Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Resipi Bergedil Ayam campak2/ chicken rissoles khas utk Ibusha.

-4 biji kentang, medium sized, peeled and diced
-400g chicken mince (lebih kurang)
-3-4 tbsp fried onions /bawang goreng (saya guna yg dah ready made)
-1 tbsp either daun sup atau daun coriander (saya campur dua2)
-serbuk ketumbar (around 1-2 tsp)
-powdered chicken stock (sy rasa semlm saya letak about 1 tsp aje)
-1 egg grade A/size XL/59g (kacau sedikit)
- Sedikit minyak utk pan frying

Boil or microwave the potatoes until cooked. Then drain well until really dry. Mash the potatoes while still hot and let it cool.
Campurkan chicken mince to the cooled mashed potatoes.
Tumbuk fried onions dan daun sup/coriander together dlm lesung hingga hancur. Campurkan into the chicken potato mixture.
Then add serbuk ketumbar, powdered stock and the egg into the mixture. Kacau until well mixed.
Basahkan tangan dan bentukkan the mixture into a ball and flatten it slightly. Buat sampai habis.
Panaskan sedikit minyak dlm flat non stick frypan guna api medium high. Bergedil ni saya goreng guna minyak yg sikit macam goreng meatballs sbb nak kurangkan penggunaan minyak dan saya tak celup lagi sekali ke dalam telur.Goreng bergedil in batches dan terbalikkan selepas 1 side is browned.
Makan panas2 dgn sos tomato atau sos cili pedas.

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