Friday, 6 March 2009

Dah nak makin cecah 100 000 dah makin malas pulak nak mengupdate :-). Actually, the Other Half and I have been feeling under the weather for the past few days, tu yang bila malam aje rasa penat sangat and tak larat. The Other Half masih lagi teruk with coughs and sinus problems and fever. I cuma kena sipi2 aje the colds so masih lah boleh masak and gi kerja and uruskan the Little Misses :-), SuperMom kan, hehehe.... But The Other Half pun kiranya ada super power macam I jugak lah kan sebab still lagi pergi kerja and bagi lectures and seminar hari2 walaupun tak larat nak keluar suara. Husband and wife ada super power, hahahaha, ;-). Boleh join The Incredibles!

Speaking of seminars, the Other Half had to give a presentation this morning. And biasalah culture orang sini, macam kat M'sia jugak, the presenters selalunya dapat token of appreciation from people yang menjemput penceramah tu kan (well, on top of the presenter's fees :-)). Kalau kat M'sia, penceramah kadang2 dpt hampers hadiah or dpt mugs ke or dpt macam2 lah kan. Kat sini, the usual gift is a bottle of wine! So far, since last year, adalah lebih kurang 10 bottles of wine yang The Other Half dah dapat as gifts. Every time dia dapat the wine, tak kan lah dia nak tolak depan2 ramai2 orang tu kan, so selalunya he just smiles and accept aje lah all the bottles. And some of the wine, bukannya jenis yang murah2 pulak tu, yang mahal gak.

Setiap kali dia dapat wine as gifts, tension aje we all sebab bukannya we all boleh minum, rugi betul lah kan! Kalau dapat hamper chocolates ke, expensive cookies and nuts ke, even mugs sempoi aje pun best lah kan, bolehlah we all kenyang melantak the food and guna the mugs. Ini dapat wine, nak buat apa kan! Dulu masa tinggal kat Adelaide, bolehlah we all bagi all the wine gifts to The Other Half's parents so tak lah terbuang macam tu aje. At least diaorang appreciate lah jugak dapat free wine, hehehe. Sekarang ni, nasib baik lah business partner The Other Half ni bukan non-drinker so untung lah dia, tak payah lagi susah payah beli stock wine for her house. Dapat supply from the Other Half. Nak buat macam mana, dah culture kat sini kan bagi hadiah macam tu :-).

Patutnya tukar2 lah kan, kejap bagi wine, kejap bagi expensive chocolates, kejap bagi shopping voucher ke, baru lah best, hehehe..... Baru lah I boleh join sama2 mendapat manfaat from the gifts ye tak :-). Especially kalau dapat shopping voucher, tak tidur malam agaknya I asik memikirkan apa yang nak di beli kat kedai tu, wahkahkahkahkah........

Sorry lah, malam ni takde gambar dinner sebab I memang malas sgt2 and penat sgt2 nak masak..... :-).


  1. Lg..sbb tu lah depa x nak kasi voucher shopping, org lain yg penat bg lecture, org lain yg x tido x fikir apa nak spend.hihi

  2. i hope you feel a lot better.. take care.

  3. sian nya demam...kat sini pon musim demam jugak kan..makan ubat dan cepat2 sembuh k

  4. Kasilah hadiah anak kangaroo ke, koala ke but never wombat (geli!). Have a nice day..

  5. Kak Ain,
    itu lah yg best nya, orang lain penat2 keluar air liur, kita dpt habuan nya, hehehe....

    Hari ni dah much better, thank you. Dah boleh pegi shopping lagi tu :-).

    Mommy Mica,
    Hari2 I telan echinachea and garlic and vit C and Alhamdulillah lah dah 95% sihat. Thanks for doakan :-).

    kangaroo kang kena sepak bila dah besar, koala lak asik tidur aje, wombat tu pun asik tidur aje kerjanya, hehehe....
