Thursday, 7 February 2008

Finally it's pouring in Perth, Alkhamdulillah! After nearly 2 months of dry summer weather, it rained today...A mad scramble around the house this morning looking for long forgotten raincoats and umbrellas to wear to school. I nearly forgot which one was the wiper button after not using it for so long...The roads were all flooded and traffic was really slow, imagine having a flash flood in Perth, that would be so cool! (well the kids think so anyway). We didn't have to turn on the aircond today either which is a first this summer.

Since it's Chinese New Year today, I thought of doing something vaguely oriental for dinner. I still have frozen spring rolls and wontons in the freezer taking up space in the already jammed packed freezer. I had no idea why the freezer was so full, but after much inverstigation which means taking everything out, I found the culprit. I found a big bag of frozen meatpies and also sausage rolls which must have been in there since December! We like our meatpies but I guess we sort of forgot that they were waiting there to be reheated and eaten. No wonder the freezer was so full. So, I had to change my dinner menu and had to postpone our chinese new year celebration to this wknd...

Tonite's dinner was truly aussie with meatpies and chips with baby spinach salad and sauteed portobello mushroom on the sides.

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