Monday, 26 January 2009

Malam tadi we had some guests, Sheri n family and also her mum n siblings who are here visiting from M'sia. They wanted to find halal western food restaurants kat Perth ni and I told Sheri rasanya takde such restaurants here. Then I said to her, I knwo 1 place where they can have yummy and halal Western food...... my house, hahahahahaha. Perasan lah sekejap yang my food is yummy ;-). So I invited them over for some western food, halal definitely but yummy tu............

But actually it was quite difficult to think of what to cook for my western theme. Nak masak pasta, Sheri pun dah terer la ni masak pasta (kan Sheri kan :-)) so tak best lah kan kalau nak bagi the same thing. I wanted to make quiches or pies but the other half pulak wasn't in the mood to eat pies so had to throw away that menu. Fikir nya fikir, akhirnya I made mixed-herbs grilled chicken with roast potatoes, bean salad, sausage rolls and vege fritters which I think was Western enough, hehehehe..... And to finish it off I made strawberry pavlova which was definitely truly Aussie ( I know the Kiwis will refute this vehemantly but since I live in OZ land, I have to claim it to be ours :-)).

I love making pavlovas for visitors from M'sia because it's so easy to make but looks very impressive and the taste is devine as well. And kalau I serve pavlovas, selalunya my guests will think I'm a really good cook/baker, hahahaha.....

The grilled chicken with roast garlic n balsamic dressing n roast potatoes...

Tak lah banyak mana and fancy mana pun the food that I cooked but cukuplah nak mengenyang kan all the tummies :-).

Strawberry pavlova. Miss 9 n the other half's favourite 'cake'/dessert. Miss 9 has already asked me to make pavlova for her birthday this year. Seronok I dengar cos tak payah lah susah payah nak decorate her cake tahun ni, hehehehe..... Cuma nak decorate dengan whipped cream and fruits aje, pejam mata pun boleh buat kan ;-).

Ok, that's last nite nya story mory. Today, we had a public holiday as well. Not because of CNY but because of Australia Day. What a coincidence that they both fall on the same day this year. But, I yang pening cos I didn't know whether to have an OZ spread or a Chinese spread for dinner tonite. Nak fikir pasal dinner aje pun susah, haa...haa...haa.....

But bila fikir yang dah lama jugak tak makan nasi, I decided to make a Chinese 'banquet'. Kat rumah ni, kalau kena masak more than 1 dishes dah kira banquet lah tu kan! Terkejut the other half and the Little Misses tadi when the dishes nearly filled the whole dining table, wahkahkahkah.... Tapi yang buat lagi terkejut nya, we managed to finish nearly all the food, teruk kan! Sekali sekala makan bannquet ni so ok lah kan.... hehehehe. Memang kekenyangan sangat2 everyone malam ni, Alhamdulillah :-).

5 dishes tu dah kira banyak lah for us. I made steamed seafood wontons, beef and vegetable sring rolls, grilled chicken wings, stir fry veges and honey chicken. Makan dengan nasi but we ended up makan all the lauk pauk aje lebih2, tak sentuh sangat pun nasi nya, hehehehe...

Nasi seciput, lauk aje yang bertambah2 :-).


  1. wah3x LG...bagus gak tuk org diet ni..makan lauk lebih dari nasi....

  2. wah kak LG, sedapnye nampak chinese banquet tuh...xnak ke share recipe wonton n chicken wing tuh? dh drooling nih..:)

  3. CikMin,
    nak diet mcm mana, lauk tu tadi punyalah bnyk we all makan,sampai x larat,hehehe...

    Hi siti aishah,
    Wonton tu isi nya akak main letak aje.Akak letak prawn, scallop, water chestnut,halia,kicap,bwg putih, 5-spice powder.Semua yg orang cina slalu guna lah kiranya, hehehe. Chicken wings tu akak letak bawang, halia, bwg putih, serbuk cili, kicap, gula, garam, sesame oil. Measurement semua main agak2 aje ye :-).

