Monday, 3 March 2008

Today was a public holiday here in Perth for labour day so the little misses had another day off school. Lucky them but poor me ;-). It's been a busy day for me with the never ending household chores and baking bread! Must be one of my very rare rajin days, hehehe...

Started the bread making process by making the red bean inti first. Little miss 4 1/2 is allergic to peanuts and all the ready made red bean paste have peanut oil in it so nak tak nak terpaksalah buat sendiri. Boleh dpt gelaran ibu mithali macamni, hehehe. Sebenarnya bukanlah susah sgt buat inti ni tapi makan masa yg lama sbb nak kena rebus kacang, blend kacang, pastu masak kacang tu dgn gula pun agak lama jugak sbb nak bagi dia likat n pekat. Cadang tadi nak mkn the bread for afternoon tea for the kids, last2 makan utk dessert after dinner sbb lambat masuk oven,hehehe....Yg teruja sgt nak buat red bean stollen ni sbb haritu singgah rumah S_Shamen and nampak stollen dia yg tersangatlah menggiurkan. She got the recipe from DianaA from MyResipi. Memanglah sedap the stollen. The other half's taking some to work tomorrow for morning tea to share with his colleagues. Told him to tell them it's called stollen not bun kacang merah,hehehe...Mat saleh kan, susah pula depa nak menyebut kacang merah nanti...

Tonite's dinner dah tak kat M'sia lagi. Ingat tadi masih nak lepak2 kat M'sia sehari dua lagi tapi teringat pulak kat potatoes dlm pantry tu yang nak kena guna sebelum dia turn green. So, I paid a visit to the land of the other half's ancestry, the British Isle...well, his grandparents were from there anyway. But instead of just boiling the potatoes, I made scalloped potatoes which is baked. And istead of just boiling the veges to death, I steamed them which is much healthier and much more tasty! Then I teamed the potatoes n veges with baked caramel chicken wings. Tapi yg silapnya, the chicken wings are not true to Brit tradition. But I did use worcestershire sauce, so it had to be slightly Brit right! ;-)

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