Friday, 22 August 2008

The Little Misses had their swimming lessons this afternoon and both of them are progressing really well. Miss soon-to-be-5 memanglah tak takut air langsung, she loves being in the water and under water as well. When the instructor asked her to go under water and sit on the pool floor, she just jumped in and happily sat there for a few seconds holding her breath :-). Masa awal2 dulu, selalu jugak dia terminum air pool tu sebab tak pandai lagi control breathing under water but skrg dah expert so perut dia tak lah sentiasa penuh dgn chlorinated water lagi, hehehe... I guess bila dia tengok Miss 9 tak takut water, itu yg buat dia jadi brave because she wants to be able to do what her sister can do. Now if only Miss soon-to-be-5 can float unaided for a lot longer, that would be perfect :-).

Dinner malam ni since dah lama tak makan nasi was rice with Thai green chicken & eggplant curry. Siap bertambah the other half makan nasi malam ni, hehehe.. Either sedap sangat the curry or sebab dah lama bebenor I tak masak green curry ni, tu yg dia makan beria2 :-). The kids had mee hailam since they love it so much.

And also entry malam ni nak post the awards yang I dapat from fellow bloggers.

Award ni dpt dr VG and also Cik Mat lama dulu but since asik busy memanjang semenjak dua menjak ni so baru sekarang dapat ambil. Thank you so much VG and Cik Mat for thinking of me. Hope our cyber friendship continues.

Yang ni pula dapat dari Cik Mat lagi. Terharu sungguh lah bila kawan2 blogger think my blog is worth visiting :-). Thanks again Cik Mat. Kalau duduk dekat dah lama saya jemput datang makan2 kat rumah, hehehehe.


  1. Tadi baru je I beli organic baby eggplant kat deli kat rumah I. Sebijik kecik $1.45. I skrg ni tgh suka gi deli/small grocer dkt ngan my hse. Banyak product dari small manufacturer. Sayur2 pun dtg dari small farmer dkt WA jugak. Sbbnye si Jamie Oliver ckp ngan I, mesti beli vegie ikut season from local producer. Tu yg I ikut ckp dia tu. :)-

    Telur pun skrg I beli organic free range. Sbbnye hari tu tgk docu dia tentang ayam. Kat sini ada tak ayam organic yg halal?

  2. Mallan,
    barang2 organik mmng mahal kan kat sini. Kalau balik M'sia, beli sayur2 kampung and ayam kampung kat around my parents house, murah aje, hehehe. I takpernah lagi jumpa ayam organik halal kat sini.
