Thursday, 3 July 2008

Finally managed to upload the video of the little misses onto the blog. Tapi sikit punya lama ke it took to upload, sampai penat menunggu! But I have no idea why, the quality of the uploaded video is so bad, tersekat2 the video, padahal masa ambil tu tak lah mcm ni, ok aje. The picture pun tak best sgt sbb tak nmpk sgt muka the little misses... tension betul lah!

Bila dah masuk kebun and dah berpeluh2 and comot abis, dah takde rupa anak mat saleh nya, hehehe.... Barulah boleh mengaku anak Mummy sebab colour kulit dah lebih kurang Mummy aje :-). Sesape yang nak dengar the little misses talk with their Aussie accent, bolehlah dengar their voices now. Hope you can still watch the video and enjoy it!


  1. they are soooooo cute. the video tak la blur sangat still can see their smile :D dan tak tersekat2 lah...

  2. yup...clear,ok je...tumpang ye kak LG, Hi kak Hani !!! comelnya diorang berdua nih ! Terrorlah panjat pokok, ajar Auntie Sam please, hehehe...

  3. hani,
    mlm tadi i tengok tersekat2, pagi tadi dah ok sikit pulaknya,hehe.. anak2 panjat pokok cute kan, klu mak dia yg panjat pokok sure semua orang pakat gelak guling2 tengok :)

    lerr, kamu tak tau panjat pokok ke? Sure orang bandar ni ye ;-)

  4. waaa..anak² mat salleh ni dah pandai manjat pokok eh!.. mesti ari² dok peratikan monkeys kat kebun atuk tu.. ngeh3x..

    zahra soooo cute..asik repeat kakak alya ckp.. hhehe tukang buat skrip cuti ker pn director?? zahra tu kira omputih pelat ker? kurang jelas sikit dia ckp.. but.. she sooooooooo...cute and adorable.. alya ponnn... (kang merajuk laks sikakak tu!) :P

    i tgh bayangkan my montel panjat pokok!..aiyoooohh... x sanggup! :P

    LG, kalo mak dia pulak yg panjat.. harus mati beragan pokok tu..wakakakkaka... :P

  5. Comey nye anak2 you jadi monkey. My anak2 pun suka gak nak panjang pokok cuma kat rumah I tak de pokok. Pokok yg ada cuma lah kat sekolah diaorg. Tu pun diaorg curi2 panjat. You know lah kat sekolah sini mmg strict. Takut kena saman ngan parent kalau anak2 cedera ke apa.

    My anak2 tak de Aussie accent sbb my hb kalau ckp dah tak bunyi aussie lagi. Bila balik sini, kekawan dia complaint kat dia, he doesnt sound Aussie anymore. Pelik kan.

  6. they r sooo cute! mesti seronok dapat panjat pokok...hehe my kids belum sampai the age to let them loose climbing tree or what. right now diaorg sibuk kejar ayam jer kat rumah atok.

  7. tk sabar nk tengok video...mami kt ofis nie tkleh bukak video (teruk kann) nanti tengok kt umah
