Friday, 23 May 2008

Tonite n the next 2 nites I will be bz from 7.30 to 9.30 every nite because it's 'Eurovision' time! For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, go to eurovision and prepare to laugh and be horrified at the same time. Setiap tahun, the other half and me will be glued in front of the tv when eurovision is on. But, tahun ni we are so sad because the other half is not here to watch it with me, sedih betul sebab takde kawan nak ajak gelak!

When we first watched it, we didn't know whether to laugh or to be dumbfounded. Macam tak percaya how these countries can take the contest so seriously and how beria2 the singers, hehehe.... Now, it's reached a cult status in Australia, ramai fans eurovision ni kat sini including us which is so unbelievable, hehehe..... One of this year's contestant is 'Duncan the turkey' from Ireland, a puppet of all things! And you wonder why people gelak beria2 tengok a song contest, hehe....

So, that's the rambling for tonite, nak sambung tengok Eurovision balik....

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