;-).

    Hi Yat Maria,
    That's really nice of your FIL to play the peribahasa games with his cucus, they'll definitely enjoy it :-). Go ahead, but I'm not that certain anyway with some of our 'translations' so make sure you check it's right first :-).

    selera orang puasa ni mcm2 kan, hehe. I sebenarnya tak pernah masak laksa yg from scratch tu sbb tak larat nak lama2 kat dapur, hahaha. I pun suka sgt2 daun kesum ni, mmng pergi pindah mana2 mesti beli pokok kesum utk di tanam, hehehe...

    I ada pokok kesum yg tanam fr first time I pindah sini. Tapi skrg ni tgh musim winter, daun dia semua kering2 n tak secantik masa spring. Kat Bunnings masa spring n summer ada jual pokok kesum utk di tanam :-)

  12. LG..lagi satu nak tanya..apa yang similar dengan 'sape makan cili terasa pedas' ?? hhehheehhe
