Sunday, 13 April 2008

Seronok nya hari ni sebab dapat supply tempe yg fresh from a friend. Still not frozen yet so hopefully boleh lah buat tempe starter this time. Last month tried making my own tempe from the frozen one tapi tak menjadi so tong sampah lah yang makan! Dah lah mahal, rugi aje rasa...Kalau beli kat kedai, it's already frozen and rasa dia pun tak sedap sangat. So, awal2 the other half dah asked for tempe goreng for dinner tonite, kalah orang jawa asli, hehehe...

Then singgah sekejap kat asian grocery store ni and the other half found frozen isi durian. Nampak manis and kuning so beli lah walaupun a bit pricey sebab dah bertahun tak makan durian. Tak sabar2 the other half nak tunggu dinner sebab nak makan as dessert. I asked him nak makan dengan bubur kacang ke, he said, he just wants the pure taste of durian in his mouth, hehehe...Best betul dapat mat saleh yang suka makan sambal, nasi, kari, durian...

So, malam ni dinner nasi again but I made coriander coconut rice resipi from Hani and makan dengan sambal sotong, tempe goreng, omelette and lettuce. The other half and I beria2 makan tempe goreng, hehehe....

The durian tasted sooooo nice and creamy. Miss '1 week to 9' didn't like the strong smell of durian but miss 4 1/2 couldn't stop smelling it sebab dia kata best nya bau durian ni. Pelik betul lah, hehehe. Miss 4 1/2 had 1 taste first and said 'not bad at all Mummy' and lepas tu laju aje dia makan durian tu. Miss '1 week to 9' was 'forced' by us to rasa durian sikit so at least she knows what it tastes like. Typical her, rasa sikit pastu terus kata tak sedap! Well her loss and more durian for us ;-).

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