Saturday, 25 October 2008

Daylight saving will start tomorrow in WA which means we'll lose an hour of sleep tonite. This will be the third year of daylight saving in WA of a 3 year trial period starting in December 2006. Then this issue will be debated again in parliament to see if it will stay or not. I'm on the fence in regards to daylight saving, I like having sunlight until nearly 9 at night because it feels like there's more time to go out and about at night, but it plays havoc on the Little Misses' sleep though. Ye lah kan, selalunya they'll be sleeping at 7.30-8 at night and it's already dark but with daylight saving they'll be sleeping when the sun's still up! tapi us the biggies, tak kisah pun, boleh aje tidur bebila, hehehe.

But what I don't like about it is it's too long! From October to March, that's 5 months of the year our clock is screwed up, hmmm..... I guess that's the 'joy' of living in a 4-season country. So, all kawan2 bloggers yang tinggal in WA, don't forget to set your clock forward an hour at 2:00 am ye or else adalah yang nanti pergi kerja or school or appointment on Monday lambat 1 hour, hehehe.


  1. My kids tak de masalah. Tidur lambat bangun awal or tidur awal bangun lambat selalu je senyum. Yg masalah ni I. Dah tua2 gini susah my body clock nak adapt. Ada sekali tu tgk jam dah pukul 8.00 mlm, anak tak bagi lagi makan. Nasib baik gak weekend.....

  2. Mallan,
    pagi tadi bangun tak?my kids mlm ni x nak tidur sbb diaorg kata tak gelap lagi, susah betul lah!

  3. Pagi tadi of course lah bangun. Tapi lambat. Complaint kat hb, 'I lost 1 hrs of my life when I sleep'. My anak2 lak tadi bila I suruh tidur, diaorg jwp, but the sun is still up....

  4. bestnya anak2 u tido awal... anak2 i selagi belum jam 11pm or 12tgh mlm or selagi mama & daddy tak masuk tidur diaorg pun x mau tidur.
    i pulak klu sesekali diaorg tidur awal like 9pm ke mesti i pulak yg rasa x sedap hati

  5. Hi Lia,
    we all suka klu the kids tidur awal sbb then we can have time for ourselves and bila diaorang cukup tidur, senang nak kejut bangun pagi :-).
