Since it was Valentine's Day, the newspaper kat sini memang ada section khas for people to send their Valentine's Day messages to their loved ones. Masa I tengah baca paper tadi, tersampailah to that section. Straight away I asked the other half, "Will I see my name in this?". Dia terus cakap, "Don't get your hopes up, cause you'll be sadly disappointed! " Then sebelum I sempat say anything witty to him, he said "that's because I say it to you every single day that I love you, I don't need the newspaper to say that." ... Awwwwwww........... Wehkehkehkehkeh...... Tak larat, pandai aje dia bagi excuses, hehehhe.....
Since I didn't get anything for Valentine's Day, I pun tak lah masak anything special tonite for us, hahaha. Merajuk lah konon nya tu (well, malas nak masak sebenar nya instead of merajuk but don't tell the other half that ;-)). So, sebab tak masak anything special, takde lah gambar our dinner but I have a photo of Miss 9 doing her current hobby.
Dulu, every Saturday morning Miss 9 had Girl Guides but she's gone off it now. Sebab she's got a new hobby now. So, since last 2 weeks kot, every Saturday morning we've been taking Miss 9 to this Games Workshop where Miss 9 and The other half spent a few hours bonding over their mutual hobby. Nak tau apa hobby terbaru Miss 9?
Model painting. Not that kind of models yang cantik2 or yang posing nude tu tau! The models that they've been painting are miniature models/ figurines of Lord of The Rings characters. She's painting Gandalf at the moment but with a red robe, hehehe. They sometimes spend up to 2 hours painting just 1-2 models, lama kan! But I guess since the models are quite small and quite intricate to paint the small faces and eyes and what nots, tu yang ambil masa lama. Bila Daddy and Miss 9 are doing their bonding session, Miss 5 and I pun buat bonding session jugak. But biasalah kan, my bonding session involves shopping! Dah the painting shop is inside a big shopping complex, what else can I do apart from shopping right! Miss 5 masih tak cukup umur nak paint at that place so nak tak nak terpaksalah dia bershoppign dengan Mummy. I think Miss 5 is going to grow up to be very well trained in shopping, hahahahaha...... But it's not all shopping, she's learning at the same time because I asked her to read all the names of the shops that we see and the names of the things that we buy and I asked her to read all the price tags. And I let her select the veges and the fruits so I think she likes our bonding session as well :-). Perasan lah sekejap dia dah jadi a big girl.
Salam LG,
ReplyDeletePenat I baca your previous entries. Ketinggalan flight betul la.. huhu.
Pandai je alasan u x nak masak ek? Nasib baik your hb pandai jwb, kalau x wajib lah wife dia betul2 boikot masak kot... hahaha
You take care, LG. Hugs & kisses to Alya & Zahra!
LG..i mmg sokong sangat kalau kaum2 ibu mendidik anak2 dara mereka bersoping...hahaha!!!, yelah at least dah bagi guide apa nak beli, mcm mana pilih brg (of couse lah branded name..ahaks), pilih yg berkualiti dan sebagainya...Jgn jadi mcm anak buah i yg lelaki..masa mak dia pi Mekah, nenek dia dok sama, pastu anak buah i ni pi kedai, dia beli sayur kailan 2 ikat u!!!..nak goreng dgn ikan masin, tapi beli sayur buta2 witout ikan masin..hahaha!!!...
ReplyDeleteYour miss 9 has an attractive hobby. Akak pun sama lah ngan LG.. kaki shopping..pantang ada sale..mulalah menyibuk. Anak2 pulak boring..asyik tempat ibuuu je.
ReplyDeleteHEHEHe mogok tak masak dinner...i sokong u...i pon takdpt flowers ni..taktahu nk mogok ape?heheeh
ReplyDeleteUihh mahal erkk rose sekuntum. baik petik jek bunga kat jalanan tu. kikiki!
ReplyDeleteevery single day gituuu!! wahhh ayat ngelat king akak tu romantik sampai nak tekeluar anak tekak ni hah... akekekeke!
best la miss 9 ada hobby cat mengecat pasni leh cat tugu negara plak. syokk skit besoo!! heheheheheehe
LG.. miss 9 tu nampak cam matang jer.. kalu posing ayu jer... he he
ReplyDeleteLG.. miss 9 tu nampak cam matang jer.. kalu posing ayu jer... he he
ReplyDeletelama dah tak jumpa ur kids, alya looks so grown up in the pic. Hebat eh she likes to paint stuff like that at such a young age (LOTR pulak tuh). cute stuff! kat malaysia masa i kecik ada la stuff like this i participate, tapi bukan LOTR, bende budak2 je.
ReplyDeletetu lah sape suruh tak masuk my blog berhari2, kan dah penat,hehehe ;-).Kalau I boikot masak, yang nangis nya Alya n Zahra lah sbb sedih kena makan food yg Daddy masak, hahaha
Cik Mat,
bila lagi kan nak train diaorang klu tak dr awal2 ni, hahaha... Make sure diaorang tau brand apa yg bagus mcm cik Kenwood, Kitchen Aid dah yg seangkatan dgn nya,hahaha.....
Kak Ain,
I pun suka betul gi shopping ni,but window shopping pun dah cukup for me nak lepas gian, hehehe. Miss 5 pun tak sabar nak ikut kakak dia pegi painting tu :)
Mommy Mica,
You pun tak dpt jugak flowers ye? Join the club lah, hehehe... Kita mogok beramai2 ;-).
mahal kan! mmng tak berbaloi betul beli, hehehe. Nak masuk jail, boleh lah cat tugu negara tu, hahaha...
Rupa aje yg matang but badan n perangai mmng mcm budak 9 tahun lah :-).
Kids kan, anything that involves painting rasa mcm best aje. Zahra pun tak sabar nak join Alya. Pastu boleh lah I pegi shopping sorang2, hehehe your husband related to Mr G? Cos Mr G said the same thing to me! Must be a guy thing. BTW, happy belated valentine's day LG.
ReplyDeleteI think it's the 'mat saleh' genes in them that made them think the same! Sikit pun tak romantik, hehehe