Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Here I am blogging in bed using the Other Half's EEPC. Eeehhh, memang lah tak reti betul guna EEPC ni, rasa macam all my fingers yang halus mulus ni suddenly become so uncoordinated and besar gedabak! Asik tersilap tekan keys aje and I miss my mouse, hehehe. Some people love portable PCs but I lagi suka my desktop PC, biasalah kan, I kan sama usia dengan dinosaurs so tu yang lagi suka desktop PCs :-).

I can't believe it, lagi 2000 hits to reach 100 000! The Other Half dah bersiap sedia exercising his typing fingers so he has the energy and the stamina to push the reset buttons when the time comes, teruk betul kan my Other Half ni, hehehe. But he's already been banned by me from visiting the blog more than twice a day! So, kalau dia still dapat that lucky number, memang kiranya dia betul2 ada ong lah kan :-). But kalau The Other half yang becomes the lucky visitor, senang lah I tak payah susah2 fikir pasal present ni, hehehehe.....

Anyway, to a different story, after a few weeks of exercising with Maya, we now know how to perform V steps, turn steps, heel jacks, hustle up back, skip up back, reverse and stationary lunges, grapevine, side kick, squat kick, plie, side abduction and many more steps, hehehehe. kadang2 tu rasa macam tengah buat line dancing aje with all the steps. The Other Half cukup menyampah bila kena buat moves yang a bit like dancing sebab he has 2 left feet so memanglah funny gilers tengok dia exercise :-). Tu yg bila we all buat group exercise with Maya, I kena berdiri depan dia, kalau tak, I takkan jadi exercise sebab sakit perut gelakkan The Other Half, hahahaha.... Unlike me yang so graceful and elegant bila buat the dance steps, wahkahkahkah... Unfortunately The Other Half wont let me record his attempts at the dancing moves, so tak boleh lah I nak share gelak sama2 dengan you all, hehehehe......


  1. org lelaki mmg cam tu kot LG. Keras je bila suruh dance ni. Hubby akak lg le kelako, sumbangsih habis.hihi

  2. LG, agak2 mcm mana larr ur hb wat movement tu ek!.. sure kalo u record him, ramai yg gelak guling2 nnt... kekekke ampooonnnn...:P

  3. Mommy Mica,
    kadang2 aje sweet,kadang2 gaduh gak,hehehe...

    Kak Ain,
    Klu tengok 'so you think you can dance' , memang heran betul tengok all the man semua boleh dance banding dgn my hubby,hahaha

    tu lah, sure boleh jadi lawak antarabangsa tengok dia menari :P

  4. uih.. dance steps ni yang selalu buat i pancit nih. I sometimes follows the sessions in gym tapi dok kat belakang sebab malu ngan orang lain. There are times I don't even know how to perform the steps! Ngok ngek. heheheh tak pun, I dok saja minum2, lepak2 tgk org buat. Boley gitu?

    Anyway, I've tried ur recipe on pavlova and I've got the approval stamp from my hubby.. ehhee.. so I dah boleh challenge mak dia lepas ni. Yippie. So much of having a mat salleh mak mentua - tak nak kalah u!

    And oh, I'm linking ur link to mine. Senang I nak singgah2, jengok2 (mana tau, dpt jadi the 100,000 visitor winner tu!) :-P

  5. LG, I like the 'graceful n elegant' part. Wah, wah, wah. BTW, your other-half uses EEPC yg warna hitam kecik molek tu ke?

  6. Wah masih ber Wii lagi. I dah lama tak pijak si Wii fitness tu.

    I tak risau sgt. I baru tambah one more pilates kelas. Kelas ni on Thursday 9.00am kat rumah my instructor. So skrg ni hari Selasa n Khamis matwork dan Sabtu Reformer. Harap2 tone lah perut ku yg berlapis ni. Hari Selasa hari tu siap pakai weight. Lenguh gak lah.

  7. Plearus,
    kalau kita dok lepak2 tengok orang lain exercise, brapa bnyk agaknya calories kita burn ye? ;-) Hehehehe... Yr MIL pun mat saleh ye? Susah jugak ye nak challenge mcm ni klu she's a good cook. Nasib baik lah my MIL ni biasa2 aje food dia, not that great, wahkahkah....

    I aje yg perasan graceful and elegant tu but klu banding dgn my hubby, mmng lah tersgt elegant nya, hahahaha. A'ah, he's using the black Asus EEPC. He loves it :-).

    I dah tak main sports sgt so tu yg kena ber exercise dgn Maya ni but not every nite lah.Dlm seminggu tu, I rest 1 day and cuma buat 30 mins exercise aje :-).
