Alahai malunya I sebab ramai yang nak tengok my costume 'creation', hehehe. For your information, I'm not a genius when it comes to creating costumes at such a short notice and out of thin air :-). Actually, I'm just not a genius, fullstop......hehehehe. But since we live here and the Little Misses go to school here and they love performing skits at school so I do occasionally have to use my 'creativity' to make costumes for them. When we were living in Adelaide and Miss soon-to-be-10 attended the public school there, lagi lah banyak costumes yang I had to 'create' from scratch, hehehehe. Dah lah the 'creative' side of my brains are not that well developed so kadang2 tu memang lah ntah apa2 aje costumes yang turned out :-). As long as the Little Misses are happy with my creations, that's all that matters right :-). Some people will just buy the costumes but we would rather use the money on something else so nak tak nak terpaksalah Mummy memerah otak mereka/ menjahit/membega costumes yang diaorang nak. I wonder why the Little Misses never asked their Dad to make the costumes for them, hahahahaha......
So far, Miss 5 belum lagi kena buat any costume apart from fairy costumes which are just so easy as long as you have the wings ready, hehehe. In the Little Misses room, there's this big plastic basket full of old clothes for their dressing up games. Most of the stuff are my old tops and scarves and sarongs so bila dah takde idea nak buat costume, I just selongkar the plastic basket hoping to find old clothes that I can bega2 to make into a 'new' one, senang kan, hehehehe.....

My cute little Egptian with the chinese features, wahkahkah.... Make up mata dia tu mahal weh, Mummy dia yang mekap kan pagi2 before pegi school, wahahahahaha.....

Narrating her segment. Punyalah gabra dia but we told her as long as she's loud and clear, that's good enough.

Trying to walk like an Egyptian but she looks more like the song that goes....
"I'm a little teapot, short and stout..."
"Here is my handle and here is my spout..."

I found this old photo of Miss soon-to-be-10 when she was 7 as Saucepan Man from 'the faraway tree' by Enid Blyton. Jenuh I nak membuat all the saucepans and the pans to tie around her body tu! Nak bagi the real saucepans, berat giler, sian pulak dia nanti asik terantuk aje kat saucepans tu so I made them out of thick papers.
LG..NASeb baek u kena guna saucepan..kalo pakai stockpot yg besa gedabak tu mst tak nmpk ur daughter yg kiut tu kan? Hehe n nxt time bg la ur other 3/4 (kalo ikot nisbah saiz bdn,i rasa dia dah 3/4 u kot LG..bkn 1/2 dah kalo timbang kati la..haha jgn mare ;p) bg la dia plak create da costume..mst best la kalo u ltk kat ur blog ni hehe
ReplyDeletewah..nmpak real make-up mata tu. But she really looks like a chinese kan..???cute mute..
ReplyDeleteomg! so cute!! chinese version egyptian.. hehe
ReplyDeletealahai....kretip gak mummy dia...chumei la...
ReplyDeleteoh my she looks so lovely =)
ReplyDeletecutenye alya... he..he.. nasib baik die dapat mummy yg creative mcm u LG...he..he.. kalau i tak tau jadi ape..he..he
ReplyDeletehehe..rindu lak tgk alya ni..klu uncle keem ada kat sana sure kena tolong dia jadi egyptian skali..tak dpt la nak tido..hehe
ReplyDeleteIni boleh jadi make-up artis....
ReplyDeletesalam ziarah..
ReplyDeletethis is my 1st visit to salam2benua. to be frank, i lov ur doters faces..soooo with chinese look n another one with arab look. gorgeous, aren't they?
LG, ok sgt the her so well n she's sooo cute n pretty..mommy nye ni sgt berbakatla, dh la pndi masak..pndi wat bju n pndi solek lak tuh.;)
ReplyDeletehahaha, my other 3/4 tu pandai bagi idea aje tp klu suruh buat,dia lari jauh2,hehehe...
Kak Ain,
heran kan, masa kecik dulu,ada gak rupa mat saleh nya,tp bila makin besar ni makin rupa chinese abis :-)
Nasib baik mata dia dah slanting so snng lah sikit nak buat mekap mata tu,hehehe
nak hidup so kenalah kreatip sikit :-).
Klu Mak orang lain agaknya lagi best baju n mekap diaorang boleh buatkan, banding dgn kita, hehehe
Klu UncleKeem ada kat sini,sure lagi canggih dress up Alya tu sbb UncleKeem yg akan dipaksa buat semua headdress, shoulder dress, hehehe..Memang tak tidur mlm lah kamu :P
wahkahkah, Nanti klu U nak jadi Egyptian bolehlah suruh I jadi tukang mekap yek!
Salam Hnyhar,
Thanks sbbs sudi singgah my blog and thanks for the compliments :-). Memang lain rupa them walaupun siblings kan :-).
Tgh darurat kan so Mummy lah kena buat semua, hehehe ;-)
sis LG..ur entry ni btl2 mwngusik jiwala..hehe
ReplyDeletei pun dulu ms standard 5,loooooong time ago penah masuk competition nyanyi lagu "i'm a little teapot" mase tu takla costume bagai..but i win sebab buat gaya sebijik mcm teapot..huhu..kelakar..
btw,memang comel costume egypt kene kt anak dara u tu =)
menjadi ler costume tu....
ReplyDeletetak yah beli...bila mommy dia kreatifffff.......
she looks like egyptian princess...
love d outfit...congrattt..she so cute n cant wait to see miss 5 plak ye upcoming costume event...
ReplyDeleteshe doesn't look like a typical chinese but a girl from kazakhstan or all the countries that end with the prefix tan in middle asia. definitely a mixed of arab and chineselah..
the costume turned out well...nasib baik mummy tu ada midas touch!
kreatif la akak nie!
ReplyDeleteMummy..mummy..can u make me a sari please?? ;-)
ReplyDeletewahkahkah, u pun pernah jadi 'i'm a little teapot' jugak ke? I pun slalu nyanyi lagu tu dgn my kids sbb I suka buat gaya2 nya,hehehe....
jimat duit I kan tak payah beli costume ni,hehehe...Next time kena buat head piece baru lagi nmpk sebijik mcm egyptian princess :-).
thanks :-). I hope lama lagi lah before I have to make the next costume, tak larat nak fikir lagi ni,hehehe...
A'ah lah, betul u ckp, mcm middle asian nya girl kan. Midas touch tu once in a blue moon aje, slalunya jadi benda lain :-).
thanks... setakat utk diaorang boleh lah kreatip sikit2, klu benda lain tu hampeh terus :-)
wahkahkahkah... Sari lagi snng nak buat kan :P
omigod! u r one creative mum! i'm so stuck at the moment for my son also has to wear a costume from a book/comic character for their 'reading week' next week. takkan nak bagi dia pakai spiderman. lame nya!!! mesti ramai kids yang jadi spiderman jugak. hishh... *garu kepala*
ReplyDeletetu yg Alya dulu jadi Saucepan Man,sbb tak larat asik jadi princess aje, hehehe... I like it when they have to wear a costume fr books because I can be extra creative masa tu, hehehe
ReplyDeleteapalah i punya grammar mynn suffix (tan) not prefix. nampak sangat stress ni. mynn can't wait for next year costume apa pulak you nak buat nanti - manalah tau you nak buat any of the costumes in Lord of the ring punya movie pulak .Mynnn i will be free after next week...hopefully we get to meet up. miss you and the girls so much.
ReplyDeletethanks :-).
Tak kuasa I nak buat LOTR costume, mau tak tidur berhari2 I,hehehe. Give me a call once you r free then u n Sheri can come n makan2 at my house ok!