Wednesday, 13 May 2009

We were watching Food Safari tonite on SBS and it was on Pakistani food. Walaupun we’ve just had our dinner, still drooling abis2 tengok all the nice food they cooked especially thier goat biriyani and their naan and their chicken tandoori and their sweets! The Other Half pun lagi lah meleleh air liur sebab memang favourite food dia semua tu, hehehehe. Pastu, dia terus cakap, “I don’t mind not having a BBQ set if I can have a tandoori oven!” I pun angguk laju aje lah menyetujui pendapat The Other Half, hahahaha. Aduhai, best betul kalau ada tandoori oven ni kan, adalah nanti hari2 I buat naan and tandoori chicken lah, lamb lah. Kalau Raya, sure nya I akan fofular sangat2 sebab orang lain masak nasi impit and rendang and sate and kuah kacang while I masak naan and tandoori meat, wehehehe. Tetiba aje I ramai kawan masa Raya ;-).

Most Aussie men are so attached to their BBQs and love BBQing during summer or any time they get a chance to have a BBQ. But I have a hubby who’s not fazed at all with the BBQ and I can count on 1 hand berapa kali we all ber BBQ during the summers sepanjang2 we’ve been here in OZ. Bila I say to him, “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a BBQ tonite.”, he’ll answer back with “I think it’s as nice as when you cook it indoors on the grill pan!” … Aghhhh!!! Which means I lah yang kena masak kan! Kalau kat BBQ tu, dia yang kena masak so tu yang dia malas abis! Rasanya nanti kalau ada tandoori oven, I jugak yang kena masak tu, so better tak payah lah kan, hehehehe……..

Anyway, The Little Misses and I had ‘sizzling’ yee mee, recipe kat sini but tak sizzling sbb takde the hot pans and tak guna yee mee pun, cuma guna noodles biasa aje but still sedap. I thought Miss 10 memang tak kan makan lah sebab she’s quite fussy especially dgn noodles ni so I buat jugak ayam goreng just in case. But then she surprised me by saying, “The soup is really nice Mummy. I like the taste.” Terkejut I sekejap, hehehehe. Miss 5 macam biasalah, laju aje makan noodles, siap tambah lagi tu :-). But The Other Half seperti biasa tak makan the noodles, he had the kuah sizzling tu makan dengan nasi and ayam goreng, sedap jugak. Sekali sekala masak ikut selera I kan, hehehe.


My sizzling yee mee without the sizzle and the yee :-).


Ini pulak rupa 2 orang budak yang tak pernah makan pomegranate sebelum ni. Memang macam orang jakun ;-). Siap suruh we all cari pokok pomegranate and tanam sebab they said the seeds are so so delicious :-).


  1. kak erin memang suka tengok food safari punya rancangan....tapi tak pernah cuba lagi resepi2 nya.

  2. buah delima kan tu?..ada gak ke kat sana or imported punya..baru baca n3 pasal miss5 yg menangis sebab habis bersepah lunch dia..berkaca2 mata akak..kasihannya..memang mau dilempang2 budak2 yg nakal2 ni..

  3. Kat mesia pun dah susah nak jumpa buah delima nie... i like chicken tandori and naan too.. bila akak nak buat nie.. boleh buat org kecur...

  4. Kakerin,
    cubalah recipe nya, some of them memang sedap :-).Setiap kali I tengok, mmng terliur2 aje!

    Kak Azah,
    A'ah, buah delima. Ada orang bagi hari tu, dia tanam sendiri. Kesian kan Zahra tu, nasib baik lah skrg dah ok balik and happy aje masa lunch at school, hehehe.

    Dulu masa akak kecik2, rasanya buah delima ni senang nak cari kan.Maybe dah ramai yg tak tanam buah ni kat M'sia. Memang teringin sgt2 nak buat naan n tandoori ni tp ntah bila lah agaknya nak buat,hehehe.....

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Jana,
    wasalam. Memang dah betul lah tu :-).Apa khabar? Lama betul tak jumpa ye! Bila I balik M'sia,I slalu pergi BB but tak pernah lagi pegi tengok skolah 4S tu, hehehe. DO keep in touch ye!

  7. hubby akak suka gak tandoori chicken n roti naan. nasib le kat sini sng nk dpt, x yah le susah nak belajar masak tandoori. anyway mee yg tak sizzling tu nmpak menggoda la.

  8. ya,allah seronoknya saya,jumpa kawan lama membesar sama-sama lepas you masuk asrama terus lost contact.saya perasan yang awak ini minarni tengok kat blog gambar masa you kecil tu,kalau tidak memang tak akan perasan punya. Alhamdullilah

  9. Hasya pun suka betul buah tu.. sekali ngadap je. tp kalau jual kat supermarket mahal juga sebiji tu.

    kesian zahrah ye, budak2 ni mmg kejap je nak ceria balik tp bila ada cth tak bagus tak say sorry ni x syok la..

    my hubby gi sana 27mei ni. setakat ni tak ada apa2 nak pesan. nak beli brg pun, tunggu masuk rumah baru kot. tak pun tunggu sale bln dpn. hihi. lemon byk lagi ke dah habis musim?

  10. Salam,
    I like your blog very much. Selama ni, saya silent reader je, baru hari ni tergerak hati nak tulis comment.

    Keep on writing ye...

  11. sedapppppnye nengok 2 anak dara tu makan buah delima kan...nak sket boleh.. :)

  12. Kak Ain,
    That's what I missed about M'sia, cheap indian food :-). Kat sini pun bnyk jugak indian n pakistani restaurants but kena ada bnyk duit aje lah,hehehe.

    mmng lama sgt dah kan tak jumpa :-). And u pun dah ada anak besar2, hehe. Ini my email add klu u nak sambung borak2 Sorry ye I kena delete komen u kat atas tu sbb ada my fullname, hehehe. I'll add yr blog link to mine ok :-).

    buah tu pun mahal jugak kat sini.Ada orang bagi tu yg dpt rasa :-).Lemon we all bnyk lagi tp dia kuning 1-2 biji aje at a time. Nanti klu dah nak dekat yr hubby dtg sini n klu bnyk yellow lemons masa tu, I'll email u ye :-).

    salam kenal. Thanks ye sbb sudi singgah my blog and suka baca coretan I :-).

    hehehe, budak2 tu tak pernha mkn buah delima tu, so first time makan, terus tersedap sgt pulak nya :-).

  13. an aussie who doesnt like to throw another shrimp on the barbie? hhehehehe.. atau mmg ur hubby ngelat tak nak masak?

    bbq would be my excellent way of escaping to cook. hahahhah.. nasib baik hari tu pergi sana, we all tak angkut bbq set from bunnings, kalau tak habis la i punya weight allowance.. mana nak campak other shopping stuff.

    anyway, melelh air liur i tengok delima.. hihii.. dah lama tak makan.

  14. LG,
    1st time they mkn pomegranate? seb baik i tinggalkan 2 bj, kalau tak, tak merasa la diorang:) yg kt sini, hubby n my grandma yg sapu abis!

    ~U know who I am~

  15. Plearus,
    Tu lah, heran kan, I think sbb it means dia kena masak tu yg dia terus langsung tak minat! Hish, hehehe....
    I can just imagine you cuba nak mengangkut BBQ set masuk the plane, hehehe....I pun nak jugak ada BBQ ni but malas betul klu I still kena masak :-).

    tu lah, thanks so much for that. Dapatlah jugak diaorang merasa makan delima ni, hehehe
