Thursday, 11 December 2008

It's been such a busy few nights with so many different things. I rasa like I'm being swamped by housework and just everyday stuff. Everytime I look around the house, rasa macam I can never get on top of the daily chores, banyak mana dishes yang I basuh, banyak mana kain yang I basuh and berapa kali pun I vacuum and kemas rumah, when I toleh again and blink, dah bertimbun balik dishes in the sink, dah bertimbun balik baju kotor, dah menggunung kain nak kena lipat, dah bersepah balik the carpets! It really makes me depressed when I think I'm not able to get things done on schedule. The other half tadi did the folding sebab dia pun dah tak larat tengok kain tinggi menggunung, hehehe...... I really need a holiday!!!!!!!!

And I dont think I'll be getting it anytime soon sebab tomorrow is the last day of school. I've told the other half that I need a day next week to myself to do my own thing without the Little Misses and him. He said to me that he'll take them somewhere and I can stay at home to do my own stuff. I told him, I don't want to stay at home and do housework, that's not a break! So I told him that he can stay at home with the Little Misses and I'll go out somewhere having a day off. As long as I have my gold Visa with me, I'll be happy :-).

Anyway, tak larat lah nak tulis panjang2, layan lah dulu gambar ye. The story behind the photos, I'll cerita esok.

Cantikkan pokok ni. I'll tell you esok the name but if you want to guess the name, boleh aje, (except for the people who live in OZ cos you definitely know what they are).

Presents for the teachers. Last day kan esok.....


  1. I pun kkdg lemas betul ngan hsework ni. Ni pulak my dh dah sacked his cleaner. Kenalah buat sendiri segala mak datuk nye chores.

    My anak2 dah habis sekolah dah semalam (Thursday). Tapi hari ni kena gak pergi ke arah situ sbb Omar ada dentist appointment. Dia nak check alignment gigi Omar. Lepas tu nak gi Carousel dan bawak diaorg breakfast kat Miss Maud ke apa.

    You pergi lah shopping ke apa. Banyak sale tau. I baru je semalam gi ke Garden city, dan two days ago ke Carousel. Shopping sakan. I beli 4 pasang kasut dan 8 cocktail rings for my self. Of course my anak2 pun I beli gak. Pumpkin patch ada offer. Beli 2 dpt 1 free. Apa lagi, tawaran hebat tu....

  2. Salam
    Been reading ur space quite recently...result of blog hoping. Enjoy reading it...coz I am on my way to be the next desperate housewife soon. The house chores are a never ending story! I've got 3 kiddos at home...they turn everything upside-down...including my brain!

  3. Kalau dpt present mcm ni, I pun nak jadi cikgu jugaklah.. hahaha


  4. Salamz Lemongrass, I just came across your blog and i must say... wow! the pictures ade class lah! Esp your all your foddies. Boleh buat melilih air liur je :)

    You takde facebook account ke? We can get to know each other better... *alamak - mcm nak gf bf aje eh hehehehe* Hope I dun scare you...

    I bukannye ape... i like networking and make friends :)

  5. bestnya jadi teacher ur little misses! kalau semua mommies macam ni sure sejuk hati teacher hehehe ;-)

  6. Hi Mallan,
    cepat pulak nya ye AIC habis school? You pergi Garden City semlm ke sbb hubby n I went there too tgh hari semlm. Hehehe banyak nya u shopping, mmng sakan betul! :-). Tu lah, I pun ingat nak pergi retail therapy next week kat harbourtown, without the kids! How come yr hubby sack the cleaner? Sian u kena jadi cleaner balik, tensen kan sbb mmng tak habis2 kerja rumah ni!

    Hi NJ,
    thanks for dropping by and enjoying reading my blog :-). I tiap2 mlm jadi desperate housewife sbb mmng nak nangis tengok my messy house! Nasib baik lah my parents nor my in laws duduk kat perth, or else mmng lah diaorg sure terkejut tengok my house kdg2, hehehe.

    Hahaha Intan,
    setahun sekali aje dpt present mcm ni :-), tak berbaloi nak tukar profession, hehehe. Last year pun I gave them lebih kurang mcm ni jugak lah and they love it too.

    Hi Zareinah,
    thanks sbb sudi singgah baca my blog. The photos biasa2 aje sbb amateur kan :-). I used to have F/book account but dah lupa the account name n password so tak boleh buka,hehehe... teruk kan :-)

    Hi Lia,
    Nak membodek hati cikgu but silap pulak nya bagi akhir tahun, hehehe ;-).

  7. cantik le bekas kuih tu..yg ada bunga rose tuuu..itu pun bagi cikgu ke?..dulu2 students suka bagi cikgu mcm2, nowadays no life style..

  8. Hi Azah,
    a'ah, bekas nya pun bagi sekali kat cikgu.I suka bagi my kids' teachers gifts but end of year aje lah :-).
