Saturday 26 April 2008

Malam tadi we had nasi with ikan goreng, masak lemak sayur n sambal belacan for dinner. Dah berapa malam makan sambal, either sambal kicap or belacan and also overeating, so malam tadi I felt really bloated and stuffed to the max. Terasa sangat2 yang lemak2 dah mula berkumpul buat gathering dalam badanni, hehehe..... Hajat hati nak masak asam laksa but kalau masak laksa or ikan masak asam ke, adalah nanti yang ter overeat lagi, tak boleh jadi macam ni. So affter 3 nights of eating malay food, I cooked something western with loads of greens. Takpe, esok malam boleh buat asam laksa ;-).

My dinner tonite, mixed leaf salad with crumbed chicken and croutons. The little misses don't like the colour green especially when it's on vegetables so they had 1 salad leaf each with the chicken and bread.

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