Friday, 12 September 2008

Sebelum entry malam ni, nak minta maaf dulu from all my blogger friends for being such a procrastinator. Punyalah banyak tags and awards yang you all bagi but I peram sikit nya lama sampai dah jadi tapai yang kejap lagi jadi tuak agaknya, hehehehe. Ingat bila tiba bulan puasa, makin lah rajin nak jawab tags and nak gi ronda2 rumah kawan2 ambil awards, tapi makin malas adalah! So entry malam ni will be a very long one sebab hajat hati nak jawab tags yang dah lama2 tu and post the awards in here. But before that, again, humble apologies if ada nama2 yang tertinggal in the acknowledgements. Bila dah tua2 ni, memories makin kurang, wehkehkehkeh......

1. First tag fr Mama Anis and Hana Jepun. Baru lah ni nak jawab tag yang terperam, hehe

1. What were you doing 5 years ago?
- 5 years ago we were still in Adelaide and I tengah sarat preggy with Miss soon-to-be-5. And masa tu jugaklah I finally decided to sit for my driver license test in Adelaide selepas berapa tahun menetap kat situ. I've already got my M'sian driver's license at that time but bila migrate to Adelaide, they didn't accept the M'sian driver's license, still kena resit the written and road tests, hampeh betul! Tu yg malas nak buat. But finally masa tgh dah nak terberanak tu, barulah kelam kabut nak ambil the tests, hehehe. Nasib baik terus passed on the first go :-).

2. What are 5 things on your to-do list today?
- Get the Little Misses ready for school, chaufferred them to and from school, buy milk, eggs n bread, fill up the car and take the Little Misses to swimming lessons. Basically, everything revolves around the Little Misses and the car. That's the story of my life!

3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
- I love snacks but it depends on the time of the month, wether it's sweet or savouries, hehehe.
Cadbury Picnic (which I can only eat when Miss soon-to-be-5 is not around), Jatz biscuits, potato chips/kerepek kentang,keropok ikan, tart nanas. Nasib baik raya dah nak dekat so boleh lah buat tart nanas, hehehe....

4. What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
- Only 5 things? Kalau dah jadi billionnaire, mestilah a billion things to do kan, hahaha. Macam2 I would do sampai tak larat nak tulis ;-).

5. What are 5 jobs you've had?
-cikgu sambilan lepas SPM
- keje dgn gomen kat M'sia
- tutor
- admin work
- "minister of home affairs" ( which is a tenured position, hmmmm)

2. Second tag fr Cik Mat

1. Nama timangan - aduih, sikitnya susah ke nak jawab soalan ni, hehehe. Family and jiran2 kat M'sia panggil Angah/ Mummy Angah since I'm the 2nd in the family. At school/ uni/ work/my in laws, they call me Mynn. And kat cyberworld, I'm known as LG, hehehe. My other half calls me Dear/Mynn and the Little Misses call me Mummy.

2. Saya seorang yang - if you ask the other half, he would say, too complicated to understand, hehehe. If you ask the Little Misses, they'll say, Mummy is so garang, strict, not fun but loves them lots :-). I also like my own company more, in other words, I'd rather stay at home than go out setiap masa with friends/ acquaintance.

3.Insan teristimewa - My other half, my Little Misses and my families.

4. Makanan- anything and everything yang berkenan, as long as I know what's in it.

5. Warna kegemaran - Blue and Brown. Bila dah makin meningkat umur ni, makin suka pulak kat anything dark brown, aaaagggghhhhhhhh, I'm definitely getting old!

6. Lagu kegemaran - anything minah jiwang type lagu, hehehe.

7. Benda yg membuat anda stress - The Little Misses and the other half, every single day! Hahaha

8. 3 benda dalam wallet - Driving License, cash and my visa/bankcard.

9. Kali terakhir nangis beria2 - after Miss soon-to-be-5 was a few months old when she wouldn't go to sleep without being held. I was exhausted and so was the other half because both of us were working. When I was still awake and upright having to hold her at 3 o'clock in the morning, that's when the dam just burst!

10. Tag rakan anda - sesiapa yang tengah baca Tag ni and sudi nak buat tag ni, di persilakan lah ye :-).

3. Tag from Tulip Merah

3 perkara ramadhan

i.Berikan pendapat mengenai pasar ramadhan di kawasan anda
- Huwahhhhhhhhhh, mana ada pasar ramadhan kat Perth ni! "Pasar Ramadhan" kat rumah ni pulaknya sentiasa didatangi virus Malas jadi memang jarang ada makanan menarik lah, hehehe.

ii. Apa yg anda suka dlm bulan Ramadhan yg tiada dlm bulan lain
- Lailatul Qadar, klu lah dpt merasa alangkah seronoknya. And masa bulan ni rajin banyak baca Quran. And also lagu2 raya yang berkumandang kat online radio, hehehe.

iii. Siapa anda dlm bulan Ramadhan
- still the same person cuma hopefully makin rajin beribadat lah :-)

3 perkara syawal

i. Keutamaan persiapan syawal utk - weii beraya kat overseas ni lah part paling best. Tak payah susah2 fikir nak buat mcm2 persiapan, hehehe. Baju raya the Little Misses and I dah beli masa balik M'sia haritu. The other half will wear last year nya baju. Kuih muih bila senang nanti baru nak buat, hehehehe.

ii. Dgn suasana ekonomi skrg, adakah ianya akan menjejaskan Syawal anda- Alhamdulillah, ekonomi ok lagi and then since takde anak buah n sedara mara kat sini, so duit raya tak payah bagi, wehkehkehkeh :-).

iii. visi selepas syawal- life goes back to usual I guess ;-).

Mak oi, sikit nya banyak ke tags yang kena jawab. Penat gilers jari jemari mengetuk keyboard. Ingat nak post awards sekali malam ni, but tak larat my shoulders n jari dah. Since the other half takde kat sini, takde sapelah yg boleh mengurut bahu n tangan ni bila penat. So, esok ajelah ye I post the awards. Manyak2 sori mah, hehehehe.


  1. Memang dah tau u minat lagu jiwang karat. Nanti Zahra suruh u translate pulak.. hehehe :D

  2. Nak tanya satu soalan, keropok ikan tu, keropok ikan terengganu yg colour grey tu ke? Mana ye nak beli kat sini. Tak pernah nmpk kat kedai cina pun. Yg ada keropok Indon tu. Tak berapa gemar lah. Hari tu nmpk ada yg dah goreng. Tapi tak beli pun.

    ps - You tiap2 hari kerja ke? I dah ada lesen dah. Boleh ronda2 tau.... lepas school holiday lah...

  3. Intan,
    Minah jiwang karat, wahkahkahkah...

    I bawak balik fr M'sia my supply. Setiap kali balik, itulah aje yg I akan gerenti bwk balik sini. Dulu I pernah nmpk dia jual yg belum goreng nya fr M'sia keropok ikan kat Halal Butcher kat Bentley, kedai yg dekat Curtin Uni tu. A'ah lah I keje hari2 but flexi hours so during school hols, I can 'ponteng' sbb that was in the agreement, hehehe. Basically, my boss needs me more than I need the money so tu yg tak kisah the flexi hours, hehehe.
