Wednesday, 13 August 2008

My dilemma setiap kali masak nasi for dinner is what to do with the leftover cooked rice. Selalunya I just put it in a bag in the freezer for later use. And selalunya I'll use it for nasi goreng lah. But bila dah buat nasi goreng a few days ago, rasa bosan pulaknya nak masak nasi goreng again especially when the nasi goreng I make everytime is the non pedas version, because of the Little Misses. And I think the Little Misses and the other half pun dah jemu jugak makan nasi goreng ni. So malam ni for dinner I tried something completely different. We had rice last nite so adalah leftover cooked rice yang nak kena habiskan. Dalam hati fikir, "well, kalau tak sedap and tak lalu nak telan, kenalah masuk tong sampah and kenalah makan roti telur aje for dinner". Nak rasa masa tengah masak tu, I puasa pulaknya and the other half wasn't at home yet. So, kenalah panggil Miss 4 3/4 to taste it cukup tak rasa masin n what not. Bila ditanya dah masin ke, she just looked at me buat muka tengah berfikir and said, "hmm, I think it's salty enough!" Hahahaha..... Nak tak nak kenalah percaya cakap dia, hehehe.

What I did was saute diced onion, diced carrot and diced mushroom until cooked. Then add cooked roast chicken meat to it and then add some tomato sauce, chicken stock, pepper and saute lagi. Put the mixture in a bowl, then add the cooked rice and salt to it. Gaul sampai mixed. Then pecahkan 4 biji telur into the mixture and gaul lagi sampai betul2 mixed. Sendukkan masuk dlm greased texas muffin tins and then top it with grated cheese. Then bake it at 180ÂșC for 20 mins. Then hidangkan with tomato sauce /chilli sauce and green salad. Miss 4 3/4 said, "This is a yummy dinner you cooked Mummy!" She's a sweet talker :-).

Since I puasa, teringin pulak nak makan rice paper rolls.


  1. asal buka blog akak jerr.. gee terpegun! sebab masakan2 akak ni tersangatlah creative.. bestnye. si Little Misses tu pon dah pandai memilih makanan. cabaran tu... nasib baik akak ni memang suka memasak... lucky dorang tue.

    sekarang gee pon dah suka mencuba masak sumting yg 'lite and easy', ikut style akak gak laa.. heheeee. cuma gee tak suka dan tak pandai masak kek sebab takut tak jadi lagipun kat rumah xde oven! hehheeee... baik beli je lah sepotong kek kalu teringin nk makan sangat2!!

  2. Soo creative & x membazir.

    Nasib baik ada Zahra jadi tukang rasa! :P

  3. Hi Gee,
    Kadang2 aje otak boleh kreatif ni, selalunya pening jugak nak fikir nak masak apa,hehehe... Wei, bagus lah dah start masak lite n easy, sbb senang kan, tak payah lama2 kat dapur, hehehe....

    Hi Intan,
    Zahra tu memang suka jadi tukang rasa sbb dia suka makan. Kalau suruh Alya, ada banyak susah lah! Hehehe
