Thursday, 4 December 2008

Tomorrow at Miss 5's class, there's going to be a picnic lunch followed by a 'graduation' ceremony for all the pre-primary kiddies. There's only a week left of school before the end of the year/ summer break for 7 very looooong weeks ;-). They wont start school again until early February so kiranya memanglah lama giler, especially for the parents! Then Miss 9 is going into Yr 6 and Miss 5 is going into Yr 1. My little girls are all grown up now, sob sob sob.......

Miss 5's got a cousin in Malaysia who's also going into Standard 1 next year but she's turning 7 in February.The differences in the school systems between M'sia and OZ make it possible for these 2 cousins to be in the same 'year' at school walaupun 2 tahun beza umur, hehehe....... But Miss 5's cousin dah pandai membaca and mengira dengan lancar while Miss 5 boleh baca books for her age aje and boleh buat addition up to 20 aje ( sebab she only has 10 fingers and 10 toes only), hehehe. The primary school here (for public school anyway) is until Yr 7 so kiranya setahun lebih lah dr M'sia and high school is from Yr 8 until Yr 12 which is 5 years. Miss 9 ni she jumped a year so tu yg muda lagi dah nak masuk Yr 6, she's the youngest and the smallest in her class lah kiranya :-).

So, for the picnic lunch esok, all the parents have to provide a pot luck plate of food and I got 'rostered' to bring a sweet thing. Ingat nak buat eggless cupcake sebab ada classmate dia allergic to eggs but rasa malas pulaknya lepas dinner tadi nak buat cupcakes and nak decorate lagi.

So, I made caramel popcorn in ice cream cones. It's the first time I made it and it is really really really yummy. I had to stop the other half from continuously 'stealing' the popcorns sebab nanti sure lah tak cukup nak bawak pergi lunch esok kan! The smell itself was heavenly, the taste memanglah sedap but I can just see all my fat cells having a wild party around my thighs when I was eating it. Sape2 yang kurus and nak gemuk tu, makan lah banyak2 ni, surenya akan double in size in no time at all, hahahahahaha

After dah lama perap the resipi for pesto, malam ni baru lah ter rajin sikit nak tulis resipi nya. Jangan marah ye sebab lambat bagi resipi :-)

Basil pesto


  • 45g (1/4 cup) toasted pine nuts
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh basil leaves (tak tau lah nama dia dlm bahasa melayu but I guna a mixture of basil, mint, parsley, coriander kalau you tak nak the basil taste to be that strong)
  • 2 biji bawang putih, halved
  • 60g (3/4 cup) parmesan cheese, grated
  • 100 mls olive oil

Cara Membuat nya

  1. Di dalam food processor, place toasted pine nuts, bawang putih, fresh basil leaves and grated parmesan and blitz them until very finely chopped and mixed well.
  2. Then with the motor still running, pour the olive oil slowly in a steady stream until all the oil is mixed well with the basil mixture.
  3. Now the pesto is ready to be served on toast or mixed with pasta or smeared on grilled meat or chicken or lamb.
  4. Kalau ada lebih, you can freeze it.


  1. The varamel popcorn cones looks really cute! You go, LG!

  2. *caramel

    typo lah pulaknya.. huhu

  3. LG...Mr G baru habis eldest daughter is already on holidays; today is her last day at Friday, he will add two more to list....he calls it his 6 weeks of hell. And to add, his wife is home for 1.5 weeks during that time too!!!

  4. hi LG.. dah besar anak2 dara kite kan.. tapi kite still muda kan..he..he..he..

  5. Hi Intan,
    bukan nya idea I pun,tp idea ciplak,hehehe... But the kids were very impressed you, jangan tak tau :-).

    Hi VG,
    Hahaha, poor Mr G. I know exactly how he feels but I've only got 2 and he has 3 to deal with! My sympathy to him ;-). So, has he planned anything yet to occupy their 6 weeks?

    Hi Moi,
    Tu lah, dah besar anak2 kita kan but kita ni sentiasa muda aje you,hehehe

  6. LG..terima kasih yeaa resipi pesto tu and selamat hari raya aidil adha, maaf zahir dan batin...