  4. Kalau le I serajin you, bestnyaaa!!
    terliur I tengok menu you especially strawberry pavlova.

  5. Sedapnya...kalaule i pandai masak mcm you tentu my son dah gemuk gedempul dah..

  6. Gong Xi Fatt Chai LG!!!....I suka tgk u masak western, best dan ber"gaya" laaa...ada kelasss!!!!....Kalau rumah i masak western, lepas tu kan ada yg cari nasi, siap goreng ikan masin semua..lepas tu depa tumbuk sambal belacan!!....

  7. amboiii kak.. jalok sitik pavlova tuhhh enakk... kak rajinnya diaaaa...

  8. wahh..nampak sedap sungguh.. semua pun sedap.. pavlova tu lagi la..

    tengah bln depan suami ke perth, tp kejap sgt. kalau lama, sure nak ikut sbb dgn muka x malu nak minta merasa hidangan kak LG... hehe..

  9. Kak Ain,
    sbb semlm cuti n masak bnyk2 tu sempena CNY. Klu hari biasa, tak kuasa lah I nak masak mcm tu,hahaha

    tu lah yg my hubby dah gemuk gedempul skrg banding dgn masa mula2 kawin dulu,hehehe. Dia kata dia gemuk sbb I masak best2 utk dia ;-).

    Cik Mat,
    Gong Xi Fatt Chai!!! Banyak tak dpt angpow tahun ni? Cukup tak nak beli toys baru? Hehehe.... Kalau my Abah pun, sure nya lah akan cari nasi jugak! Tak puas dia you makan western ni, tak mengenyangkan, ahakss!!!

    Wes entek lo, di pangan tamu. Kuikuikui :P.

    Ye ke dia nak dtg,berapa hari? Boleh I jemput dia dtg rumah bagi pihak u n boleh dia mkn my food also bagi pihak u, hehehe

  10. aduhh... sedapnye makan2.. makan reramai lagila syok kan... makan terlebih pun tak perasan.. huhuu..

  11. Aymy,
    klu pasal mkn ni, makan sorang2 pun kdg2 tak perasan bila makan lebih2, hehehe... Lagi lah bila dah lama tak mkn nasi, pastu makan nasi, mcm tak jumpa setahun! Hahahah

  12. LG...i dah melting down tgk strawberry pavlova tu...mmg so yummy!!!

  13. waduh...tgk tu! semua nmpk yummy!Bila la agaknya superman nak transit jap kt umah akak suh dia terbgkn kt mesia ni.haish....kecur air liur ni! :)

  14. Suzie,
    dah habis lah pavlova tu, tengok aje lah ye :-)....

    Superman ni takut tak boleh dipercayai aje, takut dia yg abiskan dulu makanan2 tu before sampai ke u, hehehe....

  15. LG, tak aci la kan suami dtg sorang.. hehe.. nak dtg kena 1family terus.. hehe..

    btw, mmg very short trip. pergi 18 hb pagi... esok mlm nye dah balik. kejap sesangat kan.

    buah chery tgh murah lg tak?berapa/kg sekarang ye? beli 1kg kejap je hasya makan licin

  16. Hana,
    lah sekejap aje ye dia dtg.Malaysian Airlines takde duit nak bayar hotel dah ye skrg ni? :-).Cherries dah end of season skrg ni, dah mahal balik, tension I. Last week I tengok dah naik $15/kg, esok nak tengok lagi, porbably makin naik kot :-(

  17. pandai pun u..
    MAS ni bab perah tenaga bagus sgt.. nak bg untung company tp bonus tak bagi.. nak pindah emirates ke qatar ke byk la gaji tp mcm belum lg la buat masa belah australia, NZ, jepun selalu2 nya short trip.. nak lama, kena plan bercuti sendiri.. ;-)

  18. Hana,
    Skrg MAS dah makin teruk ye? Tapi tiket prices still mahal gilerss ye... Best lah u klu yr hubby join emirates, sure boleh gi merata2 :-).
