Thursday, 15 May 2008

This morning the other half told me yang dia kena pergi Singapore next week for 4 days. I pun apalagi, terus suruh dia bawak sekali a package for sedara kat M'sia so he can post it from Singapore. Since Singapore tu kat sebelah M'sia aje kan so postage pun tentulah lagi murah banding dgn dari sini. Then saje je said to him, kalau dia pergi menyeberang jambatan ke JB, lagi lah murah nya postage tu, hehehehehe.... He gave me the 'look' again,hehehe... Since he's going to be away for 4 days, bolehlah I start 'mummy's menu' again for that 4 days, seronok!

Pagi tadi pun while I was driving and listening to the news terdengar berita yang AirAsia will start flying KL-Perth route from November this year. Terus terfikir yang with that news, starting from November, kenalah I tingkatkan tahap kerajinan I mengemas rumah inside and outside everyday sebabnya sure lah makin ramai sedara mara and sahabat handai akan 'mampir' pegi my humble abode. Ye lah, sebelum ni, tak ramai yang mampu nak datang sini especially with the exchange rates. But dah ada Air Asia nanti, bolehlah dapat tickets murah kan! I still have about 5 months to jadi rajin, hahaha....

Since dah bersemangat kononnya nak jadi rajin, dinner malam ni pun terlebih rajin sikit compared to previous few nights. Malamni, the other half wanted to have burger and chips but I wanted something a bit different so we compromised by having beef mince kebabs and roast potatoes and salsa. I made lebanese style kebabs with beef mince, parsley, onions, cumin, paprika and salt mixed together really well and then shape them onto metal skewers and then grilled. the roast potatoes I buat macam biasa, with minced garlic, rosemary n salt and then drizzled with olive oil before roasting it in the oven. The little misses loved the kebabs because they've never had it on metal skewers before so for them, rasa dia lain sungguh banding dengan meatballs biasa, hehehehe....

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