Tuesday, 24 February 2009

I love my bread machine sebab memudahkan kerja membuat roti ni. Balik from work tadi, teringin nak buat cornmeal loaf so I put all the ingredients into the bread pan, turned on the bread machine using the 'bread- dough' cycle and let the machine buat kerja kneading and proving it. Lepas I switched it on, I pun keluar rumah pergi grocery shopping before fetching the Little Misses from school. Balik from school, the dough dah pun siap the cycle. I cuma keluarkan from the bread pan, knead it again and shape it into a loaf and a few rolls. Then let it rise again pastu bakar in the oven. Yang best nya, I can just leave it and do my own things while the bread machine does all the kneading. Tak payah lah bergelumang dengan tepung, hehehe.... Seronok kerja bila ada helper ni kan :-).

This is the polenta bread that I made this afternoon. I just guna the white bread recipe that comes with the bread machine but substituted 100g of the bread flour with cornmeal/ ground corn. Cornmeal ni will make the loaf a bit yellow and texture-wise, a bit gritty (macam berpasir sikit lah but takde lah rasa pasir, hehehe). But sebab tak banyak sangat cornmeal yg I guna, the bread was still very soft and gebu. Even the Little Misses really love the funny texture of the bread, makan dengan butter masa panas2 memang sedap sangat2 :-). Roti apa aje pun kalau makan masa panas2 memang sedap sangat2 kan, hehehehe.....

Ini pulak our dinner tonite, nasi panas with fried mackerel (apa nama dia ye in Malay, memang lah lupa sangat2, hish!), stir fried veges and mussels sambal berkari :-). Bila dah makan macam ni, memang lah malam ni kena exercise dengan Maya, hehehehe...


  1. Setuju dgn LG..breadmaker memudahkan hidup kita...masuk semua, tekan dan kita boleh buat keje lain, kalau makcik2 kat kampung, sempat lah depa dok gossip bawah pokok ceri....

  2. senang betul ada BM ni ekh. nmpak gaya akak kena pujuk hubby beli 1 gak la.

  3. Cik Mat,
    betul tu, sambil mesin roti tu bekerja, mulut2 makcik2 pun boleh gak bekerja, hehehe. Kalau kat sini, kena buat bawah pokok anggur lah ye :P

    Kak Ain,
    for me, memang memudah kan lah kerja I sbb I ni malas betul ank menguli kdg2, hehehe.

  4. best ar klu ada BM... dah lama ngidam tapi blum jumpa lagi. nak bodek hubby dapt bonus ni... boleh lawan LG punya roti2...hehehe

  5. LG... gebu tul roti u... mcm roti kat bakery..ha..ha.. mmg mudah kah keja dgn BM tu... roti jenis ape pun boleh buat..

  6. Kak Azita,
    Best ada Bm ni utk orang2 yg 'malas' nak menguli mcm I, hehe. Tapi I guna BM ni cuma utk kneading n proving aje, pastu masak dlm oven.

    Mama Rayyan,
    betul tu, baru ingat, ikan tenggiri nama nya, hehehe. Jarang2 mkn ikan, sampai lupa nama dia.

    Tu yg skrg ni we all jarang sgt beli roti kat kedai sbb lagi snng buat sendiri (unless I mmng takde masa sgt2 lah) , hehehe

  7. My dear friend ~ a surprise awaits you at MY BLOG. And keep up the good work!

  8. Kak,
    Saya suka tengok masakan akak nampak mcm tasteful..walaupon tak penah rase..
    im always amaze with those menu that u prepared / served..
    nampak mcm mudah jer buat , tup tap tup tap siap!
    kagum sekejap!

  9. kak...tjk skit breadmaker tu?? tak penah tgk la..hehehe

  10. Vin Dearie,
    thanks you so much for the awards. So generous of you, muahhhhhh!!!!! XOXOXOXO

    Slalunya memang I buat menu yg simple2 aje n mudah nak buat sbb I ni jarang ada mood rajin, hehehe. Bila rajin baru lah I berlama2 sikit kat dapur tu. Tasteful tu ntah lah, but bagi we all kena lah dgn tekak we all. Klu nak rasa my food, datang lah Perth :-).

    I ada buat entry tunjuk gmbr my breadmaker tu tp lupa lah kat mana. Nanti Akak cari ye!

  11. waaaaaaaa..... jeles tgk org uli roti guna bm/mixer ... kakyu cuma uli manual je.... berponter lengan dibuatnya...

  12. i ader breadmaker tapi i tak pernah guna pon ..hahahah cara nk guna pon x tahu..adeihh...nice roti mcm kat kedai

  13. KakYu,
    u memang superwoman,hehehe. Tu yg terer n rajin betul uli pakai tangan. I ni malas bnyk, wahkahkah

    Mommy Mica,
    awat tak guna? Best wei skali dah guna, terus tak nak beli lagi roti kat Bakery tu, hehehe
