It's a locket. It's called purple gold. It consists of 80% pure gold and 20% other metals inclusive of palladium. I think they didn't say what the other metals are sebab tak nak orang cilok rahsia jadi kaler purple tu. He said the shop assistant told him yg you can only find purple gold kat Singapore, tak tau lah betul ke tak that statement. But kat Perth ni memang tak jumpa lagi. For me I like the unique colour and also the diamond at the end of the purple gold, wehehehehe. My necklace now is a bit chunky for the chain to go thru. Lepas ni I kenalah cari necklace white gold baru yang halus so I can put the locket on it, hahahaha. I love it Dear, thanks for the thoughts, XOXOXOXOXO..........
Monday, 15 September 2008
The other half got back from Singapore safely this morning bearing gifts for all of us, including for himself, hehehe. He bought me jewellery which is a real surprise sebab he's not that romantic. He said he saw this jewellery made out of this 'weird' metal last time he was in Singapore and he's been trying to find it here in Perth ever since but tak jumpa2. So this time he made sure he bought it for me and then only he found out that it's a special kind of metal and can only be found in Singapore. He knows his wife doesn't wear jewellery that much but he really wanted to buy it for me. So, as a dutiful wife, I said, "thank you so much Dear. I really really LOVE it". Lepas ni kenalah I pakai everyday kan kalau tak ada lah orang yang merajuk nanti ;-).

It's a locket. It's called purple gold. It consists of 80% pure gold and 20% other metals inclusive of palladium. I think they didn't say what the other metals are sebab tak nak orang cilok rahsia jadi kaler purple tu. He said the shop assistant told him yg you can only find purple gold kat Singapore, tak tau lah betul ke tak that statement. But kat Perth ni memang tak jumpa lagi. For me I like the unique colour and also the diamond at the end of the purple gold, wehehehehe. My necklace now is a bit chunky for the chain to go thru. Lepas ni I kenalah cari necklace white gold baru yang halus so I can put the locket on it, hahahaha. I love it Dear, thanks for the thoughts, XOXOXOXOXO..........
It's a locket. It's called purple gold. It consists of 80% pure gold and 20% other metals inclusive of palladium. I think they didn't say what the other metals are sebab tak nak orang cilok rahsia jadi kaler purple tu. He said the shop assistant told him yg you can only find purple gold kat Singapore, tak tau lah betul ke tak that statement. But kat Perth ni memang tak jumpa lagi. For me I like the unique colour and also the diamond at the end of the purple gold, wehehehehe. My necklace now is a bit chunky for the chain to go thru. Lepas ni I kenalah cari necklace white gold baru yang halus so I can put the locket on it, hahahaha. I love it Dear, thanks for the thoughts, XOXOXOXOXO..........
Wow, romanticnye. Sekali sekala seronok dpt suprise gini. My hb tak romantic sekali. His way of being romantic on buying gift gini, 'flower, you can buy anything you like'. I selalu tanya, 'what about the budget, how much can I spend'. Tu soalan cepumas sbb susah nak dpt jawaban.....
ReplyDeleteps- The butcher shop in Spencer Village dah bukak. Same owner as the one yg I ckp hari tu. Cubalah try.
Nice & elegant. Sesuai sgt dgn u. Lepas ni kena beli rantai yg match pulak!
ReplyDeleteHihi :D
ReplyDeletehubby I pun mcm tu gak.Slalunya dia akan ckp, u can buy whatever u like,much better if u buy it yourself instead of me buying it for you. Kdg2 once in a blue moon aje dia romantik camni,hehe.
pucuk dicita ulam mendatang lah ye gi shopping for the rantai,hehehe.
Once in the blue moon... ehmmmm, I think my last blue moon dah berzaman dah. He bought me a gold bracelet tahun 2004. Tu sajalah jewellery yg dia beli utk I. Benda2 lain mcm handphone tu adalah. Tapi gold memanglah jarang, jarang....
ReplyDeletewow weee..dpt hadiah laaa....i rasakan LG, kalau kat hujung dia ada triangle 1 carat diamond...fuuh yooo..lagi cantikk kan!!!!..ahaks 1 carat lagi!!!
ReplyDeleteagaknya yr hubby tau u bukan jenis pakai jewellery sgt pun tu yg dia 'malas' nak belikan, hehehe.
Cik Mat,
Wahkahkahkah, my hb kata banyak lah cantik nak 1 carat nya diamond. Dia kata tunggu dia menang loteri dulu, hehehe. Which means tak kan nya lah sbb tiket loteri pun tak pernah n tak kan beli so mcm mana nak menang. Hampeh, kuikuikui!
Dats Purple Gold bole beli di Goldheart Jewelry or Aspial Jewelry.La... nape tak beritahu hazel yg ur hb nak mai sini lagi... Coz gift yg nak beri tempoh hari masih ada berbungkus lagi ni.
ReplyDeleteP.S : do let me noe bila ur hb nak dtg s'pore lagi k....