Thursday, 30 October 2008

Another inspection day done and over with, lega sikit, now we can 'rest' for another 3 months. Pagi tadi sebelum sent the Little Misses to school and pegi kerja, we did some last minute tidying up especially the bathrooms. Yelah, pagi2 mandi kan so lepas mandi tu kenalah lap2 the shower area and the bath tub so tak lah basah and comot for inspection, and susun cantik aje the towels, hehehe. Pastu, everyone pagi ni kena breakfast cereal sebab Mummy tak nak breadcrumbs from the toast to go everywhere. Mana sempat maa nak vacuum the dining area after breakfast! Well, the main reason is that I was too malas to slice the bread that the other half made last nite. Sebab the bread that he made is multigrain bread and bila nak slice using the normal bread knife, the crumbs will fly everywhere, sure lah messy nanti my pristine kitchen! Kalau hari lain, I don't mind slicing sebab takde inspection. Maybe I have to look out for the electric bread knife, I wonder if it'll produce less of a mess masa slicing? I still haven't sliced the bread yet sampai sekarang, hehehe..... Esok pagi ajelah :-).

When we left the house this morning, it was really neat, clean and TIDY but when I look around now, I can see things everywhere.... Sheeeshhhhh!!!!! Tak sempat pun satu hari the house remains tidy, dah bersepah a few things again. But since semalam dah bertungkus lumus mengemas rumah, tonite I don't care about the mess, I'm just going to ignore them! The other half is even worse than me, he's so oblivious to any mess in the house, kalau ada depan mata dia pun dia boleh tak nampak! He said, he sees things a bit 'slower' than me. He said I can see mess and dirt as soon as it appears while he can only see it bila dah menggunung! A bigger sheeeshh!!!
The Little Misses jangan cakaplah, they don't see mess, fullstop! :-). Bila Mummy dah membebel, barulah they can see the mess miraculously and pandai terus mengemas lepas tu! I'm such a mean Mum, ha..ha..ha....


  1. My hb lak mmg peka ngan mess. Tp semenjak duamenjak beranak pinak ni, dia tutup gak mata sebelah. Should see how tidy he is. Kalau gi office dia, all files and paper in the right place. Sama gak ngan home office. Unlike me, I pulak mmg selalu tak nmpk mess ni. Kurang peka sikit. ;) My kids lak, kat luar pandai buang sampah dlm tong, dlm rumah lak, rumah jd tong..... Pening2

  2. Inspection very 3months ke..ish ish..kejapnya erk..kejap-kejap nak kena kemas lah ni.

  3. Kalau rumah besa payah juga kan nak kemas2 selalu...lainlah kalau ada "the bibiksss"...

  4. I pun mmg peka habis bab2 kemas rumah ni. Tapi toilet & bathroom hb yg take charge, we all semua tau guna je... hahaha


  5. Mallan,
    klu yr hubby tak suka nag bila nmpk mess takpelah,at least tak sakit telinga :-). I ni pulak klu dah x larat sgt tengok mess kat rumah ni, masa tu I akan start nagginglah! Semua orang I akan nag :-).

    Nak buat mcm mana kan, dah duduk rented house so kenalah ikut their rules. Penat betul every 3months ni.

    Cik Mat,
    Klu 'the bibiks' setakat kemas rumah n tolong masak best lah tu. I takut dia ter'tolong' buat benda2 yg lain sama, ahaks!

    I pun dulu hubby yg in charge of the toilets n bathrooms but since duk Perth ni, I yg in charge sbb I ni particular sikit, hehehe.

  6. My hb tak nag. Sbb tu dia cari org tolong I kemas rumah. Actually makcik dia yg pernah kemas rumah dia dulu dan dia dtg 2 kali seminggu. OK lah sbb toilet semua dia buat. Walaupun ada org tolong kemas, I still kena sapu bawah2 cupboard or katil. Makcik dia tu tak larat nak bongkok2. Ok lah.

    I tak reti nag ngan hb. Kalau ada yg I tak puas hati I selalunye diam dan naik muncung. Hb tau lah yg ada benda tak kena. Ngan anak2 lak, biasalah mommy naik angin, suara pun tinggi lah. Siap lah diaorg lari lintang pukang buat chores masing2.
