Thursday, 5 June 2008

I love the months of June and December in Australia because of the stocktake sales, woohoooo.... Every year there are 2 mega sales kat sini, one in late December till January called post christmas/stocktake sale and one in June which is the stocktake sale. The sale in December will start right after christmas but here in Perth it starts on the 27th Dec after the Boxing Day holiday. The shops will normally open very early in the morning around 7-8 am but the people waiting in front of the shops, masyaAllah ramainya even pagi2 morning tu. But the sales kat sini memang betul2 sale lah, wei, rasa nak angkut segala benda bawak balik! The December sale will be for summer stuff so selalunya I'll stock up on clothes/dresses for rellies (which is the Aussie word for relatives) kat M'sia and also the little misses summer stuff for the next year. Bukan setakat clothes aje, segala bendalah sale so kalau masuk mana2 shops tu memang rambang mata and memang akan 'terbeli' lah apa2 aje yang berkenan di hati. I have a love-hate relationship with the sales, hehehe......

Like today, the other half and I took some time off from our 'busy' schedules to go stocktake sale shopping. Seronok sesangat bila tengok the sale banners in all the shops, macam tak nak balik aje tadi, hehehe..... My adik ipar asked me to buy her a handbag from here and I loovvvveee shopping for handbag so tu yg rasa seronok sgt pergi shopping tadi. I wanted to buy only 1 handbag but I ended up with 3 handbags and a wallet for the other half, hehehehe...... Itu pun tadi rasa nak ambik another few more handbags but kesian pulak kat shoppers lain kalau I abiskan the stock, hahahaha......

But I don't collect branded handbags so all my handbags takde satu pun yang harga sampai beratus ratus dollars. I beli masa tengah sale or anything yang berkenan di hati and tak mahal. Ada setengah orang suka kumpul all the brand stuff but we haven't got the money to spend buying those kinds of handbags. But I like my handbags collection anyway eventhough they are the cheap kinds :-). So, anyone yang feel offended with no name handbags, don't look here...

Saje nak tunjuk my handbag collection, ada a few handbags tak masuk gambar cos terlupa, hehehe.
Kalau cerita pasal the stocktake sale memanglah takkan habis. Kalau boleh, hari2 nak melepak kat shopping malls tu :-).


  1. wahhh u make me feel less feminine with ur collection of handbags. colourful & pelbagai... i punya adalah 2-3, klu dah pakai satu itu jer lah smpi rosak baru switch to new one. dah cuba tp x reti nak bergaya dgn hbag!

  2. hehe Lia,
    i punya handbag murah2 tu yg boleh beli bnyk2,hehe. itupun I pakai a few aje sbb yg lain masuk box tu yg slalu lupa nak tukar ganti. Sekarang ni I tgh guna the red handbag,nanti balik m'sia tukar lain pulak ;-)

  3. ari ni x tayang mknn tp tayang handbag pulaks ye.. amboi² ngalah mak datin pulaks.. punye larr byk nyer h/bag... heehhehe.. i pon jenis yg suka pakai satu jer.. sampaiiiii... koyak/putus/kotor.. :P x reti nak melaram cam mak datin.. kikiiki.. neeway yg mana satu dibeli pg tadik tu??

  4. rupanya ramai juga yg tak kisah sgt brand handbag ni ye. ingat i sorng hehe.. pun kalau suka pakai yg sama je.dah koyak baru la nak tukar. tak reti sgt bab2 nak melaram ni.hehe..

  5. I admit lah, dedulu masa anak2 dara, selalu gak go for the branded. Tu dedululah. Skrg dah jadi mak dara dah tak termampu lagi. Selalunye beli yg memurah2 je atau yg tgh sale. Priority skrg suka beli utk anak2. Selalu rambang mata utk anak2.


  6. masz,
    mak datin mana ada pakai yg takde brand,hehe..klu i beli yg mak datin punya,mau lah tak makan sebulan,wakakaka.sbb murah tu yg bole buat collection!

    U pun sama mcm i ye pakai h/bag x kisah brand? i punya lambat sikit nak koyak sbb tukar2 pakai,hehehe.

    The only bag yg I ada 'nama' sikit is esprit, yg lain tu cap 'homebrand' aje, kehkehkeh.Tu yg orang memang ingat maid indon bila balik m'sia ;-)

  7. Hi LG...

    Handbag collector ya??? Mesti best stocktack sales kat sana. Kalau I pegi mesti rasa x nak balik..hihi. I pun x kisah brand, janji cantik.

    Really miss to read your stories...kena qada' baca your previous entry lepas ni. Puas hati tgk your pic...up close lagi! ;)

  8. Kesian you, jadi maid. Sama jugak lah ngan I. Org selalu tanya anak siapa. Penat2 je I meneran. :)

    Dedulu kerja selalu dpt Bonus Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year pun apa lagi, ang pow pun besar + Bonus. So start lah berangan nak yg ni dan tu. Skrg ni manalah ada hb bagi bonus. Nak beli undergarment pun mintak belah ehsan dia. Heheheehe

  9. hi intan,
    tu lah sape suruh pegi cuti lama2,hehe..kan kena bertapa depan pc nak abiskan baca my entries,wakaka. Dah tengok my photo dekat2 ni barulah tau boleh cam rupa klu terjumpa ye ;-).
    Esok ni pun nak pegi shopping lagi, gara2 stocktake sale, hehe..

    kehkehkeh, klu yr hubby bagi bonus, dialah yg kena choose yr undergarments? dia suka yg frilly ye? hehehe. Jgn marah gurau aje ;-)

  10. Jgn u tak tau I minat undergarment. Lebih2 lagi bila Myer buat sale undergarment. Borong. Tak kira lah frilly ke dari Elle ke, atau Bond... James Bond ke. Janji comfy dan of course murah...

  11. hi LG, i nak tanya stocktake sales tuh mmg semua brg offer ke?saja nak tanya ni. kalau pinggan mangkuk corelle 16pc set agak2nya dalam harga berapa ye?saja nak tanya.nak compare harga dgn us punya.mana yg murah.

  12. apa lg yg menarik ek. masa bln 4 tu x ada sale.x shopping week my hb gi adelaide.saja la nak tahu sblm pesan apa2 kat dia.

  13. Mallan,
    wakakaka rupa2nya uderwear collector kamu ye ;-).

    masa stocktake sale ni slalunya semua barang lah ada price reduction but lain2 %. Kitchenware ,diningware,bedroom stuff semua bnyk sale. Corelle I tak tau pulak sbb tak minat sgt so tak pernah survey the harga,hehe.But klu yr hubby nak pegi Adelaide next week, u suruh dia pegi Myers kat city centre sbb Myers tgh real bnyk nya sale skrg.Menswear pun tgh sale bnyk lah,hehehe...

  14. ok..tq .. tak minat pun lagi..pakai yg biasa2 je.. cuma ingat nak beli utk mak.kalau beli utk diri sendiri, rasanya berhabuk kot kotak tu bawah katil.almaklum anak kecil2 lagi.rumah pun kecik je.x muat pun..hehe

    bila sampai kat bumi msia ni?harga minyak dah naik wooo.. sempat ke kita jumpa kat sini?hihi..

  15. Hi hana,
    tu lah, bila nak balik aje minyak pulak naik mendadak, susah lah sikit nak jln mana2. Nasib baik lah Australian dollar tgh kukuh skrg so masih boleh senyum lagi lah, hehehe
