Saturday 10 January 2009

Hari tu baru aje berceloteh pasal the 'easyhit bean counter' on my blog yang measure berapa ramai my visitors kan and how 'addicted' I am to watching the numbers going up every day. And how it made me happy to see the numbers keep on rising :-). Tetiba since yesterday, my counter tu vanished secara tiba2 pulak nya. Dulu pernah happened like that but after a few hours, it came back. Kali ni rasanya dah hilang terus, don't know what's wrong with it. Dah banyak kali reset pun still tak muncul2 jua... Aggggghhhhhhhhh, camner I nak satisfy my addiction macam ni kan! And macam mana I nak tau kan berapa ramai dah visit my blog.

The other half pun 'bersedih' jugak on behalf of his wife, hehehe (sebab dia pun seronok tengok nombor2 tu makin naik ;-)). And then dia kata, just get a new one lah but tak best lah kan sebab it'll start back at '000001'. He said, takpe, a new year and a new counter. Tengok lah nanti, kalau masih hilang di telan alam cyber, I'll get a new one. Kena lah go back to '000000' balik kan, hehehe. Unless ada sesapa yang tahu mcm mana nak buat the counter tak start dari 0 ? Tapi cengkelat lah namanya camtu kan, hahahahaha.......

For dinner tadi, I made fish n chips. Siap buat home made chips lagi tu, sikit nya dedikasi and motivated ke I hari ni, hahahaha. Dah lama sangat2 tak makan fish n chips ni so memang lah semua orang malam ni makan hingga licin their plates :-). Then bila tengah kemas fridge tadi, terjumpalah cream cheese yang dah nak dekat sangat expiry date nya so walaupun kengkonon nya tengah berdiet, 'terpaksa' lah jugak buat something with the cream cheese tu.

Our dinner tonite, fish n chips. Mummy's plate kena ada green things on it, kalau tak, rasa macam tak cukup khasiat aje my meals.

This is our dessert. Chocolate swirl cheesecake slice ( recipe ada kat sini )but I added a bit of home-made strawberry sauce dlm creamcheese mixture tu. I think it made the taste so much nicer, rasa 'posh' sikit dari biasa, hehehehe. Then serve the slice with the strawberry sauce drizzled on it..... Memang lah tersangat Yummy nya!


  1. errrghhhhh.. dua-dua makanan tu kesukaan saye! akak makan fish n chip je boleh kenyang ye? dorang kat sana mmg leh tahan perut ye kalo x makan nasik???

  2. Kak LG,i also have a problem with my counter.. dah 2 hari dah..

    teringin gak nak wat cheesecake nie.. tapi dah 2 week gi supermarket tak jumpa2 cream cheese.. yg spreadable ada ler.. koman tul owg arab nieh.. kalo kat msia, supermarket cap ayam pun ada jual cream cheese nie..

  3. ye larr LG, my counter pon lesap bbrape ari ni.. i x amik pusing, ingat tnet slow.. ishhh.. ada problem ye.. hehhehe i pon suka tgk counter tu.. sonok kan!! :P

  4. Hi Gee,
    Dua2 Gee suka ke?Jom dtg rumah akak, bolah akak masakkan :-). Agaknya sbb dah biasa tak mkn nasi so mkn apa2 aje pun boleh kenyang,hehehe. Akak klu masak mesti ada 1 main carbohydrates, tak kisah lah nasi ke, mee ke, pasta ke, kentang ke, roti ke, baru boleh kenyang :-).

    Oh maybe semua orang yg guna same counter tu ada problem lah ye. Sian kat u, orang Arab tak mkn cream cheese ke? Ke diaorg guna nama lain,hehehe. Hari tu balik M'sia dpt mkn cheesecake tak? Yg spreadable tu rasanya tak boleh guna buat cheese kek kan? But tak tau lah kot klu boleh.

  5. Masz,
    wahkahkahkah, serupa lah kita. Memang dah takde kerja betul kita ni kan, asik tengok nombor aje hari2 :P

  6. choc swirl ciskek tu menyelerakan la...(ish,pantang nampak cis kek.dasar giler cis!) ekekek..........

  7. salam LG
    nampak sedap nya cheese cake tu...
    tentang counter tu..ada counter yg kita boleh set starting ngan apa2 nombor yg kita nak...

  8. Fiza,
    Kamu mmng tak boleh nampak apa2 yg ada cheese ye,hehehe. Jom makan!

    Hi Za,
    thanks ye for the counter info. I dah jumpa the counter yg u maksudkan so I pun dah add the number, hehehe
