Friday 4 April 2008

I am so happy tonite cos I didn't have to coook dinner. It doesn't take much to make me happy ;-). The other half's friend is here from Sydney for a conference who's going back home tomorrow. So the other half thought it would be nice to meet him up for dinner in the city. I said yes straightaway sbb it means I don't have to cook dinner and we also haven't been out to the city for a very long time. Punyalah lama tak pergi ke city ni eventhough it's only 20 minutes away. I guess there's nothing much to see there. The little misses were so excited as well to be going out for dinner at a restaurant, hehehe...It's very rare for them to be going out at night time.

We went to a Malaysian restaurant for our dinner. I had mee rebus sbb I know I wont be making this at home. The other half had tandoori, his friend had mee goreng mamak and the little misses had sate without the kuah kacang. My mee rebus was really good ,the kuah was thick and had all the right flavours.

Here are some photos of the nite...
On the way to the restaurant, saje je park jauh2 sikit konon2 nya nak jalan2 sedut udara nyaman, hehehe...
Inilah rupa my mee rebus. Siap letak dalam kuali lagi tu, teringat kat M'sia. Ada rupa mee rebus M'sia tak?
Kenalah jugak ambil gambar sebelum mula makan kan, ye lah, kalau tak macam mana nak hias 'rumah'...

On the way back to the car, saje posing tepi taman...My sweethearts!


  1. cari punya cari ...mana la mummy "angah" ni erk?? upanya ia bersembunyi...hehehehehe..mahal tu muka mummy

  2. mummy nya ni dari dulu jadi camerawoman aje, hehehe...ntah bilah lah nak gi depan camera tu!
