But I don't care what people think of us actually, we still think we are cool (in our dreams perhaps, hehehehe). Tickets yang we all baru dapat tadi are for Simon & Garfunkel concert here in Perth in July nanti. I know it's still along way away but the tickets were all sold out after only 10 minutes of them being sold online. Punya lah ramai kan yang 1 gang dengan we all yang nerdy and poyo and ancient kat Perth ni kan, hahahaha. All you young people out there might not know who Simon & Garfunkel are but the Other Half grew up listening to them and I started to get to know them in my teens so memang lah we all ni minat sangat dengan all their songs. Tu yang beria sangat nak pergi their concert tu :-). I bet semua yang pergi concert tu pun nanti sebaya or older than us aje. Entah2 ramai yang pergi concert tu usia2 yang pakai hearing aids dah, hahahaha. We might be one of the 'young' ones there :-).
To Mira yang mintak recipe rice pilaf and butter chicken. I bagi the link to the original recipes ye but I tak lah ikut abis sebab takde a few things. Biasalah kan I,mana boleh tak tokok tambah :-).
Rice pilaf
- I tak letak daun kari and pistachio sebab takde. And I cuma letak sebatang aje kayu manis. And fenugreek tu halba (I baru tau you, hehehe).
Butter chicken
-I ganti chicken fillet tu dgn chicken drumsticks and masak lama lagi dari dlm recipe to make sure drumsticks tu betul2 masak. And I added diced brown onion with the grated ginger.
LG...akak pun suka ngan Simon & Garfunkel. Akak n hubby are otai. We luv 80's classic rock.Anak2 pun terikut sama. Bestnya dapat gi concert they all. Hope you enjoy. jgn lupa citer nanti ye.
ReplyDeleteKak Ain,
ReplyDeletewehehehe, maul weh nak mengaku peminat Simon & Garfunkel ni kan sbb mmng tunjuk sgt lah yg kita ni dah berumur :-)
Ai kak, tengah jenjalan kat blog tadik..thanks a lot for d recipe ya!Woo nak gi tengok concert ek?Mesti gerek abis..hehe i tak pernah dengar lagu Simon & Garfunkel tp rasa cam pnh dgr group tu.Last time i went to see Westlife concert in Bukit Jalil in 2001..(errr ni masa zaman anak dara dolu-dolu..ahaks)
ReplyDeleteLG...Simon & Garfunkel tuh cool wot?? terasa sgt eh kita neh lahir zaman jurassic hahhahaha ;p but seriously la kan...mana ada nerd la dgr S&G tuh! ;p kalau nerd tak dgr kot lagu2 ni...nerd bace buku jer all da time haha ;p
ReplyDeleteoh ya...u bwk the lil misses tak pegi concert tu?
ReplyDeleteI tak minat sgt Simon n Garfunkel ni. I think lagu yg I suka dari diaorg ni bridge over trouble water n sound of silence je lah.I lebih cenderung ke British rock, pop n punk/new romantic.Siouxsie n the Banshees, Altered images, Adam n the ants, Queen, Who, Duran2, Madness etc. Kalau folksy tu I minat Cat Steven. American folksy type ni tak suka. Tp yg I paling tak suka langsung, country n western. Lebih2 yg betul2 country n western tu. Kkdg kat sini pun ada style gitu kan, siap ngan line dancing ke apa.
ReplyDeletebestnya kak dapat g konsert.....
ReplyDeleteI suka the Beatles.. S&G came later (tengah humming 'oh cecilia.. u breaking my heart'. Does that make me old? huawawawa... (senyum dlm tangisan yg syahdu nih.. hehe).
ReplyDeletegi konsert.. wahhh... bestnyerrrr
ReplyDeletewestlife tu lagi cool dr S&G which means u r way younger than me,hahaha....
only 'old' people say S&G are cool, wahahahaha....Nerds go to Starwars convention, I'm not that nerdy yet lah :P. Tak kuasa lah I nak bawak budak2 tu pergi S&G concert. Kalau concert Wiggles ke, High-5 ke lainlah, hehehehe
Kalau Cat Stevens buat concert kat Perth ni, I pun gerenti pergi siap bawak budak2 dua orang tu lagi! I pun can't stand the true blue country n western...But Keith Urban tak kisah sgt pulaknya :-)
Mommy Mica,
Ini lah 2nd time I gi concert in my whole life u, nampak sgt kan betapalah tak cool nya life we all ni,hehehe
I'll cry together with you, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........
Tak padan dengan tua kan,hehehe
LG; i never heard abt the S&G tu at all..uhuk uhuk how outdated am i..walaupun tak sure we are in the same "batch" or not..(am 40 this year u)
ReplyDeletemost of the time from ur stories tu yg i baca, u always have western food..tak jelak ke...n kenyang ke..oops how curious i am ..sori.saje nak tanya.
Banyak nye soalan..lagi satu je..kenapa x der citer2 pasal parents-in law u.I rasa sejak i explore ur stories from the beginning x der pun citer psl tu.Yelah sesekali nak tahu gek mcmana le bermakpak mentuakan orang putih..soriiii
wah...LG thanks for the links... rasa nak try lah that butter chicken. kalau mkn ngan nasik tomato cam sedap jer....
ReplyDeleteI ada gi tgk Cat Steven masa dia dah jadi Yusuf Islam kat Masjid Shah Alam many2 years ago. Masa tu tak silap dia nak promote cd baru dia dan bagi a bit of religous talk. My first impression masa tu, boleh tahan gak rupa dia, tp bodyguards dia lagi handsome. :)
ReplyDeleteI lebih kurang yr age jugaklah :-).I guess I know S&G well sbb my hubby minat them tu yg terlebih tau :-).Tekak2 kat rumah ni more to western food so memang tak jelak lah even though hari2 makan and memang kenyang lah for us :-). My entries mostly about just us, our family of 4 aje, tu yg 'malas' sikit nak cerita about in laws or my extended family, hehehe..
sedap aje makan dgn nasi tomato tu but klu u suka pedas, kena lah tambah cili sbb butter chicken ni mmng tak pedas langsung!
wakakakaka, you pergi concert Yusuf Islam bukan gi dengar lagu dia ye, pergi sekodeng bodyguard dia :P
Lupa lak nak tanya nama akak ni,nama penuh akak apa ek?saja je nak tau kl akak tak kisah la..cik abang tersayang pulak siapa nama?does he have muslim name..?my hubby initial is 'N' and so am i.Same goes with my daughter..except my son.. D pulak! :)
ReplyDeleteNama penuh tak payah lah, tersedak lak my Dad kat kampung tu nanti, wehehehe ;-). Panggil aje I Mynn. My hubby's name start with M too so we all ni mcm m&m's lah :-).