As usual our Sundays are busy with house cleaning and house tidying and clothes hanging and clothes folding. Best jugak bila shopping malls kat Perth ni tak bukak on Sunday (except in the city) sebab then we don't feel compel to go out shopping and spending money on Sundays. Takdelah excuse tak nak buat kerja rumah kan sebab dah terpaksa memerap kat rumah :-). Nak keluar pergi playground, it was way too hot today, 37C! The Little Misses pun malas nak keluar bila panas2 macam ni, hehehe......
Apart from the housework, I also made another batch of the muesli slice. But I think I definitely have to stop buat muesli tu tiap2 minggu lah. It's driving me insane sebab I tak boleh berhenti mengunyah muesli tu!!!!!!! Geram betul, hehehehe. The Other Half pun asik mengunyah aje, dia pun asik masuk dapur and patahkan the muesli bits by bits :-). Patutlah this time around, susah sikit nak lose this weight, asik mengunyah aje kerjanya, hehehehe. Mat Saleh panggil food like this 'moreish' which means 'you asik nak more and more and more of it after each bite''.
Then, lepas masak muesli, masak pizza pulak yang penuh dengan cheese tu, so lagilah kan susah nak lose the weight, hahahaha. Takpe lah, the whole family loved the pizza so I guess the extra lemak tu won't stay in my body kan sebab buat family gembira, wehehehe.....
P/S I dah edit my muesli slice recipe kat bawah tu so siap dengan gambar lagi.... Nampak lagi menarik lah kan recipe tu ;-).
A bit of extra weight tak pe as long as the other half doesn't complain. Who knows, he might like it better. He he he ... But if he does mention the 'montokness', better start jogging ... He he he ...Blossom Blooms
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the pizza. Thank you soooo much Mynn :).. cake tak mkn lagi..sayang..hehe. pasni i nak mkn!!
ReplyDeletemu hubby suka I kurus leper,hahaha.... tapi dia pun extra chubby gak so nak buat camner :-)
glad you liked it.Boleh lah I replace Domino's lepas ni ye, hehehe
bab2 nk kuruskn badan ni mmg payah. lg2 klu makan yg ada cheese ni. hehe
ReplyDeletehi Sis LG,camane training u dgn maya tu?masak sedap2 ni..hehe
ReplyDeleteritu i tgk rachel ray show,die buat muesli bar ni,instead of ltk butter die cairkan peanut butter together with it is a bit sticky..samela,nmpk sedap dgn urs.. baby takla kenan ngn miss 5 (kalu tgk muke skrg,sbb br 3 mnth)..sbb melayu kawen melayu...ngeh ngeh taktaula kalu da besar skit nnt..
LG, tau x per ehhh... bila dh wat muesli tu.. asik nk nguyah jer.. lagi pulak bawak p opis.. huh!.. x yah angkat punggung.. trus capai jer muesli dlm jar tu.. non stop ko..sampai lenguh mulut.. kekekke... tp dlm hati ckp x per.. itukan healthy food instead all the jajan2 yg sll tu.. hehehhe...:P
ReplyDeleteKak Ain,
ReplyDeletemakin umur meningkat ni, makin susah pulaknya nak lose the weight,mcm dah padu aje lemak2 tu kat dlm badan,hehe
training dgn Maya still continue hari2 to makan still mcm tu gak, tu yg susah sikit nak turun berat badan ni, hehehe. I pernah buat rice bubbles slice dgn melted marshmallow, my kids suka giler but too sweet for me.
Muka Miss 5 tu lebih ke muka Arab, mana ntah datang nya ;-)
Memang susah betul nak berenti mengunyah sbb I pun bwk gak pegi ofis, pastu asik nak bukak laci aje, nak ambil muesli, wahahahaha