Monday, 11 August 2008

Pagi tadi Miss 4 3/4 woke up saying, "I can't go to school today Mummy because I've got the sniffles and I'm coughing". Then I said, "Well, you have to go to school because Mummy's got work.'. Then she said, " Can Daddy stay with me at home then?". Then I said, "Daddy's at work already sayang." So, nak tak nak terpaksalah Miss 4 3/4 pergi juga ke school with strict instruction not to run around at the playground and not to take her jumper off even though she feels warm. Balik from school tadi, she was sweating and she told me, " I didn't take my jumper off at all Mummy even though I was sweating!". Hehehe anak I, lurus bendul betul! But she didn't cough at all at school, hehehe. Kesian jugak dia sebab she coughs at night time bila sejuk and then terus uwekk. Penat I bagi dia makan dinner, semua keluar balik.

Dinner malam ni I was terlebih rajin. I made beef mince pie,roasted sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes. Yang terlebih rajin tu, sebab I ter rajin bentuk2 kan mashed potatoes tu into balls then baked them again. Dah takde kerja lain agaknya, hehehe. The Little Misses really enjoyed them a lot though! We had the lot with green salad.


  1. Ciannya Zahra. Nasib baik la dia dengar kata (w/pun lurus bendul) drpd budak2 yg x dengar kata parents tu... Dah ok ke last nite?

    The kids sure excited tgk pie with "face" for dinner. Bravo creative mommy! :)

  2. macam manalah lg dpt. idea apa yg. nak dimasak hari2, jenuh jugak nak pikir.akak nak mintak resepi lime pie yg. LG buat tu, boleh tak? thanx...

  3. Hi Intan,
    mlm tadi still batuk2 tp tak muntah so we all tidur lena lah, hehehe.. Kids biasalah kan,tomato sauce mcm tu pun excited sgt2 :-).

    Hi Kak Erin,
    Bila tgh rajin,mcm2 sy terfikir nak masak tp bila tgh malas,mmng lah benda yg sama aje di masak, hehehe... Kak erin kena join the queue lah sbb ada bnyk lagi recipe yg sy kena post tp masih malas lagi ni. Sorry ye, takpe kan tunggu

  4. aloooo LG... lama x tinggal jejak.. :P mana aci ni... byk mknn yg sedap² tp x post recipe... kang merajuk kang!!!.. kwang3x.. :P

  5. opssttt..sowi pakai opisnyer lakss.. itu i ler..masz :p

  6. Masz,
    I dah jenguk blog you,hehehe... jangan mare ye ;-).

  7. ????? looorrr... dah x surprise arrr... muahhhaha... maluuu... :P neeway tq sudi mengodek carik myblog... kikikiki :D
