Sunday, 23 November 2008

Woke up early pagi tadi to bake some more cakes for the Open Day. Rasa tak best pulak nya nak sedekah cuma segulung swiss roll aje, macam nak tak nak aje bersedekah, hehehe. So pagi tadi I baked 2 more chocolate cakes yang sempoi aje but with decoration and icing, jadi cantik sikit dari sempoi lah ;-). Biasalah kan, kalau kosong aje kek tu, walau sedap macam mana pun, orang kurang sikit minat and tertarik hati nak beli but kalau ada icing and decoration sikit, terus teruja nak beli kan. That's marketing for you :-). But my deco bukan lah canggih mana pun, wehehehehe.

The cakes to be donated. Nasib baik lah ada orang yang sudi beli my cakes, kalau tak, memang lah I nangis sebab sedih my cakes tak menarik minat anyone. Sian Sheri kena paksa beli my cake, hahahaha.... Jahat sungguh I ni. The other half said, mana aci paksa orang gi beli my kek, hehehe. Pssst Sheri, ok tak rasa dia? :-).

Our dinner tonite, sebab terlebih rajin I buat entree samosa /karipap. Dari malam tadi dah buat inti dia but was too tired to make the pastry so tadi balik from the Open day terus suruh Cik Kenwood menguli the dough and I spent more than an hour duk mengelim. I like my kulit karipap tebal and pastry-like instead of crunchy so bila makan 1 dah kenyang. Tu yg buat besar2 so tak payah kena goreng banyak2, dasar tak rajin! ;-).

And main was nasi goreng daging, keropok and red curry.

The Little Misses at the Open day today in Miss 9's class.

Miss 5 spent about 10 minutes hanging upside down at the playground. Why you may ask? Who knows! Yang heran nya tak penat pulak her arms bergayut aje...... Rambut dia macam iklan maggi mee, hahahaha...


  1. I pun makan karipap tadi. Tp tak buat sendiri. Frozen nye I beli dari Kak Ana kat AIC. Mmg terkenal kat sekolah as the currypuff lady, org Msia tu teman bergossip sambil tunggu anak.

    I nak gi counting some sheeps ni. Ok lah. Sweet dreams.

  2. Mallan,
    semlm kat AIC ada apa? I heard kat Kewdale ada graduation day, kat Thornlie pun ke? Semlm kat Open day pun ada gak jual karipap n I pun beli jugak to eat there, hehehe

  3. Mynn, the cake sedap sangat2 tau. my husband's exact word 'sedap gile cake ni' english: this cake is really delicious!! hehe... worth every penny mynn. serious, tak tipu :).. i mula2 ingat nak sms u sejurus i mkn the cake, but tulis kat blog u lagi best :)

  4. Wahkahkahkah Sheri,
    U n Hafiz mmng minat choc beria ye,hehehe.. I think the icing and the cream in the middle tu yg buat di ajadi sedap giler kot :-). Actually I tak pernah guna that recipe, baru first time tu yg tak tahu rasanya mcm mana but I think I'll make it again sbb u ckp sedap kan :-).
